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Just bought 1 bitcoin for AU $32K

Created by myscreenname > 9 months ago, 14 Jun 2022
NSW, 4521 posts
6 Dec 2023 10:26AM
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myscreenname said..
SEC will be making a decision on the BlackRock etf before Jan 10. So there is plenty of speculation about that decision. Then later in year is the next BTC halving which has always created volatility. I think another all time high is coming.

I can't believe I'm about to say this because I'm not a believer, but I'm willing to toss in $50k for the fun of it, to jump in and out on a weekly basis if it starts cycling up and down again.

What would be the most convenient/reliable way to do that?

1964 posts
6 Dec 2023 8:12AM
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Harrow said..
I can't believe I'm about to say this because I'm not a believer, but I'm willing to toss in $50k for the fun of it, to jump in and out on a weekly basis if it starts cycling up and down again.

What would be the most convenient/reliable way to do that?

If you want to do it like that... Then set up account on Independent Reserve or BTC Markets. Transfer money into it, then trade on their exchange.

I minimise my use of exchanges. But for jumping in and out, that is best, cheapest way.

I just sold 0.25 of my BTC through IR. Fees/charges on IR are pretty steep. Transferring from my wallet to IR then trading to AUD and putting in my account cost ~$60

QLD, 3664 posts
7 Dec 2023 2:40PM
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So past returns are a guide to the future?

You only make money when you sell. What's your tap out?

1964 posts
7 Dec 2023 3:21PM
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bjw said..
So past returns are a guide to the future?

If you toss a coin and it comes up heads 10 times in a row, what are the chances of coming up heads on the next throw?
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You only make money when you sell. What's your tap out?

Been selling it for many years now, sold a quarter of my position yesterday. I've done pretty well out of it to date.

1964 posts
7 Dec 2023 9:04PM
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bjw said..
What's your tap out?

Good question. I wasn't prepared on it going up in value so fast.

It's a volatile asset. And over the years little patterns emerge that you can exploit.

I'd like to cut out of it at some point. My main issue with it is, how to best pass on the asset if I die suddenly. When I work that out, I'd be less hesitant to dispose of all of it.

My next sell off will be AU$ 96k or early June...maybe.

If it sustains a new ATH and I start hearing young people, taxi drivers, randoms, normies asking/talking to me about it or if I see stupid segments explaining how Crypto works on The Project with Waleed hosting... I'm selling the lot.

QLD, 3664 posts
8 Dec 2023 11:50AM
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Good strategy.

Your early sell was a.good move, especially now because outside of the Israel thing, there hasn't been any bad economic news in quite a while. Something will eventually happen and the BTC race will settle for a bit.

But there has been less active trading recently. So you'd assume less people are buying, but more people are actively holding. Hence the price rise.

1964 posts
12 Dec 2023 6:05PM
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It would be an understatement to say that it's been a good year for Nvidia. The California-based chipmaking giant has seen its shares soar about 220% this year, making it the top performing S&P 500 stock in 2023.

Bitcoin up only 170%

Likely NVDA will have growth potential in 2024.

QLD, 3664 posts
13 Dec 2023 8:10AM
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P/E 62. Please explain why you expect the share price to increase?

1964 posts
13 Dec 2023 4:15PM
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Nvidia make the high quality fast GPUs that AI needs to train all the models that are going to be built.

Charts only tell you what's happened in the past, they are not a guide to the future.

A high P/E doesn't necessarily indicate a bad investment. In fact, in many cases it may mean the exact opposite.

1964 posts
14 Feb 2024 8:33PM
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Won't be long before I can put up a deposit on that Port Gregory property.

I told you guys about this BTC halving, and it's potential impact on it's price. This current bull run is not finished yet.

On an interesting side note: my call on NVDA has come true sooner than expected.

It's gone up almost 50% since my post two months ago on 12 December.

1964 posts
29 Feb 2024 4:51PM
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Just sold another 0.25 BTC

Right now I feel incredibly clever. But I know there's a bit of luck there. As they say: I backed the right horse.

This BTC bull run is not over yet, and I may have sold prematurely. Time will tell.

Next sell off I'm thinking is BTC $150k.

Could happen this year.

World is not round, world is not flat, world is farked.

WA, 14905 posts
29 Feb 2024 5:18PM
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myscreenname said..
Won't be long before I can put up a deposit on that Port Gregory property.

I told you guys about this BTC halving, and it's potential impact on it's price. This current bull run is not finished yet.

On an interesting side note: my call on NVDA has come true sooner than expected.

It's gone up almost 50% since my post two months ago on 12 December.

When I used to work for a company called Cisco, my colleagues were all invested in the idea that the shares would go up, split at a certain level, and then continue to do this. We all had options and most people were buying shares in the employee stock purchase program too.

Years later I caught up with someone I used to work with there. Some people that had got in early had made a fortune and retired early. Some had made a decent return and bought a house. Others hung on too late and when the shares finally went down, they were below the option price, so they had almost nothing.

It's all good until it's not.

But forget about Port Gregory, it's not for sale.

1964 posts
29 Feb 2024 5:32PM
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FormulaNova said..
When I used to work for a company called Cisco, my colleagues were all invested in the idea that the shares would go up, split at a certain level, and then continue to do this. We all had options and most people were buying shares in the employee stock purchase program too.

