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Flat Earthers

Created by remery > 9 months ago, 28 Oct 2023
WA, 1092 posts
12 Nov 2023 2:52PM
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FormulaNova said..

D3 said..

FormulaNova said..

D3 said..

Pcdefender said..

snoidberg said..
I reckon that alot of ridiculous conspiracy theories are pushed to discredit actual conspiracies that have occurred or are occurring. People think that because I believe the moon landing was a hoax that I also think the earth is flat. This is just a way to put any person that asks questions or wants to see evidence about something straight into the nut job basket.
It's my belief that the earth is round however I think we have been lied to about people walking on the moon, the footage was probably made in a Hollywood basement. Maybe the intentions of the false moon landing was to scare Russia into thinking that the USA had superior rocket technology and to bring humanity together in believing humans can achieve great unimaginable things, so keep working your 9-5 and pay your taxes peasants.

How much time have you spent looking into the claims of FE?

Likely less than 5 minutes lol.

There is a rather large lake in Michigan that on a very clear day you can see the Chicago skyline from 60 miles from the other side in a town called St Josephs.

Aptly named I'd suggest.

Now 60 miles on a 25000 mile circumference from a shoulder height of 5 feet is a 2166 foot drop according to earth curvature calculator.

Their explanation is each and every time its visible on a really clear day and wait for it......

its a mirage

Interesting option here. I wonder just how visible the skyline actually is?

I wonder if you could actually see the Willis tower from 60miles away without the aid of refraction over the lake? Or would it's angular size just be too small to clearly make out with the naked eye.

Using basic trigonometry and of course assuming a flat earth. The angle above horizontal to the top of the tower would be less than 1/3 of a degree when viewing it from 60miles away.
I reckon that would be extremely hard to spot with a human eye, and possibly obscured by the tiniest wavelet on the lake surface.

Hah. LOL! You are using logic.


"Trigonometry" another one of the dark arts

I wonder if he chose this scenario because it is marginally more challenging to explain how the light would be distorted over the lake to enable Chicago to be seen?

Whereas it's impossible for him to explain why a person on the shore of that lake would not be able to see the Hull of a boat 6 miles away while the superstructure or mast would still be visible.

After a while, you get a feel for the 'information' presented. It appears to be stuff sent to him from others, not actual observations or understandings.

I agree. You should be able to stand there and see the masts and wonder why you can't see the rest of the boat. If memory serves me correctly I think the blame falls on waves and other nonsense.

Others have suggested that he doesn't really believe this crap and just wants something to argue about. I can see merit with that idea.

Sometimes the perpetuators of FE conspiracies seem to be stretching the most tenuous of "evidence" to the point of blatantly lying, that they must not believe what they're saying. Which makes me think that they're actually part of some epic level trolling of susceptible people

Mr Milk
NSW, 3055 posts
12 Nov 2023 6:27PM
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I have to admit that I was once a normie spheroid believer. Why? Because that was what I was told and never bothered questioning it because it seems too unimportant.
But now I've had time to think about it, I do have a big issue with that idea, and it's all about advanced science. We supposedly have gravitational wave detectors that can measure perturbations in space time smaller than a proton's width in a several kilometre long beam, and astronomers with telescopes sensitive enough to find ever smaller imperfections in the dome, but they still haven't tried to produce a frictionless surface on their curved earth. If they did, any object placed in the centre would inexorably move downhill following the curve and end up at the edge of the experimental table.
It doesn't, so the Earth must be flat

WA, 3242 posts
12 Nov 2023 4:49PM
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D3 said..
Sometimes the perpetuators of FE conspiracies seem to be ... blatantly lying,


Chris 249
NSW, 3420 posts
13 Nov 2023 12:22PM
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Mr Milk said..
I have to admit that I was once a normie spheroid believer. Why? Because that was what I was told and never bothered questioning it because it seems too unimportant.
But now I've had time to think about it, I do have a big issue with that idea, and it's all about advanced science. We supposedly have gravitational wave detectors that can measure perturbations in space time smaller than a proton's width in a several kilometre long beam, and astronomers with telescopes sensitive enough to find ever smaller imperfections in the dome, but they still haven't tried to produce a frictionless surface on their curved earth. If they did, any object placed in the centre would inexorably move downhill following the curve and end up at the edge of the experimental table.
It doesn't, so the Earth must be flat

Even if a "frictionless surface" was possible, if FE idiots don't believe the airline pilots, the ocean racing yacht navigators and even the evidence they can note for themselves when they get on a plane and time their trips there's no way they'd believe the science.

