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How big is the universe?

Created by azymuth > 9 months ago, 23 May 2017
QLD, 1458 posts
29 May 2017 4:34PM
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What happens If I was in a Holden Monaro travelling at the speed of light and suddenly it gets dark so I flick the headlights on and...
I know the answer but lets see what you think.

NSW, 1575 posts
29 May 2017 6:15PM
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Its relative to the observer.
You would see headlights but unfortunately when you hit lightspeed you would have infinte mass becoming light itself.
Hope that cleared it up .

QLD, 1458 posts
29 May 2017 7:07PM
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actiomax said..
Its relative to the observer.
You would see headlights but unfortunately when you hit lightspeed you would have infinte mass becoming light itself.
Hope that cleared it up .

Yes but in plain english would my high beam light up the road ahead ?

QLD, 6808 posts
29 May 2017 7:08PM
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rockmagnet said..
What happens If I was in a Holden Monaro travelling at the speed of light and suddenly it gets dark so I flick the headlights on and...
I know the answer but lets see what you think.

Even more interesting could be an example when you are driving your Holden Monaro 6 cylinder turbo, with light speed on reverse gear, then you flick those head lights to see in the dark.

QLD, 1458 posts
29 May 2017 7:15PM
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Macroscien said..

rockmagnet said..
What happens If I was in a Holden Monaro travelling at the speed of light and suddenly it gets dark so I flick the headlights on and...
I know the answer but lets see what you think.

Even more interesting could be an example when you are driving your Holden Monaro 6 cylinder turbo, with light speed on reverse gear, then you flick those head lights to see in the dark.

That certainly is a step forward in my thinking, or is that backward?

VIC, 1040 posts
29 May 2017 8:52PM
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Macroscien said..

rockmagnet said..
What happens If I was in a Holden Monaro travelling at the speed of light and suddenly it gets dark so I flick the headlights on and...
I know the answer but lets see what you think.

Even more interesting could be an example when you are driving your Holden Monaro 6 cylinder turbo, with light speed on reverse gear, then you flick those head lights to see in the dark.

As an observer you will see it gets dematerialized and rematerialized on the other side of the universe as... ...can't guarantee it will be the same Monaro though..most likely some modern $hit box built somewhere in the Southern Europe

QLD, 4859 posts
30 May 2017 3:28PM
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Also depends if the Monaro is fully sik , wif woofers .

QLD, 1458 posts
30 May 2017 4:59PM
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Imax1 said..
Also depends if the Monaro is fully sik , wif woofers .

Sorry we are not talking about the sound barrier, it's lightspeeddddddd

QLD, 1079 posts
30 May 2017 5:01PM
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The Universe is as big as a kid's marbel.

Haven't you seen Men in Black? It's all explained there.

NSW, 1575 posts
30 May 2017 7:32PM
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So as you cant actually hit light speed without gaining infinite mass you can hit the nitrous &hit 99.99%of lightspeed you will see the headlights. Its relative to the observer. You will see them .
Nothing in the universe can travel faster than the speed of light or at lightspeed without gaining infinite mass but the universe it self can travel faster than the speed of light .
If it didn't after the big bang we would still be expanding at light speed &maybe made the size of a dot on an i on a printed page .
Its why the universe is bigger in light years than its age .
Light year is actually a measurement not a period of time.
The current theory is in about 5 billion years time all atoms will shred as the universe is expanding as an increasingly faster rate . This will happen because we will have to be hitting light speed
I know its was discovered in Australia &he got the nobel for discovering dark energy .
Name is not coming to me atm .

Hope that helps .
And a fact my truck can get from 0 to 100 km an hr in 19 seconds.
So i can always turn the lights on &see the. But were currently expanding at half light speed from galactic core &further away they are expanding faster than the speed of light but thats only relevant to us .
But the increasing rate ofexpansion will mean everything hits light speed &gains infinite mass
Hope that helps.

QLD, 6808 posts
30 May 2017 8:20PM
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rockmagnet said..

Imax1 said..
Also depends if the Monaro is fully sik , wif woofers .

Sorry we are not talking about the sound barrier, it's lightspeeddddddd

Indeed that is the most essential and nobody thought about before.He spent a lot $$$ on this Hifi system in Monaro and on 10,000W subwoofer in the boot.So what happen with all this investment while you driving at c speed and you want still listen to your favorite RAP music? Soundwave supposes to be a bit slower than light, so the rear speaker is completely useless in Monaro....Hopefully still enjoy nice engine roar at full throttle in the front.

