I'm looking for a board that would be my prone and higher wind wing board. I'm thinking a mid length in 45-55 l in around 5.5?
im not the strongest paddler since I've got a bad shoulder so something that would catch waves easy but still be light under foot while foiling. I'm 78 kg and new to prone foiling (have surfing experience) any recommendations? Thanks
There's more than one midlength thread going now! To save you reading through them:
Omen Flux
Armstrong Mid 5'5"
Amos Sultan Prone
Pedigo-Portal Enigma
Amundson customs
Non "mid length"
Kt Drifter 4
The armie 5'1 45 litre is getting good reviews that prones and pumps okay - with very good paddle. Seen guys catching unbroken waves on them.
But overall it's a good time to be looking for an easy paddler with the advent of the mid length across brands as mentioned above that fill the niche you are looking for.
I have the 5'5' 55L Armie board, weighing 68 kgs and have proned once and winged it a few times. Prone was awesome..no paddle pop-n-go wave catching is definitely a thing with this board. Feels very surfy as well, very good pump - stiff. I'll probably prone this board almost all sessions unless duck dives are required (some decent size).
Winging it is amazing as well. The narrow waist can make it a bit tricky in choppy conditions, but once two hands are on the wing with a bit of power, its game on.
I have the omen flux 60 ltr and about the same weight as you. Great winger!!!! Only tried prone once so far, catching waves is pretty easy, but I am just learning prone. I would highly recommend this board.
I have the omen flux 60 ltr and about the same weight as you. Great winger!!!! Only tried prone once so far, catching waves is pretty easy, but I am just learning prone. I would highly recommend this board.
Sounds good thanks!