Current lightweight World Champion Tim Gourlay showing his mettle sailing for pleasure this last Sunday on the Swan River dodging the wingdings.
Saw him sail through at point walter. Impressive watching him rail the board and hold stance upwind with no footstraps to help out.
Big fleet in the Italian national races for Windsurfer Class just held a week ago. The class is a great success in Europe, Australia and now in the USA too. Here are highlights of the 3rd Italian National Race in Cagliari, Sardinia, April 2021. Full video will follow. Fasten your seat belts and enjoy it!
Bjorn Hage, legend out training for the Master Games inspired by Mickey Munoz (who perfected the crouch trick riding on his malibu) doing his take on the Quasimodo, El Spontaneo on Saturday 17 April, 2021. A completely non-functional move just done for laughs.