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I want to be able to play guitar by the time I'm 50!

Created by shoodbegood > 9 months ago, 14 Jan 2019
3777 posts
26 Jan 2019 11:25PM
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i was thinking of making a guitar out of an old ford XD falcon door or just the quarter pannel ifvthat was to heavy . . so like when you play looks like your hanging out of a car window.

WA, 1305 posts
27 Jan 2019 8:25AM
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Harrow said..
What's the tuning on the 3-string shovel??


WA, 1305 posts
27 Jan 2019 8:25AM
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Harrow said..
What's the tuning on the 3-string shovel??

Open G tuning- GDG

VIC, 873 posts
27 Jan 2019 10:49PM
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Just got my new Fender Mustang GT Amp !

I know, not for the valve amp purists but for the rest of us, what an awesome little machine, grouse way to learn, gotta love your sound right.

It has preset amp sounds from a myriad of classic amps, you can tamper with any of these presets, there are users throughout the world that set them up and you can just download anything, Tom Petty, Kiss, Credence, Blues, Heavy Metal.....on it goes.

Bluetooth songs you're learning and play along, headphones if you want so you don't piss off the whole house.

Now is a serious;y good time to learn to play !

As well as finding a good teacher, there are some really good lessons on You Tube.

My best is JJ, formerly Privatetricker, what a guy, good songs and great explanations.

Have you guys/gals found any real good stuff ?

BTW, love the shovel/cigar box stuff, not there yet but geez, hope that guy with the long hair leaves a few ! Good on him.

NSW, 7 posts
28 Jan 2019 7:24AM
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shoodbegood said..
Well about 6 years ago I set myself a goal to be able to play by the time I'm 50.

It's interesting, I didn't even really know what that meant, still don't, but it's a hell of a lotta fun trying.

Tomorrows the day, and after weekly lessons, finding a great teacher, getting a good Telecaster and many, many hours of noodling away, I'm kinda satisfied with where I'm at !

The "journey" continues, I'm well along the way, but like all things, there's never an end destination, just keep going and learning.

Surely glad I started though, it's never too late to get going with something you've always wanted to do, just gotta have a crack !

Congratulations. I've made my career out of playing, composing and teaching music, it's no small feat. You need to be obsessed, and when you're obsessed you need to practice like someone who is! Excellent work, again congratulations.

3777 posts
29 Jan 2019 4:19PM
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I like this dude reminds me of running a muck as a teenager. 4;15 Domination solo is a pinkie breaker


VIC, 873 posts
29 Jan 2019 9:56PM
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landlubberlarry said..

shoodbegood said..
Well about 6 years ago I set myself a goal to be able to play by the time I'm 50.

It's interesting, I didn't even really know what that meant, still don't, but it's a hell of a lotta fun trying.

Tomorrows the day, and after weekly lessons, finding a great teacher, getting a good Telecaster and many, many hours of noodling away, I'm kinda satisfied with where I'm at !

The "journey" continues, I'm well along the way, but like all things, there's never an end destination, just keep going and learning.

Surely glad I started though, it's never too late to get going with something you've always wanted to do, just gotta have a crack !

Congratulations. I've made my career out of playing, composing and teaching music, it's no small feat. You need to be obsessed, and when you're obsessed you need to practice like someone who is! Excellent work, again congratulations.

Cheers Larry !

I'm pretty obsessed, get an hour in nearly every day, more on the weekends !

Should be okay by the time I'm 60

Ian K
WA, 4122 posts
30 Jan 2019 11:32AM
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Didn't make it by 30,40,50 or 60. Doubt if I'll be there at 70. Not enough practice or natural ability. I'll just keep on noodling.

But one helpful hint? It's 95% the player and 5 % the quality of the guitar. So flood the house with cheap guitars. The effort of getting a prized 3kg possession out of its hermetically sealed case discourages grabbing 5 minutes of valuable practice. You don't have to worry if they get blasted by the sun, cop a little rain or get chewed by the dog.

Light weight , compact, easy to pick up, same neck width as a stratocaster, get some higher quality strings, tweak the action, it'll sound OK. Indestructible.

WA, 3856 posts
31 Jan 2019 11:08AM
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I play a bit. Bunch of instrumental originals at

(Looking for a bass player for a live band, if anybody is/knows one)

3777 posts
1 Feb 2019 6:41PM
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Just have a party and put on free pizza haha

3777 posts
11 Apr 2019 8:05PM
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Own aussie Dude covers most guitar solos even stevie ray follow him Tabs are teaching are accurate Hard to find.

got respect for you blues players if your respect the bogan ! Both very difficult to

Ian K
WA, 4122 posts
11 Apr 2019 9:11PM
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Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple! You learn something every day.

VIC, 873 posts
12 Apr 2019 9:44PM
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Hey Ian


That's the triplets huh?

Love the Merle Workin' Mans Blues, gonna get to this point one day hopefully !

Ian K
WA, 4122 posts
13 Apr 2019 9:43AM
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shoodbegood said..

Hey Ian


That's the triplets huh?

Love the Merle Workin' Mans Blues, gonna get to this point one day hopefully !

Buster's video link. Hard to pick at that speed but I thought I heard a triplet or two. And then the Dude said "Pineapple". Easier than one,two three.

3777 posts
13 Apr 2019 7:42PM
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Pretty technical video Ian sound awesome. bit beyond me Guitar like Stevie ray other artists playing His though process and unnatrural uncordination leave people baffled What makes them legends! . Mabe its a gift. Difficult but healthy to keep the brain co-ordinated Brain can tell the body to a lot but have to teach it! Explain this oldschool vid of dude with disability! .

Key is with music impress yourself not anyone else. Just enjoy the advantages of picking up an instrument what ever that mabe at what ever level and enjoy it. The internet is now a world of free tuition There has never been a better time to learn Get into it. Anyways got to go while writing this kids have pushed in my expencive surround sound speaker domes in swung of the usb ports on the pc and opened the cd drive 19 times before pushing it into the hard drive compartment.

3777 posts
17 Apr 2019 7:56PM
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bit of bogan to muck about with

NSW, 1739 posts
18 Apr 2019 7:13AM
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Recently stumbled across this guitarist - maybe a possible inspiration.

515 posts
18 Apr 2019 5:12PM
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not putting that dude down but why do so many guitar artists look like a chook laying a hard boiled egg, or a tortoise thats just crapped in its shell, the ay their heads move thats an exercise in itself.

Ian K
WA, 4122 posts
18 Apr 2019 8:33PM
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Well if you haven't got a mike to steady your head you'll look a bit stupid no matter what you do with it? Here you go Tonz.
(So much good stuff on youtube()

1357 posts
25 Apr 2019 6:44AM
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Been trying for a few months to learn guitar by the time I'm 60, left ring finger wrecked kiting, might change to banjo.

3777 posts
11 Aug 2019 6:45PM
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super fun solo


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"I want to be able to play guitar by the time I'm 50!" started by shoodbegood