After all, it would be "obvious" that the scientists had just humped the surface a bit or used magnetism.

QLD, 445 posts
13 Nov 2023 8:19PM
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remery said..

snoidberg said..
I reckon that alot of ridiculous conspiracy theories are pushed to discredit actual conspiracies that have occurred or are occurring. People think that because I believe the moon landing was a hoax that I also think the earth is flat. This is just a way to put any person that asks questions or wants to see evidence about something straight into the nut job basket.
It's my belief that the earth is round however I think we have been lied to about people walking on the moon, the footage was probably made in a Hollywood basement. Maybe the intentions of the false moon landing was to scare Russia into thinking that the USA had superior rocket technology and to bring humanity together in believing humans can achieve great unimaginable things, so keep working your 9-5 and pay your taxes peasants.

Are you thinking all six lunar landings were faked, or just the first one? All twelve men who walked on the are liars?

All the manned landings I think are fake. There's so much dodgy footage, light reflecting off wires, no dust from powerful thrusters I could go on forever but it's easier just to watch some footage and see for yourself. Don't use YouTube all the good stuff is censored on that Google crap.

WA, 1092 posts
13 Nov 2023 6:41PM
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snoidberg said..

remery said..

snoidberg said..
I reckon that alot of ridiculous conspiracy theories are pushed to discredit actual conspiracies that have occurred or are occurring. People think that because I believe the moon landing was a hoax that I also think the earth is flat. This is just a way to put any person that asks questions or wants to see evidence about something straight into the nut job basket.
It's my belief that the earth is round however I think we have been lied to about people walking on the moon, the footage was probably made in a Hollywood basement. Maybe the intentions of the false moon landing was to scare Russia into thinking that the USA had superior rocket technology and to bring humanity together in believing humans can achieve great unimaginable things, so keep working your 9-5 and pay your taxes peasants.

Are you thinking all six lunar landings were faked, or just the first one? All twelve men who walked on the are liars?

All the manned landings I think are fake. There's so much dodgy footage, light reflecting off wires, no dust from powerful thrusters I could go on forever but it's easier just to watch some footage and see for yourself. Don't use YouTube all the good stuff is censored on that Google crap.

Interesting that you believe that footage from the 1960s is dodgy and that absolutely no one involved in the whole project has managed to let the truth slip?

QLD, 445 posts
13 Nov 2023 8:48PM
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Pcdefender said..

snoidberg said..
I reckon that alot of ridiculous conspiracy theories are pushed to discredit actual conspiracies that have occurred or are occurring. People think that because I believe the moon landing was a hoax that I also think the earth is flat. This is just a way to put any person that asks questions or wants to see evidence about something straight into the nut job basket.
It's my belief that the earth is round however I think we have been lied to about people walking on the moon, the footage was probably made in a Hollywood basement. Maybe the intentions of the false moon landing was to scare Russia into thinking that the USA had superior rocket technology and to bring humanity together in believing humans can achieve great unimaginable things, so keep working your 9-5 and pay your taxes peasants.

How much time have you spent looking into the claims of FE?

Likely less than 5 minutes lol.

There is a rather large lake in Michigan that on a very clear day you can see the Chicago skyline from 60 miles from the other side in a town called St Josephs.

Aptly named I'd suggest.

Now 60 miles on a 25000 mile circumference from a shoulder height of 5 feet is a 2166 foot drop according to earth curvature calculator.

