Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by myscreenname 3 months ago, 26 Oct 2024
WA, 6890 posts
31 Oct 2024 6:59AM
Thumbs Up

For Stan ?

It is a broad membership of thousands of like minded individuals from around the globe, but I do not believe there is a member with the username Stan. Is this why you spend so much time Searching for Sugerstan ?

In this documentary who have you got lined up to play Carantoc ? It may benefit the quality of the production if you get them on-board early, so they have sufficient time work on both their physical appearance and their mental aptitude.

The Word of the Year comp only ran for one or two years from memory. It was much like the hugely popular, but now defunct, Caption Comp. Like the Caption Comp the winner was arbitrarily decided by one person, they were free to take the number of green thumb votes into consideration but were not bound by that metric. In the case of 2013 the single determining vote lay with the forum member Carantoc. I do recall event was so short-lived not even one post was made about it at the time.

It would make a fascinating mini-series spin-off from your documentary though.

- oh yeah, just for remery (or should it actually be Remery ?) the fact that beLIEve won was quite discombubolating for some.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Lidia" started by myscreenname