There could be some interesting weeks ahead. Maybe even a month cooler than average for the first time in over a year.
For the last 2 months it seems Perth has been freezing.
May and June have average max temperatures of 22.3 and 19.5 yet nearly every day it seems the max has been around 17C.
No let up in sight for the next week also.
Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling.
Over the last 15 months since Pcdefender made his "prediction" of "significant cooling", the mean monthly maximum temperature has been 1.32 degrees above the climate average for Perth.
The tension is building! Can PcD continue an astonishingly consistent run of outs? One week to go to get the monkey off his back at last. Mainstream fakery science has August sitting at 0.7 degrees above the long term average, with much of the same forecast for the final week. Why hasn't Sportsbet got on to this, it's a nail biter.
Mind you, I have been married for over 30 years so I can empathise being always wrong for biblical lengths of time.
^Before you waste your time, this is Paul Joseph Watson, who was a writer for InfoWars. Not known for having a relationship of any depth with truth.
A quick search of temperatures on the day in question shows that in fact, he is a clown touting for a donation for his League of Clowns website.
You are incorrectly implying that to make it fit with your story.
I am saying he is a clown. lol.
(Edit: To be correct, he is a nasty racist homophobic dumbarse clown)
You are incorrectly implying that to make it fit with your story.
I am saying he is a clown. lol.
So you are saying he is NOT lying but in your previous post you posted a pic showing if you believe the figures that he is lying.
This is getting complicated.
Taking temperature measurements near a power station is clearly not a very accurate way to measure the temperature but if you think so then i understand why you believe global warming is real.
Not complicated. You are still implying stuff I didn't write to justify your own reality.
Look at the map.
There are four Met stations. I would be pretty confident they are not all power stations.
One is actually next to a cemetery. lol.
I asked you previously do you think taking temperature measurements next to a power station gives an accurate measurement and so far you have refused to answer yes or no.
It's looking decently warm all around Cambridge. Surely they are not all power stations in the hinterland as well?
ok,so you are not prepared to answer a yes or no.
Others should take the time to read the comments. the comments
ok,so you are not prepared to answer a yes or no.
Others should take the time to read the comments. the comments
soz I thought you were being ironic again.
I think you might want to have a gander at the principles of data sampling, rather than cherry picking.
The blog talks about different temps recorded in a Botanical Garden versus on top of a building in 2019. Who has two thumbs and saw that coming?
You can't make this s**t up.
Oh and next time you have a campfire going, putting out enough heat to melt all your aluminium cans, perhaps take a few steps back and see how hot it is. Within a few metres you have gone from melting metal, to barely keeping your fingers warm.
ok,so you are not prepared to answer a yes or no.
I hate yes or no demands!
It's used a lot to spin answers and ignore context. The legal system is a prime example of this.
In this case it's assuming all temps displayed are very close to power stations.
A yes answer allows you to spin and misquote the answer, a no answer is obviously wrong.
So please stop demanding yes or no answers. it does nothing for rational debate.
The video is a perfect example of relying on people who CANNOT critically think to spread their dribble and donate to their site.
It is totally irrelevant if the weather station is nearby a heat source or not.
There are two questions which need to be asked.
1. Has the weather station just been moved next to to heat source?
2 Has the heat source (power station, airport) suddenly appeared next to the weather station?
If the answer is no, then the climactic conditions are changing if they differ when compared to historical data from that set point.
If you want to see how temperatures vary in a day check out a observations page
ok, so you are not prepared to answer a yes or no.
Hey Pcd,
Are you prepared to answer yes or no to the question "did you believe what was said in that video without any thought or question" ?
Because there isn't a power station anywhere near that weather station. What is shown in the video is the "UKPN Histon Grid". You can find this quite easily on Google maps. It is an electrical substation, not a power station (unless it is a secret lizard person HAARP facility driven by 5G but disguised to look like an electrical substation just to fool us). And it is 150m away from the weather station.
The weather station is surrounded by fields of crops. Logic tells me that the ground level or close to ground level temperature is more closely driven by the state of the immediately surrounding paddocks (bare earth, lush wet green new sprouted crops, yellow dried stalks ready to harvest etc.) and the city of Cambridge immediately to the south as much as an electrical substation's residual heat loss 150m away.
In addition the substation is north east of the weather station. Prevailing wind direction is south west, with north east winds blowing in from the north sea and generally don't bring hot weather. So could you confirm the wind direction at the time of the temperature reading and if any heat generated from the substation would be blown towards or away from the weateher station ?. Wind strngth and direction would presumably be on the same weather station output the temperature reading was on.