Their explanation is each and every time its visible on a really clear day and wait for it......

its a mirage

To be honest I haven't looked into flat earth much because it isn't something that affects my health or way of life. I get people sending me stuff all the time but it's not a priority for me. I understand that if someone somehow could prove 100% that the earth is flat, then that would break peoples way of thinking that we are just animals on a small insignificant rock moving though space. It would be the greatest lie ever told and might prove that there must be some sort of creator if we are inside some kind of dome with a firmament but it's tough for my brain to unlearn the way I was taught the world works, and it just makes more sense to me being on a rock with gravity. How could a flat dome occur naturally?
With the lake I would say its that the light bends slightly with the curve of the earth, apparently we see the sun rise 2 minutes before the sun has actually risen because of atmospheric refraction.

QLD, 445 posts
13 Nov 2023 8:53PM
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Buzz Aldrin has

QLD, 445 posts
13 Nov 2023 8:57PM
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FormulaNova said..

D3 said..

snoidberg said..
I reckon that alot of ridiculous conspiracy theories are pushed to discredit actual conspiracies that have occurred or are occurring. People think that because I believe the moon landing was a hoax that I also think the earth is flat. This is just a way to put any person that asks questions or wants to see evidence about something straight into the nut job basket.
It's my belief that the earth is round however I think we have been lied to about people walking on the moon, the footage was probably made in a Hollywood basement. Maybe the intentions of the false moon landing was to scare Russia into thinking that the USA had superior rocket technology and to bring humanity together in believing humans can achieve great unimaginable things, so keep working your 9-5 and pay your taxes peasants.

I'd be interested know how you came around to this point of view.
Did you always believe that it had been faked?
Or what caused you to start questioning the veracity of it?
And where in the whole timeline of launching and returning rockets do you believe the transition between real and faked?

After he watched Capricorn One.

Never seen or even knew this movie existed,
Thanks I will have to watch it sometime.

Chris 249
NSW, 3420 posts
13 Nov 2023 9:57PM
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snoidberg said..

remery said..

snoidberg said..
I reckon that alot of ridiculous conspiracy theories are pushed to discredit actual conspiracies that have occurred or are occurring. People think that because I believe the moon landing was a hoax that I also think the earth is flat. This is just a way to put any person that asks questions or wants to see evidence about something straight into the nut job basket.
It's my belief that the earth is round however I think we have been lied to about people walking on the moon, the footage was probably made in a Hollywood basement. Maybe the intentions of the false moon landing was to scare Russia into thinking that the USA had superior rocket technology and to bring humanity together in believing humans can achieve great unimaginable things, so keep working your 9-5 and pay your taxes peasants.

Are you thinking all six lunar landings were faked, or just the first one? All twelve men who walked on the are liars?

All the manned landings I think are fake. There's so much dodgy footage, light reflecting off wires, no dust from powerful thrusters I could go on forever but it's easier just to watch some footage and see for yourself. Don't use YouTube all the good stuff is censored on that Google crap.

Oh for god's sake, surely you don't believe the stuff you spout?

The Russians could tell that the USA landed on the moon. It's as if you don't understand that there is such a thing as science, and that at the height of the Cold War the Russians would have told the entire world if the moon landing was fake because they were tracking it by radar. Australia and the UK were also monitoring the mission.

Astronomers still bounce beams off beacons stuck on the moon by the US missions. In more recent times China and India have both sent up probes that showed the landing site. Like the Russians, they have NO reason to go along with some US conspiracy.

The arrogance of someone like you is just staggering and revolting. The contempt you pour on your fellow human beings is disgusting. There are many, many thousands of people who know vastly more about spaceflight and astronomy than you do who will tell us that it all happened, and how it happened. You can go into museums in Australia and see the actual equipment that downloaded those historic TV pictures from the moon. And yet you are vile enough to claim that every one of those Aussies who took those images and run that dish is a liar and a dishonest cheat while you wank on about how you are the smart one who can tell the BS.

The really bad thing about conspiracy liars like you is your hate and contempt for your fellow humans. The average person is not like you - the average person is far braver and more honest than you. Don't judge others by your own failure as a human being.

And don't whine about what I say about you - I've been far kinder on you than you have been on your fellow Australians when you target them with your childish ignorant lies.

