Wow! NASA must be good...even the Chinese are bouncing lasers off the reflectors that apparently (according to some) are not even there - Go figure?
Those "Good Ol boys" at NASA sure suckered in them Chinese boffins . . . .
That is typical for Chinese infringement of intellectual and other rights Trump is talking about.Chinese bounce a laser for free but should pay royalties to US.Lest think what Chinese plans to do next.They could build one-day laser 1000x more powerful. But they could not strike US territory.If they use the similar mirror on the Moon they could strike other places now with laser beam bounce from the mirror on the Moon.
Not sure if you are trying to be funny or may just be slightly unhinged. Either way here is an interesting link if you care to read.
forgot something? like the square proportion of V? not linear proportione=mv2sorry , you may be actually exactly right/correct with your calculations
What is fascinating - that fact there is enough atmosphere for helicopter and other propeller-driven planes to fly
the same for the Moon is true.But what is a defect for one could be an advantage for others.You could run / drive your car on the Moon surface ( or rather levitating slightly above) without any practical speed limits.Whole trains too could make a round trip around Moon at ZERO energy while running 5,000 km/h.Go a bit faster and you launch your vehicle straight into space once you reach escape velocity.Which mean you dont need rocket on the Moon to get into orbital space. All you need is fast car.Once your car spedo show 8568 km/h your car may simply take off and never land on the Moon
No I made sure I got the right calculation
Well, so long as your car was electric and not petrol...
Mark is a true believer to their unadulterated BS - just let him be.
The pic of the film director (forget his name ) walking down the street with so many NASA officials is pretty suss too.
Unadulterated BS??!!!
Your last moon landing thread had every single one of your assertions proven wrong repeatedly. Can you just let this one go perhaps?
It is quite clear we went.
The fact it is an incredulous feat and you and I don't know the exact workings of a spacecraft, does not mean we did not go.
You must hate the link showing the stuff people left behind on the moon, it makes you look like a foolish person who believes everything 'they' tell him.
'They' being all the dopey people on youchoob who will believe anything. Youchoob sheeple.
But continue to think you know the only truth and we're all dumb if it makes you feel better.
I gotta file this thread under "anything is possible, if you don't know what you're talking about".
I'm with Mark on this, but I will agree with Macro on one thing, why no more Moon exploration?
We should have a full-on science research center on there by now, at least. Too much money being spent on Mars that is so far away, it's impractical.
forgot something? like the square proportion of V? not linear proportione=mv2sorry , you may be actually exactly right/correct with your calculations
What is fascinating - that fact there is enough atmosphere for helicopter and other propeller-driven planes to fly
the same for the Moon is true.But what is a defect for one could be an advantage for others.You could run / drive your car on the Moon surface ( or rather levitating slightly above) without any practical speed limits.Whole trains too could make a round trip around Moon at ZERO energy while running 5,000 km/h.Go a bit faster and you launch your vehicle straight into space once you reach escape velocity.Which mean you dont need rocket on the Moon to get into orbital space. All you need is fast car.Once your car spedo show 8568 km/h your car may simply take off and never land on the Moon
No I made sure I got the right calculation
Well, so long as your car was electric and not petrol...
Do it your self easy
Energy of the wind on the mars = 160km/h x 160km/h x .01 ( beacuse atmosphere is 1 % only of the Earth atmosphere density) = 256
Earth wind = 16 km/h x 16 km/ x 1.0 = 256
so you example appear to be perfectly accurate
I gotta file this thread under "anything is possible, if you don't know what you're talking about".
I'm with Mark on this, but I will agree with Macro on one thing, why no more Moon exploration?
We should have a full-on science research center on there by now, at least. Too much money being spent on Mars that is so far away, it's impractical.
Totally agree.Lets imagine that you are scientist, researcher or just simple plain tourist.Somebody offer you a holiday trip or work contract .
Are you rather go :
a) to the Mars ? To spent two years on small cabin on the journey, then another five on desert that looks like hell? By comparison our Middle Easy sandy hell may looks like green heaven? What you are going to do for five years contract ? Nobody will take you for a month long Mars trip- as two expensive.
b) Go to Moon base. 3 day max. comfortable journey then smooth landing and Hullaa. Whole month fun , while jumping on your 1/6 gravity weight, swimming in Moon base blue pools, watching your friend there on the Earth just by looking high into sky.You could use internet and talk with Earth with 1-2 seconds delay, not hours.
