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Wuhan looks like a nice place to visit

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 27 Jan 2020
WA, 1089 posts
30 Jan 2020 8:17PM
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kiterboy said..

rod_bunny said..

To be honest, the human population could realistically do with some thinning out...

It is hilarious when people say this crap.

Oh sure, you're all for it until you're one of the ones on the block.
Or are you volunteering yourself and family if it comes to it?

You and FN ave no idea about me or my families health, yet somehow feel entitled enough to insert some bull**** false equivalence. Well done you.

Truth be told... at the moment, I would f***ing welcome it... could free up some some room for self entitled ****wits (ie: you) to just keep on Making the World Great Again.

Funny enough for you now?

NSW, 9205 posts
30 Jan 2020 11:38PM
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FlySurfer said..

theDoctor said..whats with this left/right thing...?

Been reading up on what the left have been trying to do... full on communism 2.0 under a green banner this time instead of the red hammer and sickle. I know enough about history to know their modus operandi and I think they pose the biggest threat to free society, Mao still very popular.

Yeah!!! **** the environment!!! Wooo!!!

i've started taking my rubbish straight down to the ocean. **** yeah!!! Wooo!!! Surf in my food scraps ya leftie pansies!!!

Obviously my rubbish is full of plastic too because that is just bull****!!! Yeah!!, **** the ocean!!! Woo!!! Yeah!!!

last weekend for Australia Day I chopped down all the trees in the back yard and had a ****ing BONFIRE!!! WOOO!!!

Some days I wake up so ****ing angry at the world I just rev the **** out of my F450 until it runs out of fuel. ****!!! Yeah!!!

i saw a dumb turtle while I was out on my jet ski with a plastic ring around its neck. I had to stop and laugh at it. What a stupid ****ing animal!!! ****ing got in my way too.

ANyway, all this "environmental ****" is just for pussies. WHo gives a ****?!! I need a bigger TV.

WA, 14910 posts
30 Jan 2020 8:44PM
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rod_bunny said..

You and FN ave no idea about me or my families health, yet somehow feel entitled enough to insert some bull**** false equivalence. Well done you.

Truth be told... at the moment, I would f***ing welcome it... could free up some some room for self entitled ****wits (ie: you) to just keep on Making the World Great Again.

Funny enough for you now?

I have no idea what you are talking about! Have you gone off on a tangent and assumed that we have followed you? Where did the thing about your family come from?

As for thinning out the human race, I stand by what I said. It sounds like a good idea in theory, but if you are the one dying from something like this its a very different proposition. Better to 'thin' the human race by having less children not to just randomly kill people from a virus.

You are right in one respect, I am a self-entitled half-wit. Whatever that means....

WA, 1089 posts
30 Jan 2020 9:57PM
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FormulaNova said..
I have no idea what you are talking about! Have you gone off on a tangent and assumed that we have followed you? Where did the thing about your family come from?

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kiterboy said..
Oh sure, you're all for it until you're one of the ones on the block.
Or are you volunteering yourself and family if it comes to it?

That would be here^ . Keep up.

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FormulaNova said..
As for thinning out the human race, I stand by what I said. It sounds like a good idea in theory, but if you are the one dying from something like this its a very different proposition.

No one gets out of this world alive... we are all dying of something.

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FormulaNova said..
Better to 'thin' the human race by having less children not to just randomly kill people from a virus.

Yes... but that would require planning... which current govts seem very adept at not doing - at all. Idiocracy is a documentary.

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FormulaNova said..
You are right in one respect, I am a self-entitled half-wit. Whatever that means....

