Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Windcentre Safety bay slalom series round 6 CANCELLED

Created by Subsonic > 9 months ago, 9 Mar 2022
WA, 3228 posts
9 Mar 2022 7:16PM
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Owing to a completely rubbish ongoing forecast for Saturday, the decision has been made to cancel round 6. There is a scheduled back up date, Sunday the 27th of March. Hoping to be able to run it then if Huey can give us some wind.

The 27th as I'm told, also happens to be the back up date for the Pinnaroo Point Slalom event. In the event that the stars align the wrong way and the two back up dates clash or Huey doesn't play ball, we have enough results as it stands to call it a series, but we're hoping to get one more race day in.

here's hoping..

WA, 77 posts
9 Mar 2022 8:40PM
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Thanks to Luke, Premo, SBYC, Windcentre and all the amazing volunteers for the first 5 rounds of this series. It has been epic racing with fantastic conditions.

Hopefully the 27th comes through but if not so be it! Huge congrats to Rowen Law, whether we get a 6th round or not he is the clear Champ.

Hopefully we will all be able to get together for a beer and presentations on the 27th


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Windcentre Safety bay slalom series round 6 CANCELLED" started by Subsonic