Do what you want to do on the Moon or being paid for then come back to Earth and make room for your next mate.
To be fair , even if Mars trip is available , I found that beside some suicidal, mentally depressed individual nobody want to go there.Ok , the first one to arrive will have all this glory and fame , but who remember second crew on the Moon ( First Armstrong) , Second person in Earth Orbit ( beside Gagarin being first) , second dog in space ( Layka) , Women in rocket ( Tiereshkova only comes to mind and maybe one more women that I remember only because died in infamous Space Shuttle disaster) .
For Mark , Mars could be next pissing contest. This time long distance pissing apparently.
For me is just waste of time and money. Obviously we will naturally colonize Mars in right time.
Like cockroaches that invade cupboard filled with food. But there is no rush, no need right now.
Moon is the only rational choice, where we can learn to live in space, do all scientific experiments and even earn money.Moon will be real money spinner because everybody want to make money on Lunar estate. Setup solar panel- and sell energy
Extract water and sell 3D print something and sellBuild and sell
Setup internet hub - sell wifi and internel locally.Every big business existing on Earth could run secondary outlet on the Moon and start earning money.
Even Real Estate could divide Moon on paper into 100 m2 parcels and sell to a higher bidder. Wouldn't you buy a piece of Moon at $1000 if they give you iron clad paper that is yours now?Moon Express , private US company already is making serious plans, taking orders for shipping and delivery to Moons surface for customers around the globe. Don't you thing UPS< DHL stay still watching new business opportunity?
There is no longer need to government to be involved. All we may need is government to stay away and allow all others to do business as usual on new planets.
I gotta file this thread under "anything is possible, if you don't know what you're talking about".
I'm with Mark on this, but I will agree with Macro on one thing, why no more Moon exploration?
We should have a full-on science research center on there by now, at least. Too much money being spent on Mars that is so far away, it's impractical.
As I said, to research what?
It has no atmosphere and is a lump of rock n dust. Brought back 400kg of it and ascertained its no good to us.
Can't see too much to research there.
The true nutters say there was aliens there and they told us to piss off and not come back.
I reckon we should give up on SETI and spend that on going down into our hollow earth where the alien lizard people live. Presumably in cramped conditions as the earth is flat hey Pete.
Goverments - hands off of the space! YOu are no longer needed.
Elon Musk and his Space X developed new Big F** Rocket that is similar in size to Saturn V.
But he and his crew know how to build it, even 3D print Raptors engines cheaply. US Government needed trillions of dollars to plant a flag and boots on the Moon.
So the whole country like Russia couldn't effort similar feat.
Now that private person is doing this same on the budget.
Goverments - hands off of the space! YOu are no longer needed.
Elon Musk and his Space X developed new Big F** Rocket that is similar in size to Saturn V.
But he and his crew know how to build it, even 3D print Raptors engines cheaply. US Government needed trillions of dollars to plant a flag and boots on the Moon.
So the whole country like Russia couldn't effort similar feat.
Now that private person is doing this same on the budget.
Where do you think a lot of the knowledge of space came from? It wasn't Elon Musk doing the research.
Similarly you are comparing something done many decades ago against something using current technology.
I can't figure out if you are joking or you just don't think these things through.
Where do you think a lot of the knowledge of space came from? It wasn't Elon Musk doing the research.
You are right 100% here.
Elon Musk in not Von Braun.
In fact the first didn't invent anything unlike Tesla, Braun, and others; Elon is not an inventor.
He is a very smart, talented entrepreneur that could utilize existing ideas, improve and brings into reality. Most of the rocket science indeed he inherited from NASA research, but since then he sponsors his own research and improves on existing designs,
His Raptor engine is nothing that was before and will beat all older designs. Anyway, I would sign any pack with the devil if only could us deliver common sense, economical rocket science.More on Elon.
He invests his own borrowed money in order to create a technological monument that will remain in human history.What legacy our Aussie billionaires are going to left for posterity? Dark, deep pits dug in the ground? Moonlike scenery once all coal and ore is extracted?
2( you want to send children of Buzz and Neil Amstrong back to the planet their dads already have been.
Just gonna point out... that all 3 of Buzz Aldrin's children have definitely been to the Planet their Dad has been.
