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Bloody Victoria Letting Team Australia Down Again

Created by holy guacamole > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2020
QLD, 1607 posts
16 Jul 2020 3:02PM
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Pugwash said..
Bananabender said..
Hey Bazz,
One of my daughters in a lock down area has just been tested positive and my 96 yo father in law ,who lives alone , is a monty to get it if it continues to spread .
If one of them carks it do you reckon I can lay charges against the Andrews government for
Incompetence, manslaughter etc.
. I can see a class action here.

Sorry to hear that mate... that sux...

Bit of a wake up call Pug.
she is 50 and suffering from razor blades in throat , sweats, bad cough and headaches. They told her if she coughs up blood call ambos. Glad rest of family moved to Qld.

QLD, 3570 posts
16 Jul 2020 3:34PM
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Pugwash said..

Bananabender said..
Hey Bazz,
One of my daughters in a lock down area has just been tested positive and my 96 yo father in law ,who lives alone , is a monty to get it if it continues to spread .
If one of them carks it do you reckon I can lay charges against the Andrews government for
Incompetence, manslaughter etc.
. I can see a class action here.

Sorry to hear that mate... that sux...

No ... Serco had the contract for security , all your pathetic rants about union mates etc is pathetic , Presently NZ is a safer country to reside , why is that ? Could it be there Gov chose the correct response ? , I'd suggest so .

WA, 7674 posts
16 Jul 2020 2:00PM
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bazz61 said..

Pugwash said..

Bananabender said..
Hey Bazz,
One of my daughters in a lock down area has just been tested positive and my 96 yo father in law ,who lives alone , is a monty to get it if it continues to spread .
If one of them carks it do you reckon I can lay charges against the Andrews government for
Incompetence, manslaughter etc.
. I can see a class action here.

Sorry to hear that mate... that sux...

No ... Serco had the contract for security , all your pathetic rants about union mates etc is pathetic , Presently NZ is a safer country to reside , why is that ? Could it be there Gov chose the correct response ? , I'd suggest so .

What on earth are you babbling on about bazz? Nowhere have I said anything about unions etc etc etc...

My post simply has some words of support for a bloke whose daughter has just tested positive to CV19 and he is also deeply concerned for his elderly father in law...

Take a good look at yourself... your post is a bit off...

holy guacamole
1393 posts
16 Jul 2020 2:28PM
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kato said..Not a hope in hell. How about you blame the real crim in the company that let the virus out of lockdown hotels. The crime already exists....industrial man slaughter. Try that instead

Bananabender said..If one of them carks it do you reckon I can lay charges against the Andrews government for
Incompetence, manslaughter etc. I can see a class action here.

Yeah! Too right.
I blame Dan Andrews for that disgrace Pauline Hanson.
I blame Dan Andrews for Whitlam's dismissal.
I blame Dan Andrews for anyone who voted Liberal National at the last election.
I blame Dan Andrews for bent bananas.
I blame Dan Andrews for xenophobia (please exploin).
I blame Dan Andrews for the horrendous bushfire season.
I blame Dan Andrews for a bad cup of tea and soggy Saos.
I blame Dan Andrews for Clive Palmer and whining Queenslanders and whining West Awwstrayans..
I blame Dan Andrews for old people who die of a virus.
I blame Dan Andrews for Dan Andrews.

Even Dan Andrews blames everything on Dan Andrews.

QLD, 1607 posts
16 Jul 2020 4:36PM
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holy guacamole said..
kato said..Not a hope in hell. How about you blame the real crim in the company that let the virus out of lockdown hotels. The crime already exists....industrial man slaughter. Try that instead

Bananabender said..If one of them carks it do you reckon I can lay charges against the Andrews government for
Incompetence, manslaughter etc. I can see a class action here.

Yeah! Too right.
I blame Dan Andrews for that disgrace Pauline Hanson.
I blame Dan Andrews for Whitlam's dismissal.
I blame Dan Andrews for anyone who voted Liberal National at the last election.
I blame Dan Andrews for bent bananas.
I blame Dan Andrews for xenophobia (please exploin).
I blame Dan Andrews for the horrendous bushfire season.
I blame Dan Andrews for a bad cup of tea and soggy Saos.
I blame Dan Andrews for Clive Palmer and whining Queenslanders and whining West Awwstrayans..
I blame Dan Andrews for old people who die of a virus.
I blame Dan Andrews for Dan Andrews.

Even Dan Andrews blames everything on Dan Andrews.

Your too kind with above. Andrews is not that smart.

holy guacamole
1393 posts
16 Jul 2020 2:40PM
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Bananabender said..Your too kind with above. Andrews is not that smart.

holy guacamole said..

kato said..Not a hope in hell. How about you blame the real crim in the company that let the virus out of lockdown hotels. The crime already exists....industrial man slaughter. Try that instead

Bananabender said..If one of them carks it do you reckon I can lay charges against the Andrews government for
Incompetence, manslaughter etc. I can see a class action here.