Years later I caught up with someone I used to work with there. Some people that had got in early had made a fortune and retired early. Some had made a decent return and bought a house. Others hung on too late and when the shares finally went down, they were below the option price, so they had almost nothing.

It's all good until it's not.

But forget about Port Gregory, it's not for sale.

Buying is easy. Selling is hard. Getting older and gaining experience in trading volitile assets over the decades, has taught me so much about myself and the fine line between greed and fear.

World is not round, world is not flat, world is farked.

WA, 210 posts
1 Mar 2024 5:49AM
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1964 posts
1 Mar 2024 4:44PM
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Sublime said..

Is this an example of someone who hasn't worked out their relationship between fear and greed.

We all know bitcoin was next to worthless when it began, 15 years ago. So what! This is the story of all start ups. Today 1 BTC is is selling for just shy of $100K. BTC is a rare unicorn that I've had the pleasure to ride.

I'm at a bit lost at the point you are attempting to make.

WA, 210 posts
1 Mar 2024 5:45PM
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the constant upward trend and the fact it is still early.
1 BTC = 1BTC

So what are you greed or fear? Since you are a trader and not a HODLer

1964 posts
1 Mar 2024 6:06PM
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Sublime said..
the constant upward trend and the fact it is still early.
1 BTC = 1BTC

So what are you greed or fear? Since you are a trader and not a HODLer

I am a trader, a believer and a realist.

BTC, has its shortcomings. Hodling for Hodlings sake is stupid. I've done that through two bear markets now. BTC has helped me understand my relationship between fear and greed.

I will always hodl some BTC. You never know when things will go belly up.

1964 posts
12 Mar 2024 7:24AM
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Harrow said..
I can't believe I'm about to say this because I'm not a believer, but I'm willing to toss in $50k for the fun of it, to jump in and out on a weekly basis if it starts cycling up and down again.

What would be the most convenient/reliable way to do that?

So how did that work out?

Your $50k would be worth more than $85k today, and rising fast if you had done that.

WA, 1557 posts
12 Mar 2024 2:52PM
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Mike Stone - Bitcoin is Midwife of CBDC's -

WA, 486 posts
12 Mar 2024 3:45PM
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If you want to have a better understanding of Bitcoin,
then this is worth a read.
All the rest is just centralised noise!

10 posts
28 Sep 2024 1:33AM
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I'm also super passionate about crypto and recently bought some Bitcoin too. It's an exciting time to be in the market!

7 posts
1 Oct 2024 6:30PM
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I'm really into crypto and just got some Bitcoin too.

I used this tool that made buying way easier. If you wanna make it simple, check out

933 posts
2 Oct 2024 12:48AM
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Constantino said..
I'm also super passionate about crypto and recently bought some Bitcoin too. It's an exciting time to be in the market!

Bot, is that you again?

933 posts
2 Oct 2024 12:49AM
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SeaConn said..
I'm really into crypto and just got some Bitcoin too.

I used this tool that made buying way easier. If you wanna make it simple, check out

Bot, is that you yet again?

1964 posts
9 Oct 2024 6:56PM
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Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery
Is on Binge. Apparently it's going to reveal who Satoshi Nakamoto is....

There has been millions of dollars being bet on this reveal on polymarket

Mr Milk
NSW, 3062 posts
9 Oct 2024 11:59PM
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I wonder if it is the same person who was unmasked by 2 separate lines of inquiry on season 2 of Devils?
Stream it on SBS if you like high finance drama.

1964 posts
9 Oct 2024 9:22PM
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Mr Milk said..
I wonder if it is the same person who was unmasked by 2 separate lines of inquiry on season 2 of Devils?
Stream it on SBS if you like high finance drama.

They named a Canadian guy who was 15 or 16 when he supposedly invented Bitcoin. It was a convincing argument. But all based on purely circumstantial evidence, and not much of it either. I don't think we will ever know who the inventor was, or if they are still alive. The doco did provide a reasonably interesting history of how and who helped it evolve to what it is today.

I'll give Devils a watch.

QLD, 3664 posts
10 Oct 2024 7:11AM
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Why would he hide his identity?

Could he be the only person to have the keys to print money? Otherwise, what would his motive be?

1964 posts
10 Oct 2024 6:23AM
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There are a few reasons given why you would choose to hide your identity in the documentary.

Hal Finney was the first person to receive bitcoin. If you read up on what happened to him in the last year of his life, that could be a reason to go into hiding.

WA, 6975 posts
10 Oct 2024 7:37AM
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ooooh how you tease us all myscreenname.

But you ain't pulling the wool over Carantoc's eyes. No, no. I see your little games.

Satoshi Nakamoto is an anagram of myscreenname..... if you just add the extra letters toshiakaoto and remove the letters ycreenme.

And if you take the letters toshiakaotoycreenme they spell out Etheostoma raneyi, or as it is better known the little fish the Yazoo darter.

And what was Yazoo ? well it was an English synth-pop duo including a former Depeche Mode member. And what is Depeche Mode ?

Well, its a french lifestyle magazine which translates to 'fashion news update'

Thus it is concluded that mycreenname is Satoshi Nakamoto, and so named as a nod to the fact that bitcoin is just a passing fashion trend.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Just bought 1 bitcoin for AU $32K" started by myscreenname