Apart from re-purposing cruise ships as hospital ships or scrap metal....And a re-labeling exercise for a particular beer..
I think clothing which covers you shoulders - shirts, Ts, Blouses etc will include a piece of cloth to allow you to touch your face with to break the skin contact from hand to face. Not as a nose blow more for the itch...
The floor is yours
I think there will be more acceptance on people working from home.
I actually like the spacing of people in shops. I don't like someone standing up my klacker, and it sort of makes the line pretty clear on who is next.
I think Corona the beer will have no problem and won't change its name. Its a common word, and if nothing it will be in people's minds for a long time to come.
Fruit and vege squeezers. I was down the supermarket the other day and for the first time ever didn't have to try and mentally take note of the piece of fruit the pallid old codger beside me hadn't squeezed, held up to the light and put back on the shelf.
I reckon a lot of stores will opt out of accepting cash on a permanent basis. I thought there was a law that compelled them to accept it. But ive heard different since.
Most cashiers these days have already set up the pay pass with the transaction before youve got your wallet out. And that was pre rona.
Every company boardroom around the world will be having a conversation about moving factories and productions lines out of China. The next industrial revolution back to the west.
People may actually decide to not get that bigger TV, that new dual cab ute or that new sail, and may actually leave some cash in the bank or pay more off the mortgage so they are not so tightly stretched.
A guy the other day was wishing that he had a house. His new car cost 10 times as much as the one my wife and I share. In this town, it alone would have given him the deposit for a nice place.
Guys in sailing actually used to hassle me for owning older boats and boards. They'd yell out to tell me to "get rid of that ****box and get a decent boat" and things like that, in person and on SB. I wonder if they are now complaining about how they have nothing in the bank at the moment?
If we can cut down on the mindless consumerism we can end up in a much nicer place, especially since we as a country produce so little in the way of manufactured goods these days.
Less private hospitals and more public hospitals, reading ths seems the private hospitals are funded by the government anyway
My hair style and beard..... all this working from home I have no need to get it cut or to shave.
And on the up side, no one wants to come close to me so its working a treat with no one invading my "anti" social distancing
Im pretty sure my sense of humor is here to stay
I no great fan of China, but since Youtube is one of the world's biggest media outlets and controlled by some of the world's richest people (IIRC) isn't YT itself "the norm"? So given that YT is itself the norm, surely we should question the stuff on YT?
It doesn't take much to see that the "expert" Chang is so far off that any claims that he is an expert look a bit odd. I see that he claimed that China would collapse - in 2011. Latest news is that it's 2020 and the last time I looked, China is still there and run by the CCP. Hmmmmm.....
So in 2011, Chang admitted that he was wrong - by one year, he said. He wrote "Instead of 2011, the mighty Communist Party of China will fall in 2012. Bet on it."
So...... it's 2020, last time I looked. 2012 was a while ago. So Chang was once again, completely and utterly wrong on something he was completely and utterly sure about.
Slide forward once more, and apparently the expert forecast that China would fall apart in 2016; " In an article he published in US magazine The National Interest last month, he, as always, boldly made a forecast that the collapse of China's economy will come at 2016". Once again, he was wrong.
Given that he appears to be full of it, how can he be an "expert" who "destroys" anything? Maybe he should destroy his own ego and stop making such incorrect and confidence predictions? To be honest, for many years I've believed that China has to suffer a downturn, but Chang has been so wrong that he cannot be relied upon.
Public Transport: Don't need it. Took electric skate board to work. Same time, probably less as I cruised. Way more fun.
AFL if they charge members this year....its all over. Im loving it, so sick of pretending to care about footy.
Exotic overseas vacations.
Retirement won't exist. No pension or super.
^^^^^^^^^ They breathe heavily on them then wipe them here, like how you clean your sunnies. Is that ok ?
I know one of them does drink a lot of alcohol so probably just as good.
What will change?
Have you noticed how much Australia is borrowing?
Have you considered how it will be paid back and who will do it?
The big international banks have created $trillions out of thin air which will have to be paid back with real money and assets, and it is our children and grandchildren who will be paying it.
Want GST at 20% or maybe 30%?
How about Death Duties? They have been lingering in the background for a while. Does 90% sound reasonable rate? Of course there will be Gift Taxes to stop you giving stuff away earlier .
Yearly land tax at what percentage of your property value?
The government will be busy on a raft of new taxes and levies just to pay for a few months of insanity over a perceived threat that has been evaluated using incomplete data and hysterical predictions.
RF ID chipset implanted at every human seems to be obvious. Then perosnal mobile phone to extend the reach and capabilities of instant and constant identification.Imagine how easy will be tracking infection contacts if mobile phone with GPS and Wifi , Bluetooth could take care of monitoring you contacts.Even things like distance between two phones could be monitored with audible alarm signal then below 2 meters.
Nothing much will change except our preparedness to respond next time it happens. Borders will shut quicker and much more focus will be made on immediate response to contain outbreaks before they spread. Stockpiles of ventilators and masks etc will be significant.
There will be a global effort to monitor, track and respond to future outbreaks in a much more timely manner.
People will look back at this and realise that the deaths from flu like disease this year will be below that of even normal years and the economic destruction from the responses was disproportional to the actual disease. Better modeling processes will be developed to ascertain the threat of new virisus and match a response to them.
The biggest threat we have is the overblown response to this virus creating resistance to strong measures if a truly bad virus gets out.
Wet markets have to close and an independent audit to ensure compliance as the regime can't be trusted .