Pretty sure "half" doesnt get auto-replaced with four asterix

NSW, 179 posts
31 Jan 2020 7:59AM
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''Coronavirus may have origins in China''s biological warfarelab in Wuhan''
''Coronavirus may have origins in China''s biological warfarelab in Wuhan'' ''Coronavirus may have origins in China''s biological warfarelab in Wuhan'' New Delhi, Jan 26 (IANS) Lethal animal virus epidemic coronavirus, which has sent panic waves across the world, may have its origins at the epicentre of the epidemic, Wuhan, in a laboratory which has been linked to China''s covert biological weapons programme. The Washington Times reported the link with China''s biological weapons quoting an Israeli biological warfare expert.According to the report, Radio Free Asia this week rebroadcast a local Wuhan television report from 2015 showing China''s most advanced virus research laboratory known as the Wuhan Institute of Virology.The laboratory is the only declared site in China capable of working with deadly viruses.Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer who has studied Chinese bio warfare, said the institute is linked to Beijing''s covert biological weapons programme."Certain laboratories in the institute have probably been engaged, in terms of research and development, in Chinese (biological weapons), at least collaterally, yet not as a principal facility of the Chinese BW alignment," Shoham told The Washington Times.

NSW, 7063 posts
31 Jan 2020 9:50AM
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Like it or not KB it's pretty much universally accepted that people believe there are too many people on the planet.

Of course what you or I believe is unlikely to have any relevance.

I actually believe that the planet could support many more but that it would take a quantum change in the collective consciousness in order to reduce our environmental footprint.

This won't happen whilst we're worshipping mammon.

It is not beyond the eugenicists means or desire to attempt to effect a drastic reduction in population.

There is one sure way of controlling population and that is economically. There are many examples of this around the world where countries have zero population growth, or would have were it not for immigration from poor countries where population growth is rampant.

The oligarchs who control pretty much everything that happens in our world realise this. They derive their control through the wealth they have acquired from the labor and consumption of the population.

Whilst it's a fragile game they control there will come a time, and I don't think it's that far off, when they've acquired ownership, and control, of all they desire.

When this happens I'm sure that they have a strategy and will take action to reduce the superfluous people.

Will this be achieved through disease?

On a global population with compromised immune systems?

NSW, 4460 posts
1 Feb 2020 12:37AM
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evlPanda said..
Yeah!!! **** the environment!!! Wooo!!!
i've started taking my rubbish straight down to the ocean. **** yeah!!! Wooo!!! Surf in my food scraps ya leftie pansies!!!
Obviously my rubbish is full of plastic too because that is just bull****!!! Yeah!!, **** the ocean!!! Woo!!! Yeah!!!
last weekend for Australia Day I chopped down all the trees in the back yard and had a ****ing BONFIRE!!! WOOO!!!
Some days I wake up so ****ing angry at the world I just rev the **** out of my F450 until it runs out of fuel. ****!!! Yeah!!!
i saw a dumb turtle while I was out on my jet ski with a plastic ring around its neck. I had to stop and laugh at it. What a stupid ****ing animal!!! ****ing got in my way too.
ANyway, all this "environmental ****" is just for pussies. WHo gives a ****?!! I need a bigger TV.

And you have kids which is a multiplying factor.
All that's left, is for you to play your favourite song (I'm an a$$hole) on your 4000w bogan blaster...

WA, 1104 posts
31 Jan 2020 10:08PM
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Someone asked me where is Chinatown in Sydney, Sydney is Chinatown

2614 posts
31 Jan 2020 10:23PM
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rod_bunny said..

kiterboy said..

rod_bunny said..

To be honest, the human population could realistically do with some thinning out...

It is hilarious when people say this crap.

Oh sure, you're all for it until you're one of the ones on the block.
Or are you volunteering yourself and family if it comes to it?

You and FN ave no idea about me or my families health, yet somehow feel entitled enough to insert some bull**** false equivalence. Well done you.

Truth be told... at the moment, I would f***ing welcome it... could free up some some room for self entitled ****wits (ie: you) to just keep on Making the World Great Again.

Funny enough for you now?

Oh crikey.
Dude, noone knows anything about your woes.
I stand by what I said.
People shouldn't wish death for others. It's just a stupid statement to make.

WA, 1104 posts
31 Jan 2020 11:03PM
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evlPanda said..

FlySurfer said..

theDoctor said..whats with this left/right thing...?

