Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Safety bay pond - Alternative launch sites?

Created by tommojunior > 9 months ago, 5 Sep 2021
WA, 1 posts
5 Sep 2021 2:46PM
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Hi Everyone,

I launched from the pond last week, and it's smaller, shallower and harder to get out than ever. The main sandbar must be 25m longer than last year, and the second newer sandbar to the East of the boat ramp channel is un-sailable even in the highest of tides. Such a shame as it's still one of the nicest rigging areas I've ever used.

Where do you launch from in the Safety Bay area? Is there free parking, grass to rig, coffee shop nearby?!


WA, 3204 posts
5 Sep 2021 4:22PM
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Carlisle st boat ramp, or rig at SBYC main car park or the small car park just the other side of the toilets. bit of a walk to the beach, but there's grass to rig on.

WA, 113 posts
10 Sep 2021 9:53PM
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Last week the Carlisle Street boat ramp was closed off as it was being used by construction vehicles to rehabilitate the road that was partially washed away in the last storm.

. but I'm sure it'll be back to normal in a week or so.

There's a good crew of windsurfers of all ages and abilities at Carlisle Street. very helpful. And it's a great place to sail as you can have flat water (OK not as flat as the Pond), good bump and jump, or long long runs.and you can head out behind Pelican Island and play in the ocean swell. but ensure you're with someone in case something goes wrong as it can get kinda wild out there.


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Safety bay pond - Alternative launch sites?" started by tommojunior