Chris 249
NSW, 3420 posts
13 Nov 2023 10:06PM
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D3 said..

snoidberg said..

remery said..

snoidberg said..
I reckon that alot of ridiculous conspiracy theories are pushed to discredit actual conspiracies that have occurred or are occurring. People think that because I believe the moon landing was a hoax that I also think the earth is flat. This is just a way to put any person that asks questions or wants to see evidence about something straight into the nut job basket.
It's my belief that the earth is round however I think we have been lied to about people walking on the moon, the footage was probably made in a Hollywood basement. Maybe the intentions of the false moon landing was to scare Russia into thinking that the USA had superior rocket technology and to bring humanity together in believing humans can achieve great unimaginable things, so keep working your 9-5 and pay your taxes peasants.

Are you thinking all six lunar landings were faked, or just the first one? All twelve men who walked on the are liars?

All the manned landings I think are fake. There's so much dodgy footage, light reflecting off wires, no dust from powerful thrusters I could go on forever but it's easier just to watch some footage and see for yourself. Don't use YouTube all the good stuff is censored on that Google crap.

Interesting that you believe that footage from the 1960s is dodgy and that absolutely no one involved in the whole project has managed to let the truth slip?

That's one of the basic stupidities of conspiracy liars. Their stupid theory requires many thousands of people to be part of some conspiracy and for not one of them ever to have blabbed. Not one of the people involved in working out the trajectories, handling the comms, watching from Russia, China and Eastern Europe, handling the radio and TV in the Australian observatories or managing the whole thing, according to them, has ever had a guilty conscience and confessed. No death bed confessions, not a single shred of paper to show that it was fake, not a single piece of evidence about how it was faked, nothing.

It's stuff like that shows how gullible these fools are. They've obviously never investigated anything. Vast conspiracies leave vast traces. With real conspiracies there are witnesses who turn into drunks, write their biographies to show how they did it, or leave clues. But the conspiracy liars are such children that they have never read about how real conspiracies are uncovered; they are so arrogant that they don't care to find out how they become unravelled; and they are so arrogant that they think the worst of their fellow humans.

The only reason conspiracy theories thrive is that the people who follow them think that other people are as vile as the conspiracy theorists are. Luckily the truth is that most humans are much better people than the CT liars.

QLD, 445 posts
13 Nov 2023 9:59PM
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You seem angry Chris.

Take a breath, this isn't a place for hate speech.
It doesn't matter if you've been wrong about everything over the last 3 years Chris.
Just go line up and get your 9th mRNA injection so you can feel better about yourself.
Go all in.

WA, 3242 posts
13 Nov 2023 8:37PM
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snoidberg said..

All the manned landings I think are fake. There's so much dodgy footage, light reflecting off wires, no dust from powerful thrusters I could go on forever but it's easier just to watch some footage and see for yourself. Don't use YouTube all the good stuff is censored on that Google crap.

Most of the lunar landings I watched were live on television, long before that Google crap.

WA, 3242 posts
13 Nov 2023 8:40PM
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Chris 249 said..

Oh for god's sake, surely you don't believe the stuff you spout?

The Russians could tell that the USA landed on the moon. It's as if you don't understand that there is such a thing as science, and that at the height of the Cold War the Russians would have told the entire world if the moon landing was fake because they were tracking it by radar. Australia and the UK were also monitoring the mission.

Astronomers still bounce beams off beacons stuck on the moon by the US missions. In more recent times China and India have both sent up probes that showed the landing site. Like the Russians, they have NO reason to go along with some US conspiracy.

The arrogance of someone like you is just staggering and revolting. The contempt you pour on your fellow human beings is disgusting. There are many, many thousands of people who know vastly more about spaceflight and astronomy than you do who will tell us that it all happened, and how it happened. You can go into museums in Australia and see the actual equipment that downloaded those historic TV pictures from the moon. And yet you are vile enough to claim that every one of those Aussies who took those images and run that dish is a liar and a dishonest cheat while you wank on about how you are the smart one who can tell the BS.

The really bad thing about conspiracy liars like you is your hate and contempt for your fellow humans. The average person is not like you - the average person is far braver and more honest than you. Don't judge others by your own failure as a human being.