Been reading up on what the left have been trying to do... full on communism 2.0 under a green banner this time instead of the red hammer and sickle. I know enough about history to know their modus operandi and I think they pose the biggest threat to free society, Mao still very popular.

Yeah!!! **** the environment!!! Wooo!!!

i've started taking my rubbish straight down to the ocean. **** yeah!!! Wooo!!! Surf in my food scraps ya leftie pansies!!!

Obviously my rubbish is full of plastic too because that is just bull****!!! Yeah!!, **** the ocean!!! Woo!!! Yeah!!!

last weekend for Australia Day I chopped down all the trees in the back yard and had a ****ing BONFIRE!!! WOOO!!!

Some days I wake up so ****ing angry at the world I just rev the **** out of my F450 until it runs out of fuel. ****!!! Yeah!!!

i saw a dumb turtle while I was out on my jet ski with a plastic ring around its neck. I had to stop and laugh at it. What a stupid ****ing animal!!! ****ing got in my way too.

ANyway, all this "environmental ****" is just for pussies. WHo gives a ****?!! I need a bigger TV.

How good are roasted koalas, they burn quicker because of the eucalyptus they eat

NSW, 7063 posts
1 Feb 2020 10:17AM
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interesting read:

3777 posts
1 Feb 2020 7:23AM
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some delicious cullinary delights

NSW, 4460 posts
1 Feb 2020 12:54PM
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And I'll raise you

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
...The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.

Has somebody been playing with CRISPR?

915 posts
1 Feb 2020 12:02PM
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Let's keep this in proportion

QLD, 1458 posts
1 Feb 2020 6:13PM
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So I'm with my wife in Big W looking at some goods on display when this Chinese lady with her young daughter pushes in to what we were looking at as seems to be their custom, speaking chinese to her young daughter and then very apologetically sneezes on us. AAAArgh!

Mr Milk
NSW, 3064 posts
1 Feb 2020 7:37PM
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Don't worry. She's probably just a bit allergic to you

WA, 1104 posts
1 Feb 2020 6:11PM
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TonyAbbott said..
Let's keep this in proportion

259 and rising Tony

WA, 1089 posts
2 Feb 2020 1:59PM
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kiterboy said..

rod_bunny said..

kiterboy said..

rod_bunny said..

To be honest, the human population could realistically do with some thinning out...

It is hilarious when people say this crap.

Oh sure, you're all for it until you're one of the ones on the block.
Or are you volunteering yourself and family if it comes to it?

You and FN ave no idea about me or my families health, yet somehow feel entitled enough to insert some bull**** false equivalence. Well done you.

Truth be told... at the moment, I would f***ing welcome it... could free up some some room for self entitled ****wits (ie: you) to just keep on Making the World Great Again.

Funny enough for you now?

Oh crikey.
Dude, noone knows anything about your woes.
I stand by what I said.
People shouldn't wish death for others. It's just a stupid statement to make.

No, not many do... but then, I wasn't one asking if I would put my name forward for the great cull was I?

Also, I didn't 'wish' anything on anyone... only a blind nutcase would argue that the population as it stands (and increasing), with the resource consumption and pollution, is entirely sustainable with the single planet that we have... Earth Overshoot day is July 30.

"I think everyone who casually dismisses the limits to growth perspective should be given a Petri dish with a swab of bacteria and watch as the colony grows until it consumes all the available nutrients or is poisoned by its own waste."

I'll stand by science... We aren't immune to population collapse any more than every other living creature.

Feel free to miss the point and nitpick something that isn't actually about the scaremongering of the virus and the reality of it.

2614 posts
2 Feb 2020 2:36PM
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rod_bunny said..

kiterboy said..

rod_bunny said..

kiterboy said..

rod_bunny said..

To be honest, the human population could realistically do with some thinning out...

It is hilarious when people say this crap.

Oh sure, you're all for it until you're one of the ones on the block.
Or are you volunteering yourself and family if it comes to it?

You and FN ave no idea about me or my families health, yet somehow feel entitled enough to insert some bull**** false equivalence. Well done you.