QLD, 1458 posts
30 May 2017 9:06PM
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actiomax said..
So as you cant actually hit light speed without gaining infinite mass you can hit the nitrous &hit 99.99%of lightspeed you will see the headlights. Its relative to the observer. You will see them .
Nothing in the universe can travel faster than the speed of light or at lightspeed without gaining infinite mass but the universe it self can travel faster than the speed of light .
If it didn't after the big bang we would still be expanding at light speed &maybe made the size of a dot on an i on a printed page .
Its why the universe is bigger in light years than its age .
Light year is actually a measurement not a period of time.
The current theory is in about 5 billion years time all atoms will shred as the universe is expanding as an increasingly faster rate . This will happen because we will have to be hitting light speed
I know its was discovered in Australia &he got the nobel for discovering dark energy .
Name is not coming to me atm .

Hope that helps .
And a fact my truck can get from 0 to 100 km an hr in 19 seconds.
So i can always turn the lights on &see the. But were currently expanding at half light speed from galactic core &further away they are expanding faster than the speed of light but thats only relevant to us .
But the increasing rate ofexpansion will mean everything hits light speed &gains infinite mass
Hope that helps.

Ok I have a device in the vehicle that removes mass thus preventing me from lighting up the whole galaxy and returns the mass as I slow down.This device now allows me to achieve light speed as I have no mass.
So back to the original question , Will I be able to see the road ahead when I put he high beam on at light speed

QLD, 1079 posts
31 May 2017 1:59PM
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rockmagnet said..

actiomax said..
So as you cant actually hit light speed without gaining infinite mass you can hit the nitrous &hit 99.99%of lightspeed you will see the headlights. Its relative to the observer. You will see them .
Nothing in the universe can travel faster than the speed of light or at lightspeed without gaining infinite mass but the universe it self can travel faster than the speed of light .
If it didn't after the big bang we would still be expanding at light speed &maybe made the size of a dot on an i on a printed page .
Its why the universe is bigger in light years than its age .
Light year is actually a measurement not a period of time.
The current theory is in about 5 billion years time all atoms will shred as the universe is expanding as an increasingly faster rate . This will happen because we will have to be hitting light speed
I know its was discovered in Australia &he got the nobel for discovering dark energy .
Name is not coming to me atm .

Hope that helps .
And a fact my truck can get from 0 to 100 km an hr in 19 seconds.
So i can always turn the lights on &see the. But were currently expanding at half light speed from galactic core &further away they are expanding faster than the speed of light but thats only relevant to us .
But the increasing rate ofexpansion will mean everything hits light speed &gains infinite mass
Hope that helps.

Ok I have a device in the vehicle that removes mass thus preventing me from lighting up the whole galaxy and returns the mass as I slow down.This device now allows me to achieve light speed as I have no mass.
So back to the original question , Will I be able to see the road ahead when I put he high beam on at light speed

But light does have mass, relatively speaking...

Energy doesn't 'have' mass in the sense that a basketball has mass. Mass is a form of energy, like Heat or Electricity. The equivalent energy contained in mass is given as E=mc2, where E is energy in Joules, mass is in kg and speed of light is expressed in m/s.

NSW, 1739 posts
31 May 2017 7:40PM
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I think another interesting concept (as opposed to size, how "big") is time.

Our existence is intrinsically linked to time.

But when did time start (if it ever did)?
If time actually had a start point, what was there before?
If it never started and has always been, how did it come to exist in the first place (think, the chicken or the egg argument)?

Any thoughts?

WA, 12440 posts
31 May 2017 7:04PM
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I don't think time can be separated from space, it's a space/time continuum, so as long as there's been space there's been time.

NSW, 1739 posts
1 Jun 2017 7:51AM
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decrepit said..
I don't think time can be separated from space, it's a space/time continuum, so as long as there's been space there's been time.

Yeah, you just reminded me that time is the fourth dimension to space, which makes up the first three.

So my question most likely relates to what is the fifth dimension, and a quick Google search indicates that is one of the reasons behind the recent construction of the Large Hadron Collider.

Will have to wait and see.

VIC, 851 posts
1 Jun 2017 8:56AM
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I posit that time doesn't exist. It's just a construct of our mind.

2224 posts
1 Jun 2017 7:06AM
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Twice the llength from the middle to the end...

Exact same measurements as a piece of string

QLD, 4873 posts
1 Jun 2017 9:23AM
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decrepit said..
I don't think time can be separated from space, it's a space/time continuum, so as long as there's been space there's been time.