And don't whine about what I say about you - I've been far kinder on you than you have been on your fellow Australians when you target them with your childish ignorant lies.

He makes some good points.

WA, 3242 posts
13 Nov 2023 8:42PM
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Most of the conspiracy lies and bigotry are just rehashed American drivel. It's like Australians are too lazy to make up their own drivel.

WA, 14850 posts
13 Nov 2023 9:53PM
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snoidberg said..

remery said..

snoidberg said..
I reckon that alot of ridiculous conspiracy theories are pushed to discredit actual conspiracies that have occurred or are occurring. People think that because I believe the moon landing was a hoax that I also think the earth is flat. This is just a way to put any person that asks questions or wants to see evidence about something straight into the nut job basket.
It's my belief that the earth is round however I think we have been lied to about people walking on the moon, the footage was probably made in a Hollywood basement. Maybe the intentions of the false moon landing was to scare Russia into thinking that the USA had superior rocket technology and to bring humanity together in believing humans can achieve great unimaginable things, so keep working your 9-5 and pay your taxes peasants.

Are you thinking all six lunar landings were faked, or just the first one? All twelve men who walked on the are liars?

All the manned landings I think are fake. There's so much dodgy footage, light reflecting off wires, no dust from powerful thrusters I could go on forever but it's easier just to watch some footage and see for yourself. Don't use YouTube all the good stuff is censored on that Google crap.

Its interesting when you look at this stuff. Initially someone could be fooled into thinking it is full of mistakes, but when you actually look at what is happening, you can see it's real.

I wish computing power was powerful enough to do CGI back then, but they were lucky to do what they needed for the moon landing. Which shows you how clever the people were that looked at the physics and how these flights would happen.

WA, 3242 posts
13 Nov 2023 10:07PM
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^ yes, people used to be clever.

WA, 1092 posts
13 Nov 2023 10:11PM
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snoidberg said..
You seem angry Chris.

Take a breath, this isn't a place for hate speech.
It doesn't matter if you've been wrong about everything over the last 3 years Chris.
Just go line up and get your 9th mRNA injection so you can feel better about yourself.
Go all in.

You suggested that perhaps the moon landings were faked to fool Russia, I quote"Maybe the intentions of the false moon landing was to scare Russia into thinking that the USA had superior rocket technology".

Chris makes the extremely valid point that the Russians would definitely have been able to verify if they had actually achieved manned missions to the moon and back.

The USA had the technology and skills to put a man on the moon, what would have been their motivation to not do so and instead perpetuate the greatest Hoax of all time in collaboration with the USSR?

WA, 1557 posts
14 Nov 2023 1:32AM
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Buzz Aldrin when asked on camera by a young girl why we never went back said......

bcos we never went there in the first place.

WA, 1092 posts
14 Nov 2023 5:25AM
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Pcdefender said..
Buzz Aldrin when asked on camera by a young girl why we never went back said......

bcos we never went there in the first place.

You referring to this exchange?
"Child: Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?
Aldrin: That's not an 8-year-old's question. That's my question. I want to know. But I think I know. Because we didn't go there. That's the way it happened. And if it didn't happen it's nice to know why it didn't happen so in the future if we want to keep doing something we need to know why something stopped in the past if we want to keep it going"

maybe you should watch the full video. He certainly didn't say "we never went in the first place ".

WA, 14850 posts
14 Nov 2023 6:11AM
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D3 said..

Pcdefender said..
Buzz Aldrin when asked on camera by a young girl why we never went back said......

bcos we never went there in the first place.

You referring to this exchange?
"Child: Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?
Aldrin: That's not an 8-year-old's question. That's my question. I want to know. But I think I know. Because we didn't go there. That's the way it happened. And if it didn't happen it's nice to know why it didn't happen so in the future if we want to keep doing something we need to know why something stopped in the past if we want to keep it going"

maybe you should watch the full video. He certainly didn't say "we never went in the first place ".

Hey, if you wanted conspiracy theorists to watch and understand things, they wouldn't have invented memes. Simpletons need memes and it removes the need to have a concentration span and being able to evaluate things.