Yeah! Too right.
I blame Dan Andrews for that disgrace Pauline Hanson.
I blame Dan Andrews for Whitlam's dismissal.
I blame Dan Andrews for anyone who voted Liberal National at the last election.
I blame Dan Andrews for bent bananas.
I blame Dan Andrews for xenophobia (please exploin).
I blame Dan Andrews for the horrendous bushfire season.
I blame Dan Andrews for a bad cup of tea and soggy Saos.
I blame Dan Andrews for Clive Palmer and whining Queenslanders and whining West Awwstrayans..
I blame Dan Andrews for old people who die of a virus.
I blame Dan Andrews for Dan Andrews.

Even Dan Andrews blames everything on Dan Andrews.

Spoken like a true afficionado of all things Dan Andrews. Do you have a Dan Andrews dart board in the pool room? It would help.

WA, 7674 posts
16 Jul 2020 2:48PM
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holy guacamole said..

Bananabender said..Your too kind with above. Andrews is not that smart.

holy guacamole said..

kato said..Not a hope in hell. How about you blame the real crim in the company that let the virus out of lockdown hotels. The crime already exists....industrial man slaughter. Try that instead

Bananabender said..If one of them carks it do you reckon I can lay charges against the Andrews government for
Incompetence, manslaughter etc. I can see a class action here.

Yeah! Too right.
I blame Dan Andrews for that disgrace Pauline Hanson.
I blame Dan Andrews for Whitlam's dismissal.
I blame Dan Andrews for anyone who voted Liberal National at the last election.
I blame Dan Andrews for bent bananas.
I blame Dan Andrews for xenophobia (please exploin).
I blame Dan Andrews for the horrendous bushfire season.
I blame Dan Andrews for a bad cup of tea and soggy Saos.
I blame Dan Andrews for Clive Palmer and whining Queenslanders and whining West Awwstrayans..
I blame Dan Andrews for old people who die of a virus.
I blame Dan Andrews for Dan Andrews.

Even Dan Andrews blames everything on Dan Andrews.

Spoken like a true afficionado of all things Dan Andrews. Do you have a Dan Andrews dart board in the pool room? It would help.

Do you have a picture in the special persons place in your wallet with Dan Andrews, your face cut out and stuck next to him and love hearts all around?

QLD, 1607 posts
16 Jul 2020 4:50PM
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holy guacamole said..
Bananabender said..Your too kind with above. Andrews is not that smart.

holy guacamole said..

kato said..Not a hope in hell. How about you blame the real crim in the company that let the virus out of lockdown hotels. The crime already exists....industrial man slaughter. Try that instead

Bananabender said..If one of them carks it do you reckon I can lay charges against the Andrews government for
Incompetence, manslaughter etc. I can see a class action here.

Yeah! Too right.
I blame Dan Andrews for that disgrace Pauline Hanson.
I blame Dan Andrews for Whitlam's dismissal.
I blame Dan Andrews for anyone who voted Liberal National at the last election.
I blame Dan Andrews for bent bananas.
I blame Dan Andrews for xenophobia (please exploin).
I blame Dan Andrews for the horrendous bushfire season.
I blame Dan Andrews for a bad cup of tea and soggy Saos.
I blame Dan Andrews for Clive Palmer and whining Queenslanders and whining West Awwstrayans..
I blame Dan Andrews for old people who die of a virus.
I blame Dan Andrews for Dan Andrews.

Even Dan Andrews blames everything on Dan Andrews.

Spoken like a true afficionado of all things Dan Andrews. Do you have a Dan Andrews dart board in the pool room? It would help.

Na the only ones I could find were made in China and had Andrews in a compromised position with

WA, 1849 posts
16 Jul 2020 3:12PM
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Do we have to drag this political crap into General all because one of you won't play in Heavy Weather

holy guacamole
1393 posts
16 Jul 2020 3:20PM
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I agree Mr Toph pugwash should just stay in HW.

I started this firmly as a satirical topic. It was not my choice to make it political.

That was a decision by the bjw and the ensuing Dan Andrews hate squad! So maybe direct your displeasure that-a-ways.

Best, HG

PS. In the meantime, let's go with some more satire.

QLD, 3570 posts
16 Jul 2020 5:58PM
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Apologies for offence , was just pointing out that the CEO in charge chose a covid suppresion route ie $$$ more important than health , when elimination is feasible in an island country.. see like NZ , the rest is now history ..unfortunatly for some .

WA, 7674 posts
16 Jul 2020 4:39PM
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holy guacamole said..
I agree Mr Toph pugwash should just stay in HW.

I started this firmly as a satirical topic. It was not my choice to make it political.