Ah that makes sense, as our house is so small we have no space and therefore no time for windsurfing

QLD, 1458 posts
1 Jun 2017 10:53AM
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rockmagnet said..
What happens If I was in a Holden Monaro travelling at the speed of light and suddenly it gets dark so I flick the headlights on and...
I know the answer but lets see what you think.

It was always a trick question. You could never attain light speed in a Holden Monaro, you would have to have a Ford Falcon GTHO

NSW, 9205 posts
1 Jun 2017 1:22PM
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Jupiter said..

Macroscien said..

Mark _australia said..
^^ it does not work for a candle moving at near c

the candle blows out.

not exactly, candle flame traveling at C speed in open vacuum space will not be affected by air resistance

Would candle burn more brightly in a vacuum ?

Candle can't burn in vacuum; no air.

If candle is already burning must be inside vessel which is moving at or near c, as is the air. Candle stays lit.

NSW, 9205 posts
1 Jun 2017 1:25PM
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Cambodge said..
I posit that time doesn't exist. It's just a construct of our mind.

Time is a dimension, it "prevents" everything happening at once.

...which is what happens if you are an electron moving at light speed; the universe is flat and everything happens in an instant.

[bubble bubble bubble] [cough]

NSW, 1575 posts
4 Jun 2017 1:49PM
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Latest thinking is there are 11 dimensions & 1 of them is time &the dimension of time could be the only one that survives the end of the universe

2156 posts
4 Jun 2017 12:01PM
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rockmagnet said..
What happens If I was in a Holden Monaro travelling at the speed of light and suddenly it gets dark so I flick the headlights on and...
I know the answer but lets see what you think.

Well, I think you are in luck. You see...If you only have a Holden Kingswood, it will take you a bit longer to get to the edge of the universe as opposed to in a much faster Monaro.

By the way, I have a T-model Ford which only wants to start when it bloody well feels like it. So it would be fat chance if I take it for a space travel.

WA, 501 posts
4 Jun 2017 1:44PM
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Anyone down with the finite but unbounded theory? AKA like a game of snake you just end up where you started from yet the universe grows in expanse. The geometry would be like a donut in 4th dimensional space that folds in upon itself.

85 posts
4 Jun 2017 1:47PM
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Fascinating subject but it is one that is beyond my realm of comprehension. My question for you all and something that it is one of my first thoughts when pondering this conundrum is, if the universe is expanding (which science says it is) what is it expanding into? What is at the edge of the universe? Is it a definite ending that could not be crossed? Is it a rolling, roiling cataclysm of space matter like the front of dust storm? If you could traverse the leading, expanding edge of the universe, to where it has not expanded yet, where would you find yourself? Would you be in another universe being cannibalized by our own universe?

If so, what exists in that other universe? Is there a group of people (or beings) watching as there universe shrinks at greater than the speed of light with the comprehension levels to understand that their universe is being compressed and overtaken by ours? Does that mean our universe will compact their universe until you could fit it in the boot of a Monaro but weighing as much as an universe worth of stuff weighs? How many universes are there, and how do they interact with each other? Answers please!!


NSW, 1575 posts
4 Jun 2017 7:20PM
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The universe is expanding into the future .

QLD, 7428 posts
5 Jun 2017 12:52AM
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^ So's your mum.

2156 posts
5 Jun 2017 9:41AM
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evlPanda said..
Candle can't burn in vacuum; no air.

If candle is already burning must be inside vessel which is moving at or near c, as is the air. Candle stays lit.

Gee...It took this long for someone to realize this !

2156 posts
5 Jun 2017 9:50AM
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evlPanda said..

Cambodge said..
I posit that time doesn't exist. It's just a construct of our mind.

Time is a dimension, it "prevents" everything happening at once.

...which is what happens if you are an electron moving at light speed; the universe is flat and everything happens in an instant.

I doubt that "time" is one of the dimensions. Let's me put it this way. Time is a concept we humans used to keep track on the progress of things. We get out at 10 am, or even 12 noon if you are unemployed, or filthy rich.You spend 10 minutes in the crap house. Etc, etc. Now whether you like it or not, things simply move on whether you bother to check your watch or not. Similarly, anything and everything in the universe will move on regardless of whether there is a "time" dimension" or not.

As I said, it is only a measuring concept for us to use. Now whether it is a Holden Kingswood's kind of fast, or lightning speed fast, things will keep on moving on.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"How big is the universe?" started by azymuth