Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

looking for a big windsurf board for a mate

Created by curac > 9 months ago, 24 Aug 2023
WA, 1148 posts
24 Aug 2023 6:52PM
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I've got a mate who wants to get into windsurfing, and looking for a board over 160L (he is 144KG) does anyone have one or know of anything.

WA, 896 posts
25 Aug 2023 9:27AM
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curac said..
I've got a mate who wants to get into windsurfing, and looking for a board over 160L (he is 144KG) does anyone have one or know of anything.

If you can find a starboard Go or Start they might do the job.

WA, 2332 posts
26 Aug 2023 11:58PM
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curac said..
I've got a mate who wants to get into windsurfing, and looking for a board over 160L (he is 144KG) does anyone have one or know of anything.

I have a Go. I can send pix if you like. Message me


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"looking for a big windsurf board for a mate" started by curac