Many of the flat earthers believe that the universe as told by NASA is BS.
The sun and moon circle the stationary earth. It certainly appears that way from 120 000 feet.
Many of the flat earthers believe that the universe as told by NASA is BS.
The sun and moon circle the stationary earth. It certainly appears that way from 120 000 feet.
Please, please Pete, can you stop posting that excruciatingly crap song that Amber Plaster ripped off from Adele when it was already a crap song.
Please respect the ears of the rest of the Seabreeze community.
Just because someone rips off a crap song doesn't mean the Earth is flat.
I don't think I can write anything without using words like retard or sheeplefollower of idiotic youchoob crap from uneducated simpletons so I best not reply.
I gotta file this thread under "anything is possible, if you don't know what you're talking about".
I'm with Mark on this, but I will agree with Macro on one thing, why no more Moon exploration?
We should have a full-on science research center on there by now, at least. Too much money being spent on Mars that is so far away, it's impractical.
Totally agree.Lets imagine that you are scientist, researcher or just simple plain tourist.Somebody offer you a holiday trip or work contract .
Are you rather go :
a) to the Mars ? To spent two years on small cabin on the journey, then another five on desert that looks like hell? By comparison our Middle Easy sandy hell may looks like green heaven? What you are going to do for five years contract ? Nobody will take you for a month long Mars trip- as two expensive.
b) Go to Moon base. 3 day max. comfortable journey then smooth landing and Hullaa. Whole month fun , while jumping on your 1/6 gravity weight, swimming in Moon base blue pools, watching your friend there on the Earth just by looking high into sky.You could use internet and talk with Earth with 1-2 seconds delay, not hours.
Do what you want to do on the Moon or being paid for then come back to Earth and make room for your next mate.
To be fair , even if Mars trip is available , I found that beside some suicidal, mentally depressed individual nobody want to go there.Ok , the first one to arrive will have all this glory and fame , but who remember second crew on the Moon ( First Armstrong) , Second person in Earth Orbit ( beside Gagarin being first) , second dog in space ( Layka) , Women in rocket ( Tiereshkova only comes to mind and maybe one more women that I remember only because died in infamous Space Shuttle disaster) .
For Mark , Mars could be next pissing contest. This time long distance pissing apparently.
For me is just waste of time and money. Obviously we will naturally colonize Mars in right time.
Like cockroaches that invade cupboard filled with food. But there is no rush, no need right now.
Moon is the only rational choice, where we can learn to live in space, do all scientific experiments and even earn money.Moon will be real money spinner because everybody want to make money on Lunar estate. Setup solar panel- and sell energy
Extract water and sell 3D print something and sellBuild and sell
Setup internet hub - sell wifi and internel locally.Every big business existing on Earth could run secondary outlet on the Moon and start earning money.
Even Real Estate could divide Moon on paper into 100 m2 parcels and sell to a higher bidder. Wouldn't you buy a piece of Moon at $1000 if they give you iron clad paper that is yours now?Moon Express , private US company already is making serious plans, taking orders for shipping and delivery to Moons surface for customers around the globe. Don't you thing UPS< DHL stay still watching new business opportunity?
There is no longer need to government to be involved. All we may need is government to stay away and allow all others to do business as usual on new planets.
You forgot cosmic and solar radiation. Going to Mars means figuring out how to manage that and it's a substantial problem. Along with what spending two years in microgravity will do to the crew.
Actually getting there is trivial, we mostly have to hardware to make the trip, as evidenced by the successful probes now exploring the planet.
US Government needed trillions of dollars to plant a flag and boots on the Moon.
Nonsense. $26 billion in 1970, or about $150 billion now. Not even close to trillions.
Although I agree that LEO should now be "commercialized", as its old hat for science.
As I said, to research what?
It has no atmosphere and is a lump of rock n dust. Brought back 400kg of it and ascertained its no good to us.
Can't see too much to research there.
To research how to survive, live and work outside Earth's environment, for a start.
No good? Plenty of interesting stuff to do on the moon itself, and use for a base to do other interesting stuff. Be good place to launch other missions from too.
A base on the moon would be far more useful than the ISS.
. $26 billion in 1970, or about $150 billion now.
You are right again.
Appollo? Just peanuts in American coffer.
