My girlfriend and I are coming over from Canada to Western Australia to wave sail for a month from next week 18 November . It looks like we timed it perfectly with the end of a wind cycle. Where would the best area to go to for slog and ride wave sailing when the wind is taking a break. It looks like East of Margarate river could be best for next week, maybe even as far as Esperance? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks
End of the wind cycle????
Sorry, usually in the summer the high pressure wind blows for a few weeks then a low comes which stops the wind, could blow the other direction, then the high comes back, repeat. When we arrive the wind will not be the usual high pressure plus seabreeze.
When there is high to the west, west coast. when it shuts off and the high is all the way over near South Australia there is an opposite direction seabreeze - a SE afternoon wind - on the south coast. so west coast seabreese is southerly, and a south coast sesbreese is SE. it's not that long it's a week ish cycle.
If you can alternate Geraldton and Esperance as needed it would be an epic trip, but not many ppl want to do the driving.
do the driving !
I wouldn't normally look much further out than 3 days. Sure it might give an indication about what could happen but it can and often does change.
You're pretty much guaranteed with wind this time a year especially if you don't mind driving.
Let us know how you go!
As others have said - if you are willing to drive, sometimes say 1000km in a day, then you will get a sail somewhere.
A trick to making that work, is to do roadside-overnight stops. Do you sailing session, have something to eat, then start your drive, stopping overnight somewhere. Basically you need a van.
Don't drive at night!!!!
There is too much wildlife.
It can happen anywhere.
I drive trucks at night and I know!!