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Skepticism and critical thinking

Created by remery 8 months ago, 3 Jul 2024
This topic has been locked
WA, 14905 posts
13 Jul 2024 6:35AM
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philn said..
Oh my god, how did American politics end up on a thread about skepticism and critical thinking. Nikki Haley would be the next US president if Americans were capable of skepticism and critical thinking.

Over here on seabreeze we have had a regular transition from on-topic to vaccines, which leads to antivaxxers and then other conspiracy theories on a rotational basis.

Now, we are just saving time and switching to American politics in whatever thread is at the top of the active topics list.

Although I think we need to drop the naming people bit. Having different personalites on here makes it more interesting even if we don't agree or even agree on why we don't agree.

But we are missing the important stuff. Over in Frankston the local council has gone power mad and are chasing this landscaper for filling in their hole. He filled in their hole! Outrageous! He needs to give them back their empty space.

WA, 1771 posts
13 Jul 2024 9:46AM
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philn said..
... Nikki Haley would be the next US president if Americans were capable of skepticism and critical thinking.

Nikki Haley was so much better in every respect than the other candidates I really thought she had a solid chance. I still cant quite get my head around how she wasn't a better pick than the older and way worse version of Waldorf and Statler.

WA, 12429 posts
13 Jul 2024 10:31AM
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Hope you guys don't mind a side track here.
This is an example of scientific critical thinking in action. A puzzle as yet satisfactorily resolved, and the US and Russian collaborative efforts to solve it.

I'd like Pete to have a good read of this but I bet he wont.

WA, 1771 posts
13 Jul 2024 10:46AM
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decrepit said..
Hope you guys don't mind a side track here.
This is an example of scientific critical thinking in action. A puzzle as yet satisfactorily resolved, and the US and Russian collaborative efforts to solve it.

I'd like Pete to have a good read of this but I bet he wont.

I think they need to increase the toe-in angle. It is going to be ironic if the early warning fish turn out to be highly resistant to leaking radiation..., but it is the coolest aquarium I have seen in a lab (perhaps the only one in fact )
Some on here might argue it's not an experiment an Average Joe can do, so it's a belief exercise.

WA, 14905 posts
13 Jul 2024 12:37PM
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decrepit said..
Hope you guys don't mind a side track here.
This is an example of scientific critical thinking in action. A puzzle as yet satisfactorily resolved, and the US and Russian collaborative efforts to solve it.

I'd like Pete to have a good read of this but I bet he wont.

You really expected PM33 to read that? I had a go and lost the thread. There was no mention of God Particles, so I gave up.

It does show you though how many people are out there thinking up ways of finding out what the world is made of.

WA, 1557 posts
14 Jul 2024 2:07AM
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You have to wonder how many lives Big P harm a potions have wrecked and taken.

WA, 14905 posts
14 Jul 2024 8:27AM
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Pcdefender said..
You have to wonder how many lives Big P harm a potions have wrecked and taken.

It surprises me that someone would even green thumb such a bland comment. I guess someone else is clearly anti-life saving medicine. But it is just such a boring comment with no real aim.

Have you ever had surgery? Ever been treated with antibiotics? Where was your determination against 'Big Pharma' then?

People are likely to live much longer and healthier lives than they have in the past. Medicine is one of the reasons. I guess we could go live without medicines, but it would be a much more painful way of living.

WA, 1278 posts
14 Jul 2024 9:33AM
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Pcdefender said..
You have to wonder how many lives Big P harm a potions have wrecked and taken.

What amazes me is that people still claim that ancient medical practices/herbalism and things like chiropractic and homoeopathic medicine are safe and effective (wink wink).

Yet it's only been since the advent of science based medicine with what are now considered conventional medical practices that there has been significant improvement in ability to prevent and treat disease.

You comment implies that pharmaceutical products cause more harm than good.

While everyone can acknowledge that pharmaceuticals have and can cause harm (and we should continue to strive for safer medicine) it's no where as dangerous and widespread as the harms from Smallpox etc.

There are so many diseases out there that used considered a death sentence (watch "Million ways to die in the west") that modern conventional medicine has reduced to a week of being sick or completely cured by a straight forward surgery.

WA, 1278 posts
14 Jul 2024 9:35AM
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FormulaNova said..

. I guess we could go live without medicines, but it would be a much more painful way of living.

