Good one when the missus n kids f@@k off to bed
Its a man watch thing, they wouldn't get it
Loved it, makes you wanna get back to basics again
Fark its like watching paint dry. And the ads on sbs on demand are savage.
Try my self reliance on youtube
Caught a bit of it tonight. I think thats pretty much how i'd like to retire.
top show. And he's a bit of a comedian to boot
It was filmed so well from so many angles there would have been a camera crew , makeup , tea lady and sand raker.
Im not sure how real it was meant to be . Id guess , ( i could be wrong ) , the house was put there for the show . It was only a foot or so above sea level . First high tide and some wind that house would be toast .
The stove looks like a old forging furnace , ( horse shoes and stuff like that ).
"When I was 7, mum bought me a pile of dirt for my birthday. I played in it with my matchbox cars for 2 present I ever got." true, spent half my childhood in my neighbour's sand pit doing the same.
Like most boys growing up in the seventies and eighties, I spend half my childhood down the creek building BMX tracks and cubby houses. Filthy kids.