That was a decision by the bjw and the ensuing Dan Andrews hate squad! So maybe direct your displeasure that-a-ways.

Best, HG

PS. In the meantime, let's go with some more satire.

How odd... it wasn't me that made this political... it was me that said "what a strange post... it's all due to blue team, red team in Canberra"

So what is your point here? Trolling? Personal attacks? Talking about people, not the topic?

WA, 14911 posts
16 Jul 2020 5:48PM
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Toph said..
Do we have to drag this political crap into General all because one of you won't play in Heavy Weather

Actually, that's a very good point. We, or at least I, had assumed HG was not able to participate in HW, hence the type of posts you see in General. Now that we know he does have access to HW, why is he not confining them to HW where they are supposed to go and die?

WA, 7674 posts
16 Jul 2020 6:01PM
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FormulaNova said..
Toph said..
Do we have to drag this political crap into General all because one of you won't play in Heavy Weather

Actually, that's a very good point. We, or at least I, had assumed HG was not able to participate in HW, hence the type of posts you see in General. Now that we know he does have access to HW, why is he not confining them to HW where they are supposed to go and die?

Perhaps it's like when mummy and daddy said you had to keep the bedroom door open when "that" friend was over...

VIC, 3455 posts
16 Jul 2020 8:15PM
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Still......I'm not enjoying all this chaos but it's got its benefits.
No Melbourneites pinching MY waves this time

Dunny rolls and food in the local supermarket.

Zero traffic if I want to go through Melbourne.....not likely

Interesting news ..... nah not really only look at the tally to see which records have been broken.

Just remember it's us that's the issue and solution

Surf tomorrow, surf Saturday, sail Sun and Monday. Life can still be great

VIC, 1619 posts
17 Jul 2020 7:23AM
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bazz61 said..

Pugwash said..

Bananabender said..
Hey Bazz,
One of my daughters in a lock down area has just been tested positive and my 96 yo father in law ,who lives alone , is a monty to get it if it continues to spread .
If one of them carks it do you reckon I can lay charges against the Andrews government for
Incompetence, manslaughter etc.
. I can see a class action here.

Sorry to hear that mate... that sux...

No ... Serco had the contract for security , all your pathetic rants about union mates etc is pathetic , Presently NZ is a safer country to reside , why is that ? Could it be there Gov chose the correct response ? , I'd suggest so .

Join the dots, if one wants blood lil Danny Andy boy aint even close to the tale of the snake, no surprise that Serco's tentacles are involved they were highly involved in the events of 911. Best one turns their attention to where the power, influence, money leads if one wants to lay blame as to WHO & other inFLUencer's are responsible for this globalised PLANEDemic.



NSW, 7065 posts
17 Jul 2020 8:54AM
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They've a heck of a lot to answer for, Victorians. If they'd not bastardized Gaelic football and made their version so popular Australia would be in with a chance at beating the All Blacks!

TAS, 2967 posts
17 Jul 2020 9:28AM
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Spotty said..

bazz61 said..

Pugwash said..

Bananabender said..
Hey Bazz,
One of my daughters in a lock down area has just been tested positive and my 96 yo father in law ,who lives alone , is a monty to get it if it continues to spread .
If one of them carks it do you reckon I can lay charges against the Andrews government for
Incompetence, manslaughter etc.
. I can see a class action here.

Sorry to hear that mate... that sux...

No ... Serco had the contract for security , all your pathetic rants about union mates etc is pathetic , Presently NZ is a safer country to reside , why is that ? Could it be there Gov chose the correct response ? , I'd suggest so .

Join the dots, if one wants blood lil Danny Andy boy aint even close to the tale of the snake, no surprise that Serco's tentacles are involved they were highly involved in the events of 911. Best one turns their attention to where the power, influence, money leads if one wants to lay blame as to WHO & other inFLUencer's are responsible for this globalised PLANEDemic.



Oh, the "Corbett Report" another reliable source of "facts" without evidence.

Mr Milk
NSW, 3064 posts
17 Jul 2020 9:44AM
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maliyatyra said..
The Socialist Republic of Victoria, the hardest Policing of the virus, biggest fines, worst performer.

But they privatised supervision of hotel quarantine. That's not usually the practice of a socialist government.
The private sector always does it cheaper and better, doncha no?

WA, 7674 posts
17 Jul 2020 8:09AM
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Mr Milk said..
maliyatyra said..
The Socialist Republic of Victoria, the hardest Policing of the virus, biggest fines, worst performer.

But they privatised supervision of hotel quarantine. That's not usually the practice of a socialist government.
The private sector always does it cheaper and better, doncha no?

Perhaps they just lack the knowledge and expertise for engaging the private sector.

WA, 14911 posts
17 Jul 2020 9:29AM
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Pugwash said..