And generally shorter, with cemeteries having way more headstones for kids and infants

WA, 1278 posts
14 Jul 2024 10:00AM
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Pcdefender said..

D3 said..

I don't do religion.

Faith in the establishment narrative is your speciality.

Belief based on faith without supporting physical evidence is effectively religious.

You are religious.

I am also religious.

Why - because i believe there is a creator though i cannot prove it absolutely with physical evidence.

So we are both religious just we have different Gods.

Oh man, I just found this.

This is a pretty poor attempt at gas lighting.

You claim I just blindly believe a narrative that has no evidence?

What do you think I am am believing out of "blind faith"?

I am open to having what I understand or accept as true challenged.
I can change my mind about something as new evidence is discovered that may affect the previous understanding of something.

I've even tried this with your best efforts regarding Flat Earth evidence videos.
But even the best of your videos rely on pure faith and can't explain what I can see and test everyday in the real world.

The fact that my observations of the world around me match other people's and fit with a Globe Earth model, does not make it a conspiracy. That's actually how the real world works.
Example: Group of people standing on the beach can feel the wind blowing from a direction, they all agree on which direction that is and it happens to match the forecast from the BOM. This is not a conspiracy.

WA, 1557 posts
15 Jul 2024 5:59PM
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From the current issue 12 of The Light newspaper.....


Nobody knows they're in a cult until they leave it, but what if the majority of 'mainstream' thought and discourse is in fact part of an indoctrination process to get us all to think a certain way?

How would you know, if everyone was undergoing the same psychological manipulation, and very few people dissented from what is accepted as the norm, that you were actually in a majority cult?

If you are alive and reading this, you know you have been brainwashed to some degree or other. We are all born tabula rasa, not even knowing how to get milk from a teat; everything we know is either via our own senses or from what someone else has taught us.

It is vital to note that the quality of that second-hand information is not guaranteed; the history of science teaches us this as fact. "The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists", said J. Edgar Hoover, former Director of the FBI.

We are taught from birth to trust in the established authorities and institutions, but what if they were run not for our benefit?

What if their purpose is to box our thinking into certain beliefs? The compartmentalisation within every sector and department of both public and private sector means that only those directing the overall policy know exactly what is going on.

Everyone else just fulfils their role to the best of their ability and naturally believes they are contributing to the good of society. This is also true at universities, mostly now sponsored by Bill Gates and other huge foundations and corporations, where because a chemist knows his science works, he will assume the medicalpharmaceutical guys have their ducks in a row, too. But this is a logical fallacy, from which our brains are full. Continued page 2

Continued from page 1

Scientific journals are a closed shop, as explained on page 6 - if your results go against the agenda they simply won't be published; all information and knowledge are thus tightly controlled. Too many things don't seem to work as they should - yet ordinary people, who generally get a raw deal from those in power, are persuaded once every three or four years to vote for one of the major political parties who always keep the status quo. One should again ask why, when nobody likes politicians? Everyone knows they lie, are corrupt, and are self-serving; yet every election their numerous past transgressions are somehow forgotten, and we accept again, like little children, that this time will be different, and their promises to improve things will hold.

What else but mass mind control could achieve that? We live in an age where men can declare themselves women and compete in female sports; where children as young as four are exposed to masturbation, sexuality and changing their gender by authorities; where the truth is labelled misinformation, and lies defended with vigour on all major media outlets; where a fake climate crisis means we have to source the most expensive ways of generating power; where having the wrong opinion will get you fired or imprisoned, and where you are called fascist by those who want to restrict your speech, movement, food, energy and income. A good comedian would have a field day with all of this madness, but sadly most of them are of the 'woke' variety, pushing the corporate narrative, mocking those who see the truth and being very unfunny with it. Like doctors, teachers, musicians and politicians, they have been made afraid for their livelihoods, and can't see another way to maintain their lifestyle, status and income without supporting the corporate agenda.

Here is the ultimate expression of thought control - self-censorship, the exact opposite of the pure human spirit. Perhaps it is time for all of us to examine where exactly our knowledge about the world has come from, and use wisdom to discern its truth for ourselves, without, as we have been conditioned to, lazily relying upon the logical fallacy of 'appeal to authority'?


WA, 1278 posts
15 Jul 2024 6:02PM
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Still not how scientists conduct their studies.

WA, 6975 posts
15 Jul 2024 6:33PM
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Pcdefender said..
From the current issue 12 of The Light newspaper.....