Then again, I'd take a random guess there was an inversion, because that does usually drive hot weather in the UK, so probably very little wind ?
And from Google Earth images it does appear the substation was built, or at least significantly expanded sometime between March 2021 and March 2023.,heating%20for%20homes%20and%20businesses
So they give off heat ,this particular one has recently had its transformers expanded .
Gotta love your optimism there Decrep, given we are on PcD's bizarro weather science thread and all.,heating%20for%20homes%20and%20businesses
So they give off heat ,this particular one has recently had its transformers expanded .
Thanks for the link, that will be an interesting thing when it gets going utilizing waste heat.
So much energy savings can be made through waste heat recovery. Just got to do the math on capital outlay+maint costs to ROI.
I couldn't see the information about the station mentioned in the video, How long ago did the upgrade happen? Links?
An unfocussed radiant heat source (infra red) loses intensity as per the inverse square rule. That is, if you stand one meter away from a heat source, them move 4 metres away, the radiant heat will be 16 times less.
Air that is heated rises. Unless that air can be directed toward you, you get little benefit.
That is not to say harvesting thermal losses is not a good idea, it just needs to close coupled.
For the last 2 months it seems Perth has been freezing.
May and June have average max temperatures of 22.3 and 19.5 yet nearly every day it seems the max has been around 17C.
No let up in sight for the next week also.
Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling.
We should all do our part to reduce our carbon emissions.
15 minute cities with carbon credits points for each individual. Seems like a good idea on the face of it.
Any takers?
Any concerns?
I thought I would post the update because our favourite meteorologist has got himself banned again. ( in record time I might add)
And in a surprise to absolutely no one, PcD's stunning run of misses continues unabated.
Oh and I checked for nearby power stations, transformers, logic inverters etc.
It turns out you can't make this shiz up.
Of course this uses 'their' (BoM) observation data, so keep grazing on the grass of CT goodness , nothing to see here.
Eletric vehicles are a disaster for the environment.
Volvo just exposed the great electric vehicle scam - title.
For the last 2 months it seems Perth has been freezing.
May and June have average max temperatures of 22.3 and 19.5 yet nearly every day it seems the max has been around 17C.
No let up in sight for the next week also.
Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling.
Well here we are, most of the way through September 2024. Its been pretty cool, I've been wearing a jacket almost every day.
But more importantly, how is Pcdefender going to go with his prediction that "Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling"? Could he be up for is first win of the season?
I was watching a thing on dinosaurs with Stephen Fry hosting it. He mentioned that it was 10 degrees warmer in the age of the dinosaurs.
If we assume this is correct, and there were big plant eating animals roving around and big eaters of plant eaters also roaming around, I think we can also assume that there was plenty of vegetation. If there was plenty of vegetation then there was plenty of rain.
So what is the problem? Sure, there will be no icecaps, and no skiing by the sounds of it, but 10c sounds okay. My AC can cope with that ;-)
But it is interesting that even if the world is warmer, then rains clearly still happen.
For the last 2 months it seems Perth has been freezing.
May and June have average max temperatures of 22.3 and 19.5 yet nearly every day it seems the max has been around 17C.
No let up in sight for the next week also. Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling.
Sadly the first and only time Pcdefender used actual data from a reputable source, his failure to interpret has proven to be abject. He should stick to memes, CT websites and fake news services.
Hey, forget about PM33. What about the dinosaurs? I am not sure what section they are mentioned in the bible, but its probably near the flat earth bit.
Hey, forget about PM33. What about the dinosaurs? I am not sure what section they are mentioned in the bible, but its probably near the flat earth bit.
Alongside the unicorns and dragons?
Alongside the unicorns and dragons?
Unicorns and dragons are too mainstream for PCDefender to believe in. If there were a conspiracy theory that they were hidden on an island in Scotland, he might start to believe it.
Hey, forget about PM33. What about the dinosaurs? I am not sure what section they are mentioned in the bible, but its probably near the flat earth bit.
"Generally, greenhouse conditions prevailed with warm greenhouse and hothouse extremes during the major magmatic events (lava flows at the surface). The global mean average temperatures were warmer than the present day by around 6-9 ?C and the sea-level was generally also high. The atmospheric CO2 content was around seven times (1900 ppm) the preindustrial level while the average oxygen level was 26% (130% of modern level).",130%25%20of%20modern%20level).