How does a consipracy nut get 'we never went there in the first place"? The video doesn't show this. It shows something similar, but in context it makes sense. Taking it out of context and then adding your own words doesn't mean it means what you want it to.

Does the social media version show something different?

WA, 14850 posts
14 Nov 2023 6:15AM
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remery said..
Most of the conspiracy lies and bigotry are just rehashed American drivel. It's like Australians are too lazy to make up their own drivel.

They just rehash the rubbish that people send them, which is clearly from the USA.

It makes me laugh when idiots here make statements about the US political issues. Not because they care about them, but because someone sent them a meme or factoid on it. Really, who would care that much about the details of a political race from a different country?

Chris 249
NSW, 3420 posts
14 Nov 2023 10:11AM
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snoidberg said..
You seem angry Chris.

Take a breath, this isn't a place for hate speech.
It doesn't matter if you've been wrong about everything over the last 3 years Chris.
Just go line up and get your 9th mRNA injection so you can feel better about yourself.
Go all in.

Yes, I get angry when people like you lie. I also get angry when people like you throw around hate like you do. For your claims to be true, hundreds of thousands of people would have to be involved in some vast dishonest conspiracy. You are essentially throwing hate and contempt at vast numbers of people because you are so arrogant that you think you're an expert on spaceflight and medicine.

There's nothing wrong with getting angry about vile liars like you.

WA, 12374 posts
14 Nov 2023 7:47AM
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Chris 249 said.. >>There's nothing wrong with getting angry about vile liars like you.

Denying science, and spreading misinformation, is one of the Worlds biggest threats at the moment.
It's threatening the lives and livelihood, of many thousands of people!

Are you surprised some of us get angry?

WA, 466 posts
14 Nov 2023 8:23AM
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decrepit said..

Chris 249 said.. >>There's nothing wrong with getting angry about vile liars like you.

Denying science, and spreading misinformation, is one of the Worlds biggest threats at the moment.
It's threatening the lives and livelihood, of many thousands of people!

Are you surprised some of us get angry?

spoken like a programmed news anchor the world over

WA, 466 posts
14 Nov 2023 8:25AM
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WA, 1726 posts
14 Nov 2023 9:17AM
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hitch_hiker said..

Pity it's not connected.

WA, 3242 posts
14 Nov 2023 10:00AM
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Conspiracy Liars have an open mind... so open their brains fell out.

Mr Milk
NSW, 3055 posts
14 Nov 2023 4:31PM
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remery said..
Most of the conspiracy lies and bigotry are just rehashed American drivel. It's like Australians are too lazy to make up their own drivel.

I think I should feel insulted

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Mr Milk said..
I have to admit that I was once a normie spheroid believer. Why? Because that was what I was told and never bothered questioning it because it seems too unimportant.
But now I've had time to think about it, I do have a big issue with that idea, and it's all about advanced science. We supposedly have gravitational wave detectors that can measure perturbations in space time smaller than a proton's width in a several kilometre long beam, and astronomers with telescopes sensitive enough to find ever smaller imperfections in the dome, but they still haven't tried to produce a frictionless surface on their curved earth. If they did, any object placed in the centre would inexorably move downhill following the curve and end up at the edge of the experimental table.
It doesn't, so the Earth must be flat

WA, 1092 posts
14 Nov 2023 1:35PM
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Mr Milk said..

remery said..
Most of the conspiracy lies and bigotry are just rehashed American drivel. It's like Australians are too lazy to make up their own drivel.

I think I should feel insulted

Mr Milk said..
I have to admit that I was once a normie spheroid believer. Why? Because that was what I was told and never bothered questioning it because it seems too unimportant.
But now I've had time to think about it, I do have a big issue with that idea, and it's all about advanced science. We supposedly have gravitational wave detectors that can measure perturbations in space time smaller than a proton's width in a several kilometre long beam, and astronomers with telescopes sensitive enough to find ever smaller imperfections in the dome, but they still haven't tried to produce a frictionless surface on their curved earth. If they did, any object placed in the centre would inexorably move downhill following the curve and end up at the edge of the experimental table.
It doesn't, so the Earth must be flat

Remind me to never play pool or billiards with you


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Flat Earthers" started by remery