PM33 - seriously now.

Just stop and have a two second think.

That is not news. It is an opinion.

If it is in anything that purports to be a newspaper, "Reporting honest independent news", it needs to make it a) perfectly clear it is an opinion and not factual news and b) ensure that the person's opinion it is is identifiable such that some context of the opinion can be assessed, and not just some random pseudonym.

It does neither. Hence whether you agree, disagree or anything else with the opinion presented it is a charlatan, deliberately setting out to deceive you.

Would you not say the same thing of an opinion published in the MSM ?

You are doing yourself a particular discredit here.

WA, 12429 posts
15 Jul 2024 8:55PM
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Carantoc said.. >>>You are doing yourself a particular discredit here.

Is that unusual?

WA, 1557 posts
15 Jul 2024 9:38PM
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Carantoc said..

Pcdefender said..
From the current issue 12 of The Light newspaper.....

That is not news. It is an opinion.

From page 2.......are you saying Caitlan was not killed by the jabs?

RAELENE Kennedy, mother of Caitlin Gotze, 23, who died shortly after her second Pfizer shot, had her two-page submission 1784 entirely blacked out. Raelene Kennedy has bravely told her story many times including on her Facebook page Justice4Caitlin. But all that appears of her parliamentary submission is two black slabs.

When Raelene saw the complete redaction without even her name on it, she despaired. "The truth is never going to come out", she told Letters From Australia (LFA). Raelene wrote to the Covid-19 Response Inquiry asking how she could make a submission without censorship as Caitlin's next of kin. She got a form-letter response. "Submissions may have been redacted in accordance with the Privacy Notice", the email said. "Submissions may have been redacted where they contain material with the personal or business information of third parties if the department does not have their consent to publish the information." They will never have Caitlin's consent because she is dead.

Caitlin - a healthy, vibrant, beautiful young woman - died less than two months after her second Pfizer mRNA injection. The terrible story of Caitlin's death has been told publicly by Raelene on Jab Injuries Australia's Instagram page, on the Caf? Locked Out podcast and to the Joint Parliamentary Covid Inquiry in 2021. It's not a secret to be guarded with censorship. Raelene doesn't want her daughter's death covered up by censorship. She wants answers, and she has joined Dr Melissa McCann's class action suing the government on behalf of the vaccine bereaved and injured. Is artificial intelligence now censoring our democracy? LFA also wrote submission 1116 to the same inquiry. It has been oddly redacted as if by an AI that searches for capital letters but can't tell the difference between names that need privacy and those that don't. They censored 'Bradford Hill' from the 'Bradford Hill criteria for causation', which is the scientific method for attributing causality.

The words 'Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation', 'Wellcome Trust' and 'Moderna, Janssen, AstraZeneca and Pfizer' were all redacted. They blacked out Dr Mike Yeadon's name. Dr Yeadon worked for decades in new drug discovery and is the former head of allergy research for Pfizer. He immediately saw the dangerous mRNA genevaccine design flaws would lead to harm and wrote an open letter to the European Medicines Agency together with Dr Wolfgang Wodarg warning them to stop the trials. This letter can now be downloaded from Treaty of Lies. Pandemic of Lies.

Whistleblowers of Truth at his eponymous Substack. The censors blacked out the entire quote from his letter. They blacked out reference to Jane Halton heading Australia's review into covid vaccine procurement while at the same time being the chair of CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) - a matter of public record. The names of famous authors and scientists were deleted in reference to their publicly published works. The submissions process was run by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. A privacy notice on their Covid-19 Response Inquiry website states: "The department reserves the right to refuse to publish submissions and evidence, or parts of submissions and evidence, that contain offensive language, potentially defamatory material or copyright infringing material, or material with the personal or business information of third parties if the department does not have their consent to publish the information." That implies that what is blacked out reasonably fits that criteria.

