Just got my first Parawing 4.0 and haven't used it yet. Should I try as is or should I change the bridal configuration first thing?
If it came with the new bridal configuration then don't change it. If it came with the old configuration then maybe keep it for first one or two sessions. The only benefit of old would be it's not so sensitive to poor user input. But you won't be able to depower very well. Get onto the new ASAP and maybe spend a bit more time flying on the beach and even body dragging upwind to get the feel of it. 4m is very powerful for going upwind on btw. I mainly use my 2.9m as a light rider 70kgs. For dw the 4m is good choice as you get up easily. Have fun..its soooo awesome.
I tried it with the original just to know what it felt like. If you're trying to ride in place definitely swap it. If you want to go dw you will probably want to swap it too but it's worth a try first. The power is much easier to control with the update, more range for sure and easier to use for counter balance. But the power delivery is simpler with the original configuration, basically always on like an 2 line kite, and it seems less likely to fly on the back lines while you're stowing it which can be a challenge to manage.
It may well already come with the new configuration - apparently the new ones all do. If if does, agree, just leave it. If it doesn't give it a go as is, then change after a few sessions. It's an easy mod, properly handheld through in the video.
It may well already come with the new configuration - apparently the new ones all do. If if does, agree, just leave it. If it doesn't give it a go as is, then change after a few sessions. It's an easy mod, properly handheld through in the video.
Thanks all! It came with a card saying it was in the original configuration and gave the link to the new configuration video. I'm a big guy at 95kgs so maybe I'll try as is for now with some strong conditions. My ultimate goal is to ride out, depower and ride swell, rinse and repeat. I'm going to try it with my KT Dragonfly 135ltr board. Wish me luck.
It may well already come with the new configuration - apparently the new ones all do. If if does, agree, just leave it. If it doesn't give it a go as is, then change after a few sessions. It's an easy mod, properly handheld through in the video.
Thanks all! It came with a card saying it was in the original configuration and gave the link to the new configuration video. I'm a big guy at 95kgs so maybe I'll try as is for now with some strong conditions. My ultimate goal is to ride out, depower and ride swell, rinse and repeat. I'm going to try it with my KT Dragonfly 135ltr board. Wish me luck.
If your riding in place your definitely going to want to do the mod as it allows for much better upwind angles.
It'll likely feel a bit foreign regardless of bridle config. the first session. Handling on the beach is super easy and intuitive. The on-water experience much less so. I MUCH prefer the new config. as upwind and depower feels so much better, but there's some muscle memory that needs to be developed so that you're not over/under sheeting. The smallest wrist input has big effects on handling. I actually think the parawing could be de-tuned a bit for slower sheeting response, but I'm getting used to it (only had about 6 sessions). I've been riding the KT DFly 110L with decent success at 93kg. It helps to be pretty powered up, but not overpowered. Harness helps immensely. If you are powered well on a 4m wing, the 4m parawing is good to go. For me 15 knots is minimum, 18-20 ish is just right. 25 knots starts becoming a real handful.