Mr Milk said..

maliyatyra said..
The Socialist Republic of Victoria, the hardest Policing of the virus, biggest fines, worst performer.

But they privatised supervision of hotel quarantine. That's not usually the practice of a socialist government.
The private sector always does it cheaper and better, doncha no?

Perhaps they just lack the knowledge and expertise for engaging the private sector.

Now you are just drawing things out. I think we can agree that private enterprise is generally about delivering as little as possible for the most amount of money.

If that's what you want, then its a good choice, but if you want something where things don't slip, and are run little a military operation, then I guess you need to engage the military.

WA, 7674 posts
17 Jul 2020 9:52AM
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FormulaNova said..

Pugwash said..

Mr Milk said..

maliyatyra said..
The Socialist Republic of Victoria, the hardest Policing of the virus, biggest fines, worst performer.

But they privatised supervision of hotel quarantine. That's not usually the practice of a socialist government.
The private sector always does it cheaper and better, doncha no?

Perhaps they just lack the knowledge and expertise for engaging the private sector.

Now you are just drawing things out. I think we can agree that private enterprise is generally about delivering as little as possible for the most amount of money.

If that's what you want, then its a good choice, but if you want something where things don't slip, and are run little a military operation, then I guess you need to engage the military.

Merely responding to the post above... I'm not suggesting private enterprise is the right thing here... or the military... No other state has taken the approach Victoria has chosen...

NSW is moving very quickly again now there are very low levels of community transmission... it is the only way...

Mr Milk
NSW, 3064 posts
17 Jul 2020 12:18PM
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Yesterday they were saying that we have a better version of the virus in NSW. Faster to spread, which is what you would expect from a new disease. A variation that jumps from host to host faster is biologically fitter than one which takes more time.
Some people like to think that the host pathogen relationship means it is in the interest of the pathogen to be less deadly. so it should evolve in that direction. Maybe so in the long run, but at the moment there is no evolutionary pressure in that direction. All the virus sees is a huge resource of people to infect. It can afford to kill plenty, so the fastest infector has the advantage.

VIC, 3455 posts
17 Jul 2020 12:22PM
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Victoria overachieving again. Aus record 428 new cases. But WTF is with NSW only testing 3000 people !!! Hell we test that before our first coffee

WA, 2183 posts
17 Jul 2020 11:16AM
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I don't know why we're picking on Victoria. According to the department of health the whole country is in pretty much the same boat with a general infection rate of around 0.3%

WA, 14911 posts
17 Jul 2020 11:43AM
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psychojoe said..
I don't know why we're picking on Victoria. According to the department of health the whole country is in pretty much the same boat with a general infection rate of around 0.3%

I think you are missing that they are targetting the testing.

In WA, infection rates are super low and as far as I am aware confined to returned travellers who seem to all have it... although thats only the ones they report on. I don't think they are finding it in the community at all yet.

In Victoria they are doing a shed load more tests, and finding it in those tests.

WA, 14911 posts
18 Jul 2020 6:21AM
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Mr Milk said..
Yesterday they were saying that we have a better version of the virus in NSW. Faster to spread, which is what you would expect from a new disease. A variation that jumps from host to host faster is biologically fitter than one which takes more time.
Some people like to think that the host pathogen relationship means it is in the interest of the pathogen to be less deadly. so it should evolve in that direction. Maybe so in the long run, but at the moment there is no evolutionary pressure in that direction. All the virus sees is a huge resource of people to infect. It can afford to kill plenty, so the fastest infector has the advantage.

I wonder if there is any testing to see if the virus is changing? Last time I looked at this people were saying despite people thinking there were different strains, it was just the same.

I guess there needs to be testing to identify if it has changed, and is anybody doing that?

WA, 14911 posts
23 Jul 2020 8:30AM
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I was reading some news this morning that was saying WA is using a similar way to safeguard returned travelers as Victoria used. Are we going to see the same thing with people escaping and spreading Covid19 around and passing it on via security guards?

Is it wrong to paint the Covid19 infected people green with an ink that doesn't wash off for days so that we can identify them in the crowd?

How about we place an identifying mark on their right hand, say a barcode, that we can then use to track them? Maybe on their forehead even? What about only allowing them to trade if they have such a mark?

Jokes aside, I worry when private enterprise is left to do something and its of national security!

WA are lucky that they don't have the population density of other states, but that won't protect much if Covid19 starts popping up all over the place.

VIC, 3455 posts
23 Jul 2020 12:48PM
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Brand on the forehead the ones that skip out

WA, 14911 posts
23 Jul 2020 12:36PM
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kato said..
Brand on the forehead the ones that skip out

With a 666 or a microsoft logo? I would go with the Windows/Microsoft logo.

Do you think this would have conspiracy theorists alarmed or satisfied?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Bloody Victoria Letting Team Australia Down Again" started by holy guacamole