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Finally got an answer from the trial sponsor

Created by psychojoe > 9 months ago, 10 Oct 2023
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WA, 3383 posts
28 Oct 2023 7:01PM
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psychomub said..

I think it is generally accepted that less than 1% of side affects are reported.

I personally know three people with severe side effects.

Two have been in and out of hospital with myocarditis and one is now legally blind after a booster shot. She had a full medical before getting the booster and was declared to be in great health. Admitted to hospital within 4 hours of getting the shot. Her doctor said he had other cases exactly the same.

None of these three will appear on the side effects data base.

Medical professionals are discouraged from reporting vax injuries.

If you are prepared to accept anecodotes as medical evidence... everyone I know personally is vaccinated, none have had any side effects other than a sore arm or mild flu-like aches. None have been hospitalised with COVID.

383 posts
28 Oct 2023 7:17PM
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ok said..

fangman said..

psychomub said..
Medical professionals are discouraged from reporting vax injuries.

Can you please explain how and by whom, medical professionals are discouraged from reporting?

At what point are all you pro vaxxers going to realise they don't care about your health??
The pharmaceutical industry is the biggest money spinner since FOREVER.
Just wait until you hear about the new 6 in one vaccine VAXELIS that's for kids 0-5 years. Killed plenty of babies in the trials and causes major issues but still out there being put into innocent babies for profit.

That doesn't make your case. Your specific claim (disregarding all the others) that doctors are prohibited from reporting side effects of the covid vaccines is not supported by an instruction from Aphra to not promote anti-vax bollocks.

QLD, 463 posts
28 Oct 2023 9:51PM
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The image above come to mind but this is probably in the US, you can bet doctors in Australia will have vaccine incentives too tho and even stricter punishments for anyone that questions vaccines.
Filling out a VAERS report takes up doctors time and most doctors never got shown how to.
Some doctors and nurses that have filed VAERS reports have spoken out about being threatened with disciplinary action from their employer and some have been stood down.
From Sydney Morning Herald
Doctors, nurses and pharmacists who spread COVID anti-vaccination claims will face harsh penalties, including being stripped of their ability to practise, by the medical watchdog.
Now governments are taking steps to mussel all of us with the Misinformation Bill.
We are supposed to trust our doctors to do no harm and give us informed consent but those days are long gone. Some good doctors tried to prescribe Ivermectin but couldn't because the big guys above wanted to push an injection and didn't want a safe, over the counter drug thats no longer patented to be the saviour and make the emergency use authorisation void.
The injections were illegally authorised because of the ivermectin smear campaign.
What expert advice is a doctor supposed to give about vaccines anyway, they only study vaccines for a quarter of a day in medical school. All they learn about them is to say they are good and never question them or else. Most doctors are basically useless now days all they do is check what the computer says they can prescribe, say or do.
And I'm not talking about surgeons that save lives from car accidents/trauma, I am talking about general practitioners and pediatric doctors.

WA, 1774 posts
29 Oct 2023 10:22AM
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I can't see anything in the message from APHRA discouraging reporting. I see a position statement about vaccine messaging, but no guidance of any sort to not report any adverse reactions. Perhaps there is there some confusion here as to what 'reporting' in a health professional environment actually means?

WA, 1774 posts
29 Oct 2023 10:46AM
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"...Some doctors and nurses that have filed VAERS reports have spoken out about being threatened with disciplinary action from their employer and some have been stood down." This is very concerning to hear. Can you point me to the instance(s) where this had occurred?
"...What expert advice is a doctor supposed to give about vaccines anyway, they only study vaccines for a quarter of a day in medical school. " Just checking, are you in Australia? I can assure you that the Immunology, pharmacology, and biochemistry units all take more than a quarter of a day to study.

WA, 3383 posts
29 Oct 2023 11:00AM
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^Many people assume immunity and resistance are the same thing.

QLD, 1399 posts
29 Oct 2023 6:42PM
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I'm in my final day of Covid recovery, hopefully back on the water tomorrow. Bloody glad I was fully vaxed, only 3 days of feeling like crap and almost back to normal. I remember the tv images of people in hospital in comas and on oxygen with a dose of covid, how things have changed with the vaccine. My partner had it too, from who I caught it from and has recovered just as quickly.
Thankyou medical science for my quick recovery and return to my water sports .

NSW, 1089 posts
29 Oct 2023 11:28PM
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Fang man what if you were a doctor and specialised in immunology and knew the vaccines wouldn't stop infection or the spread of infection but you couldn't speak up against the false advertising ? Or if you were a doctor who you knew your patient had a peanut allergy but the vaccine to stop
covid was liquified peanuts ???

NSW, 1089 posts
29 Oct 2023 11:29PM
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airsail said..
I'm in my final day of Covid recovery, hopefully back on the water tomorrow. Bloody glad I was fully vaxed, only 3 days of feeling like crap and almost back to normal. I remember the tv images of people in hospital in comas and on oxygen with a dose of covid, how things have changed with the vaccine. My partner had it too, from who I caught it from and has recovered just as quickly.
Thankyou medical science for my quick recovery and return to my water sports .

Lol please clarify FULLLY VAXXED?
Is it like having a fully sick vn commodore and living in penrifff?

