^^^^^^a bed by itself wont help, we have one at home.
Its ICU respirators, and 100's more medical staff that's may be needed. But hopefully it wont come to that.
I think those saying " Its only a flu bug",
should be put onto a crowded cruise ship with their parents, kids and grand parents and spend 30 days on it visiting a different country each day, with a 5 days stop over in china then Italy.
Hey, its only a bit of a cold. Its nothing but media hype
Sc-mo = Muppet++++++
Places ban on public events and then does press release saying hes going to the footy.
Talks about leading by example!!
Has Dutton got Coronavirus early in an attempt to become immune so that he can be leader when the others start falling?
Sounds like a conspiracy to me...
Just a thought.......I suspect if the pandemic gets out of control, the USA is going to realise how farked it's medical system is, how farked it's hospital system is and how under-resourced the nation actually is.
I understand for example, Italy has more hospital beds than the US?......fark.
I was just reading that one of the WA confirmed coronavirus patients, was on a flight from Sydney to Perth.... Great! It means that there are potentially heaps of people that are running around with it. and after more than 4 hours on a plane, its probably likely that someone got it.
I might have to fly from Perth to Adelaide, then to Canberra, and drive to Sydney to avoid this thing.
Now we know. Haven't bothered to read it all but seems a Chinese official claims the virus was bought into Wuhan by the US Army . What!