Clearly it doesn't. And it appears as though they used AI to do it. There were more than 2000 submissions to the inquiry, the department said, and those published were online by 27 March. The department contracted Converlens, an AI company based in Adelaide, to help process them. Converlens is a mid-sized business co-founded by former AGL Energy manager Thomas Workman, according to LinkedIn. Converlens says on its website that it handles government contracts to analyse survey data for issues such as the Indigenous voice to parliament and climate change. It appears to be a public-private partnership used by the federal government to manage the public information." That implies that what is blacked out reasonably fits that criteria. Clearly it doesn't. And it appears as though they used AI to do it. There were more than 2000 submissions to the inquiry, the department said, and those published were online by 27 March. The department contracted Converlens, an AI company based in Adelaide, to help process them. Converlens is a mid-sized business co-founded by former AGL Energy manager Thomas Workman, according to LinkedIn. Converlens says on its website that it handles government contracts to analyse survey data for issues such as the Indigenous voice to parliament and climate change. It appears to be a public-private partnership used by the federal government to manage the public using AI tools. The CSIRO says on its website that Converlens, "was designed in collaboration with the Federal Government as part of the Australian Government's Business Research and Innovation Initiative in 2018, and has subsequently grown in capability and sophistication, working across government, NGO's (sic) and private organisations". A group called the Observator of Public Sector Innovation

WA, 3357 posts
15 Jul 2024 10:39PM
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People die all the time. Sometimes they die 29 days after doing something, eating something or drinking something.

Brent in Qld
WA, 1162 posts
16 Jul 2024 7:04AM
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Debating a narcissist is like trying to play chess with a pigeon. No matter how hard you try the bird will never have any idea about what's going on. And sooner or later, it's going to take a sh!t on the board then strut around like they won.

933 posts
16 Jul 2024 8:51AM
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Brent in Qld said..
Debating a narcissist is like trying to play chess with a pigeon. No matter how hard you try the bird will never have any idea about what's going on. And sooner or later, it's going to take a sh!t on the board then strut around like they won.

Took me a while to realize this wasn't a political comment. ; - )

WA, 3357 posts
16 Jul 2024 10:16AM
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Pcdefender said..

From page 2.......are you saying Caitlan was not killed by the jabs?

RAELENE Kennedy, mother of Caitlin Gotze, 23, who died shortly after her second Pfizer shot, had her two-page submission 1784 entirely blacked out. Raelene Kennedy has bravely told her story many times including on her Facebook page Justice4Caitlin. But all that appears of her parliamentary submission is two black slabs.

When Raelene saw the complete redaction without even her name on it, she despaired. "The truth is never going to come out", she told Letters From Australia (LFA). Raelene wrote to the Covid-19 Response Inquiry asking how she could make a submission without censorship as Caitlin's next of kin. She got a form-letter response. "Submissions may have been redacted in accordance with the Privacy Notice", the email said. "Submissions may have been redacted where they contain material with the personal or business information of third parties if the department does not have their consent to publish the information." They will never have Caitlin's consent because she is dead.

Caitlin - a healthy, vibrant, beautiful young woman - died less than two months after her second Pfizer mRNA injection. The terrible story of Caitlin's death has been told publicly by Raelene on Jab Injuries Australia's Instagram page, on the Caf? Locked Out podcast and to the Joint Parliamentary Covid Inquiry in 2021. It's not a secret to be guarded with censorship. Raelene doesn't want her daughter's death covered up by censorship. She wants answers, and she has joined Dr Melissa McCann's class action suing the government on behalf of the vaccine bereaved and injured. Is artificial intelligence now censoring our democracy? LFA also wrote submission 1116 to the same inquiry. It has been oddly redacted as if by an AI that searches for capital letters but can't tell the difference between names that need privacy and those that don't. They censored 'Bradford Hill' from the 'Bradford Hill criteria for causation', which is the scientific method for attributing causality.

The words 'Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation', 'Wellcome Trust' and 'Moderna, Janssen, AstraZeneca and Pfizer' were all redacted. They blacked out Dr Mike Yeadon's name. Dr Yeadon worked for decades in new drug discovery and is the former head of allergy research for Pfizer. He immediately saw the dangerous mRNA genevaccine design flaws would lead to harm and wrote an open letter to the European Medicines Agency together with Dr Wolfgang Wodarg warning them to stop the trials. This letter can now be downloaded from Treaty of Lies. Pandemic of Lies.

Whistleblowers of Truth at his eponymous Substack. The censors blacked out the entire quote from his letter. They blacked out reference to Jane Halton heading Australia's review into covid vaccine procurement while at the same time being the chair of CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) - a matter of public record. The names of famous authors and scientists were deleted in reference to their publicly published works. The submissions process was run by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. A privacy notice on their Covid-19 Response Inquiry website states: "The department reserves the right to refuse to publish submissions and evidence, or parts of submissions and evidence, that contain offensive language, potentially defamatory material or copyright infringing material, or material with the personal or business information of third parties if the department does not have their consent to publish the information." That implies that what is blacked out reasonably fits that criteria.