Have fun with humping a boom when you get back on your windsurfing equipment..

WA, 1774 posts
30 Oct 2023 9:09AM
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ok said..
Fang man what if you were a doctor and specialised in immunology and knew the vaccines wouldn't stop infection or the spread of infection but you couldn't speak up against the false advertising ? Or if you were a doctor who you knew your patient had a peanut allergy but the vaccine to stop
covid was liquified peanuts ???

Sorry, but my questions were not meant to be a trigger for some rather odd hypotheticals. Vaccines don't stop infection, never have and probably never will. They don't need to. They work by priming your bodies immune defence system by providing a form of a viral 'Identikit' picture. When you do get infected, your immune system recognises and removes the antigen(virus). This may happen before your start showing symptoms. If the virus is somewhat disguised by evolutionary mutations, it may take longer for your immune system to recognise the threat and respond. In this case, you will have symptoms and will be infectious for a period of time.
I am sorry, I really don't understand how to process the liquified peanuts question.
I have taken the time to attempt to answer your question. Can you please do me the courtesy of answering mine; that is;...Some doctors and nurses that have filed VAERS reports have spoken out about being threatened with disciplinary action from their employer and some have been stood down." Can you point me to a verified documented instance(s) where this has occurred?

QLD, 463 posts
30 Oct 2023 12:25PM
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I'll Chase up about the staff that lost their jobs from reporting to VAERS when I can be bothered to search for over 1 year old censored videos.
In the meantime have a read.

Comparison of the V-safe data to VARES data shows that the Harvard Pilgrim study is accurate in that less that 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported to VARES.

Honestly if you still getting Covid in 2023 your immune system is trashed from shooting up too much.

WA, 3383 posts
30 Oct 2023 12:40PM
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"That study is titled "Electronic Support for Public Health-Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS)," and it is the final report of a grant given to Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. It is worth pointing out that Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc., has no affiliation with Harvard University. Reference to "the Harvard study" regarding the 1% figure adds legitimacy it doesn't deserve.
The Harvard Pilgrim study is not a reference that substantiates any claims about VAERS underreporting. It is a reference to substantiate claims that the CDC has no interest in making reports of vaccine injury either more accurate or more comprehensive.

The Harvard Pilgraim study is here for all to see: "

WA, 1774 posts
30 Oct 2023 1:03PM
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Perhaps I should have been more specific. I only want info from Australia, that is, any substantiated censorship of AEFI (adverse event following immunisation) reporting by health professionals in Australia. I am not interested in any other databases such as the US based VAERS that you have listed. Australian GP's etc don't report directly to the VAERS database. I don't know about a VARES database and assume that was a typo.
Just as a side note, the Pilgrim study you mention is from September 2010...

WA, 3522 posts
30 Oct 2023 1:09PM
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As mentioned many times before. Watersports site.

Take the covid/conspiracy discussion to other sites that welcome it.

Many Thanks

NSW, 1089 posts
30 Oct 2023 9:28PM
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Seabreeze said..
As mentioned many times before. Watersports site.

Take the covid/conspiracy discussion to other sites that welcome it.

Many Thanks

It's not conspiracy. The royal commission will prove this. But yeh let's keep it watersports n weather related!
Id love to contribute to this but unfortunately my heart functions at 53% percent so the only water sport I've got is being a conspiracy theorist surfing the World Wide Web. PLEASE EVERYONE GOOOOO AND GET VACCINATED & BOOOOSTED AS MUCH AND AS MANY TIMES AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN!

It will make it easier for me to teach my daughter how to exist in a world of lemmings

WA, 1557 posts
30 Oct 2023 8:48PM
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There is still a small percentage of folks that are 'doing the right thing' aka injecting themselves with poison.

We therefore need to warn others of the obvious dangers - think 140 000 reports pf harm to the TGA database right here in Australia.

QLD, 1399 posts
31 Oct 2023 7:15AM
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ok said..

airsail said..
I'm in my final day of Covid recovery, hopefully back on the water tomorrow. Bloody glad I was fully vaxed, only 3 days of feeling like crap and almost back to normal. I remember the tv images of people in hospital in comas and on oxygen with a dose of covid, how things have changed with the vaccine. My partner had it too, from who I caught it from and has recovered just as quickly.
Thankyou medical science for my quick recovery and return to my water sports .

Lol please clarify FULLLY VAXXED?
Is it like having a fully sick vn commodore and living in penrifff?

Have fun with humping a boom when you get back on your windsurfing equipment..

Here you go Ok
"Fully vaxxed," at least in the context of COVID-19, means you have received all the vaccine doses recommended for someone in your demographic.

Humping the boom? No, couldn't do that yesterday as not enough wind, so I went winging instead and had a good 2 hour session, nice to be back on the water. Followed that up with a run with the dog this morning and hopefully followed by another water session this arvo. Got to love medical advances allowing for quick recovery from Covid and return to normal life.

Sounds like you have been dealt bad genes or something, maybe find a hobby you enjoy rather that smashing the keyboard all day, that really can't be good for your health. Anyway, enjoy your day as I will be enjoying mine.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Finally got an answer from the trial sponsor" started by psychojoe