Looks like we don't have enough planet in the Solar system if only war effort budget could be redirected into outer space conquer.
It may not be the best place to comment but we could compare Bin Laden expenditure - equal to few plane tickets with follow up Bush up wasteinng trillions on the war that can not be won....
Let's imagine how many more zeros you need to add if you plan now war with China or Russia.
Buzz responding to a question by a 8 year old girl why we haven't been back to the moon.....
"because we never went,because we never went".
The technology was there in the 60's but not now - right. Think about it.
That would be the same Buzz Aldrin that faced assault charges for punching a large fat loudmouth with a bible who called him a liar then.....But hey Flat Earthers know better do they.
Buzz responding to a question by a 8 year old girl why we haven't been back to the moon.....
"because we never went,because we never went".
The technology was there in the 60's but not now - right. Think about it.
As I pointed out to you in your flat Earth thread Pete, it's pretty irrelevant when he's cut off mid sentence and then it's repeated numerous times with some spastic voice over.
If you give any of those YouTube clips any credibility then it's time to have serious look at your self.
Why don't you post the Amber Plaster, Adele rip off tune one more time? That should make you feel better
My favourite piece of space footage is the hammer and feather drop.
there is also a video on you tube ( a credible one ) where they replicate it in a vacuum...
A lot of ex astronauts wind up dead in mysterious circumstances, I don't think I'd want to see the flat earth, aliens and meet with lizard people than not be able to tell anyone about it... I haven't been to space but lsd surely comes close
Buzz responding to a question by a 8 year old girl why we haven't been back to the moon.....
"because we never went,because we never went".
The technology was there in the 60's but not now - right. Think about it.
As I pointed out to you in your flat Earth thread Pete, it's pretty irrelevant when he's cut off mid sentence and then it's repeated numerous times with some spastic voice over.
If you give any of those YouTube clips any credibility then it's time to have serious look at your self.
Why don't you post the Amber Plaster, Adele rip off tune one more time? That should make you feel better
Its annoying in that he is actually replying to why we haven't been back to the moon, and his reply is that "we didn't" go back.
Sometimes I wonder if flat earthers just have no comprehension skills or if they are just genuine idiots.
Buzz responding to a question by a 8 year old girl why we haven't been back to the moon.....
"because we never went,because we never went".
The technology was there in the 60's but not now - right. Think about it.
As I pointed out to you in your flat Earth thread Pete, it's pretty irrelevant when he's cut off mid sentence and then it's repeated numerous times with some spastic voice over.
If you give any of those YouTube clips any credibility then it's time to have serious look at your self.
Why don't you post the Amber Plaster, Adele rip off tune one more time? That should make you feel better
Its annoying in that he is actually replying to why we haven't been back to the moon, and his reply is that "we didn't" go back.
Sometimes I wonder if flat earthers just have no comprehension skills or if they are just genuine idiots.
Just genuine idiots I'm pretty sure. To share a video with "SHARE THIS VIDEO QUICK" stated in bold text at the bottom definitely raises the question of intelligence of the person that posts it numerous times.
That would be the same Buzz Aldrin that faced assault charges for punching a large fat loudmouth with a bible who called him a liar then.....But hey Flat Earthers know better do they.
Turns out the guy had been hounding him for a long time, being a really noxious scumbag.
You are right again.
Appollo? Just peanuts in American coffer.
Looks like we don't have enough planet in the Solar system if only war effort budget could be redirected into outer space conquer.
It may not be the best place to comment but we could compare Bin Laden expenditure - equal to few plane tickets with follow up Bush up wasteinng trillions on the war that can not be won....
Let's imagine how many more zeros you need to add if you plan now war with China or Russia.
I'm very skeptical that the F-22 program was that cheap :o Perhaps the initial budget but it's been over-runs and trying to make the lemon work for years now.
Federal debt is the 4th largest part of the budget, behind military, health and education, and social services. NASA's budget exceeded 3% of the federal budget for only 4 years during the space race, was usually just under 1% and now is less that 0.5%. Pretty ****in good bang for bucks.
Iraq and Afghanistan wasn't a "war" in the conventional sense, so determining that it can not be won ignores the goals, like liberating the civilians from scumbags like Taliban and al-Qaeda, and empowering them to fight against them on their own.
There won't be a conventional war with Russia or China, that wouldn't be profitable.