Clearly it doesn't. And it appears as though they used AI to do it. There were more than 2000 submissions to the inquiry, the department said, and those published were online by 27 March. The department contracted Converlens, an AI company based in Adelaide, to help process them. Converlens is a mid-sized business co-founded by former AGL Energy manager Thomas Workman, according to LinkedIn. Converlens says on its website that it handles government contracts to analyse survey data for issues such as the Indigenous voice to parliament and climate change. It appears to be a public-private partnership used by the federal government to manage the public information." That implies that what is blacked out reasonably fits that criteria. Clearly it doesn't. And it appears as though they used AI to do it. There were more than 2000 submissions to the inquiry, the department said, and those published were online by 27 March. The department contracted Converlens, an AI company based in Adelaide, to help process them. Converlens is a mid-sized business co-founded by former AGL Energy manager Thomas Workman, according to LinkedIn. Converlens says on its website that it handles government contracts to analyse survey data for issues such as the Indigenous voice to parliament and climate change. It appears to be a public-private partnership used by the federal government to manage the public using AI tools. The CSIRO says on its website that Converlens, "was designed in collaboration with the Federal Government as part of the Australian Government's Business Research and Innovation Initiative in 2018, and has subsequently grown in capability and sophistication, working across government, NGO's (sic) and private organisations". A group called the Observator of Public Sector Innovation

382 posts
16 Jul 2024 5:00PM
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cammd said..

remery said..

psychojoe said..

We're 2,405 posts into Remery's opinions so I was playing the odds that this too would be a waste of time.

You are afraid of science, critical thinking and skepticism?

Careful remery, if you can actually manage to apply critical thinking you become conservative.


WA, 3357 posts
16 Jul 2024 5:37PM
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There is a reason that very few scientists identify as conservative.

WA, 6975 posts
16 Jul 2024 5:48PM
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Yep, no evidence anyone uses pandemics to make money. Oh wait.....

WA, 3357 posts
16 Jul 2024 7:02PM
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Carantoc said.

Yep, no evidence anyone uses pandemics to make money. Oh wait.....

A news media website! You're a funny guy. Poorly educated yes, but funny nonetheless.

QLD, 4025 posts
16 Jul 2024 9:19PM
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GasHazard said..

cammd said..

remery said..

psychojoe said..

We're 2,405 posts into Remery's opinions so I was playing the odds that this too would be a waste of time.

You are afraid of science, critical thinking and skepticism?

Careful remery, if you can actually manage to apply critical thinking you become conservative.


It's true, critical thinking results in pragmatism and that is the foundation of conservatism.

Idealism results in progressive thinking and that is the foundation of leftardery

1964 posts
16 Jul 2024 7:27PM
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cammd said..
It's true, critical thinking results in pragmatism and that is the foundation of conservatism.

Idealism results in progressive thinking and that foundation of leftardery

I think I know what's wrong with you.

Your dad didn't hit you hard enough when you were growing up.

WA, 3212 posts
16 Jul 2024 8:49PM
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remery said..
There is a reason that very few scientists identify as conservative.


Please explain the relationship between your posted pyramid and the political bearings of a scientist?

QLD, 4025 posts
17 Jul 2024 7:57AM
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myscreenname said..

cammd said..
It's true, critical thinking results in pragmatism and that is the foundation of conservatism.

Idealism results in progressive thinking and that foundation of leftardery

I think I know what's wrong with you.

Your dad didn't hit you hard enough when you were growing up.


Do you mind if I cite you as evidence to support my argument.

Froth Goth
1004 posts
17 Jul 2024 6:09AM
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Subsonic said..

remery said..
There is a reason that very few scientists identify as conservative.


Please explain the relationship between your posted pyramid and the political bearings of a scientist?

Theres just a little bit of red and mostly blue but some green and yellow

Is the yellow party the sex and fishing party ?

WA, 3212 posts
17 Jul 2024 7:11AM
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Froth Goth said..

Subsonic said..

remery said..
There is a reason that very few scientists identify as conservative.


Please explain the relationship between your posted pyramid and the political bearings of a scientist?

Is the yellow party the sex and fishing party ?

I don't know, but in the absence of anything better thats who i voted for.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Skepticism and critical thinking" started by remery