Tune-up question. I have been riding Armstrong gears for quite some time and bought the APF1675 to learn pumping and for super light wind winging.
I used it for the first time this week for winging. set-up was: duotone downwinder 105L, PM795, APF1675, Flow 235, Unit 6m
I was able to ride in fairly light conditions, but the nose of the board was really pointing down, to the point it was very annoying.
Any advice on how to tune this set-up for winging and avoid the nose down?
- move mast forward? (I had the mast more backward than usual as I thought I would have to compensate for more lift from the front wing....)
- smaller stab? Some shiming ont he stab?
- board shim?
What mast are you using? Performance, standard or aftermarket?
The Armstrong PM has a one degree rake built it to push the nose up with all the new breed of foils Armstrong have been making of late. S1/APF/MA/HAv?/DW
I had one of these (1675APF) for a while and used it for the same but found it just to slow winging to enjoy. Used different tails and shims but it Max's out at about 8 knots.
You'll need to use a base plate shim tilting the mast to the rear. 1-2+ degrees depending on your preference and board.
I'm using an Armstrong performance mast 795. So already have that +1 degree.
i'll try base plate shim next time. And after that will play with stabilizer.
We'll see if I find the right balance.
I tried the 180 with my APF accidentally the other day (ran to car to switch out 1080 for 1675, forgot to grab 202) and it was awful, similar symptoms. 202 way, way better. You might want to try the 202.
202 way, way better. You might want to try the 202.
No 202 to try unfortunately. but I'll give it a go with the 195 and a 1degree base plate shim
I've tried every tail I had with 1675 ..180,195,232,300,KD 13, and the only ones that work for me are the 202 and 220, the others ride nose down. 1675/60/pm795
New try. Same set-up with 1degree plate shim, mast a few cm forward. Better balance. Good session in amazingly light wind. But the board still goes nose down especially when going up-wind.
I kind of understand why people do not like the APF with a wing. Everything seems slow motion. But for me it seems a good way to practice pumping.i'm trying to avoid buying another stab but it might be a lost battle.
FWIW I did try the HA195 stab with the MA1750 and it wasn't a great success. But then I tried it with a reversed blue shim (just cut a little of the shim off so its fits on there). This was really nice to use and felt pretty balanced but in the end wasn't faster than the Glide 220 I was using. I think I read about reversing a blue shim under 1st generation stabs with later generation front wings on here somewhere but can't find the post but TBH it might have been on PP.
FWIW I did try the HA195 stab with the MA1750 and it wasn't a great success. But then I tried it with a reversed blue shim (just cut a little of the shim off so its fits on there). This was really nice to use and felt pretty balanced but in the end wasn't faster than the Glide 220 I was using. I think I read about reversing a blue shim under 1st generation stabs with later generation front wings on here somewhere but can't find the post but TBH it might have been on PP.
Yeh i used to reverse a blue using the 195.
But just get a 180 / 220 and be done with it. Works so much better with the MA, apf and new Ha.