Truth be told... at the moment, I would f***ing welcome it... could free up some some room for self entitled ****wits (ie: you) to just keep on Making the World Great Again.

Funny enough for you now?

Oh crikey.
Dude, noone knows anything about your woes.
I stand by what I said.
People shouldn't wish death for others. It's just a stupid statement to make.

No, not many do... but then, I wasn't one asking if I would put my name forward for the great cull was I?

Also, I didn't 'wish' anything on anyone... only a blind nutcase would argue that the population as it stands (and increasing), with the resource consumption and pollution, is entirely sustainable with the single planet that we have... Earth Overshoot day is July 30.

"I think everyone who casually dismisses the limits to growth perspective should be given a Petri dish with a swab of bacteria and watch as the colony grows until it consumes all the available nutrients or is poisoned by its own waste."

I'll stand by science... We aren't immune to population collapse any more than every other living creature.

Feel free to miss the point and nitpick something that isn't actually about the scaremongering of the virus and the reality of it.

You sir, are a Class A Clown.

You're the one that said the human population could do with some thinning out.
You then have the self delusion to say that isn't wishing death for people.
Then when you are called out on your advocating mass culling of the population, you get your knickers in a bunch and chuck a little tanty.


WA, 1089 posts
2 Feb 2020 6:41PM
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kiterboy said..

rod_bunny said..

kiterboy said..

rod_bunny said..

kiterboy said..

rod_bunny said..

To be honest, the human population could realistically do with some thinning out...

It is hilarious when people say this crap.

Oh sure, you're all for it until you're one of the ones on the block.
Or are you volunteering yourself and family if it comes to it?

You and FN ave no idea about me or my families health, yet somehow feel entitled enough to insert some bull**** false equivalence. Well done you.

Truth be told... at the moment, I would f***ing welcome it... could free up some some room for self entitled ****wits (ie: you) to just keep on Making the World Great Again.

Funny enough for you now?

Oh crikey.
Dude, noone knows anything about your woes.
I stand by what I said.
People shouldn't wish death for others. It's just a stupid statement to make.

No, not many do... but then, I wasn't one asking if I would put my name forward for the great cull was I?

Also, I didn't 'wish' anything on anyone... only a blind nutcase would argue that the population as it stands (and increasing), with the resource consumption and pollution, is entirely sustainable with the single planet that we have... Earth Overshoot day is July 30.

"I think everyone who casually dismisses the limits to growth perspective should be given a Petri dish with a swab of bacteria and watch as the colony grows until it consumes all the available nutrients or is poisoned by its own waste."

I'll stand by science... We aren't immune to population collapse any more than every other living creature.

Feel free to miss the point and nitpick something that isn't actually about the scaremongering of the virus and the reality of it.

You sir, are a Class A Clown.

You're the one that said the human population could do with some thinning out.
You then have the self delusion to say that isn't wishing death for people.
Then when you are called out on your advocating mass culling of the population, you get your knickers in a bunch and chuck a little tanty.


Well done, you managed to do it again... are you a politician or an advisor to such?
Your capacity to spin stuff to fit whatever your agenda is (my guess, Trolling?) is outstanding.

Pointing out the population is currently beyond sustainable levels for the planet does not equate to advocating mass murder!
It is however, an inconvenient truth... (also suggested by Japie) and contrary to my (your?) tyrannical plan... will happen all by itself naturally as "the colony grows until it consumes all the available nutrients or is poisoned by its own waste." You know - sciency stuff like - facts.

You are the one turning "thinning out" into organised mass culling. (how you got there, I don't know)
You are the one asking if I want to be first (which ironically, is You actively advocating that I - and my family - somehow be killed first - possibly why my retort was directed at you... ie Calling out your wilful twisting of my words or "little tanty" using your parlance.)

You are the reason that any sensible debate cannot occur on any fora as you (purposefully) go off topic by picking one part (I got my numbers wrong in one post and making an entirely off hand and flippant statement that the human race is pretty much ****ed due to its own arrogance and greed in another) and you somehow convert that into a "Hey get that guy! He wants to kill you all!" attack, Totally regardless of the rest of the content of the post and now multiple (besides myself) posts to the thread to "get some facts and some perspective".

300* people dead is NOTHING compared to any other reason people die and of what else is killing people that is preventable and none of that is MAKING THE FRONT PAGE or urgent updates to the hourly news cycle!

Already we are seeing:
Finance markets dropping
Incidents about Asians being targeted in this country.
Travels bans (that the WHO is not advocating by the way)
Price gouging on food and supplies

But well done to you with your misdirection and allegation to the "Real threat" - that This Guy wants to create a another Final Solution.
[Golf claps]

*Go on... point out that that number is also wrong and that I'm a monster because I'm not crying myself to sleep tonight because 300 other humans, that wasn't me or my family, died of a Natural^ disease.

^aaanndddd Queue conspiracy theories....

2614 posts
2 Feb 2020 8:01PM
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rod_bunny said..

kiterboy said..

rod_bunny said..

kiterboy said..

rod_bunny said..

kiterboy said..

rod_bunny said..

To be honest, the human population could realistically do with some thinning out...

It is hilarious when people say this crap.

Oh sure, you're all for it until you're one of the ones on the block.
Or are you volunteering yourself and family if it comes to it?

You and FN ave no idea about me or my families health, yet somehow feel entitled enough to insert some bull**** false equivalence. Well done you.

Truth be told... at the moment, I would f***ing welcome it... could free up some some room for self entitled ****wits (ie: you) to just keep on Making the World Great Again.

Funny enough for you now?

Oh crikey.
Dude, noone knows anything about your woes.
I stand by what I said.
People shouldn't wish death for others. It's just a stupid statement to make.

No, not many do... but then, I wasn't one asking if I would put my name forward for the great cull was I?

Also, I didn't 'wish' anything on anyone... only a blind nutcase would argue that the population as it stands (and increasing), with the resource consumption and pollution, is entirely sustainable with the single planet that we have... Earth Overshoot day is July 30.

"I think everyone who casually dismisses the limits to growth perspective should be given a Petri dish with a swab of bacteria and watch as the colony grows until it consumes all the available nutrients or is poisoned by its own waste."

I'll stand by science... We aren't immune to population collapse any more than every other living creature.

Feel free to miss the point and nitpick something that isn't actually about the scaremongering of the virus and the reality of it.

You sir, are a Class A Clown.

You're the one that said the human population could do with some thinning out.
You then have the self delusion to say that isn't wishing death for people.
Then when you are called out on your advocating mass culling of the population, you get your knickers in a bunch and chuck a little tanty.


Well done, you managed to do it again... are you a politician or an advisor to such?
Your capacity to spin stuff to fit whatever your agenda is (my guess, Trolling?) is outstanding.

Pointing out the population is currently beyond sustainable levels for the planet does not equate to advocating mass murder!
It is however, an inconvenient truth... (also suggested by Japie) and contrary to my (your?) tyrannical plan... will happen all by itself naturally as "the colony grows until it consumes all the available nutrients or is poisoned by its own waste." You know - sciency stuff like - facts.

You are the one turning "thinning out" into organised mass culling. (how you got there, I don't know)
You are the one asking if I want to be first (which ironically, is You actively advocating that I - and my family - somehow be killed first - possibly why my retort was directed at you... ie Calling out your wilful twisting of my words or "little tanty" using your parlance.)

You are the reason that any sensible debate cannot occur on any fora as you (purposefully) go off topic by picking one part (I got my numbers wrong in one post and making an entirely off hand and flippant statement that the human race is pretty much ****ed due to its own arrogance and greed in another) and you somehow convert that into a "Hey get that guy! He wants to kill you all!" attack, Totally regardless of the rest of the content of the post and now multiple (besides myself) posts to the thread to "get some facts and some perspective".

300* people dead is NOTHING compared to any other reason people die and of what else is killing people that is preventable and none of that is MAKING THE FRONT PAGE or urgent updates to the hourly news cycle!

Already we are seeing:
Finance markets dropping
Incidents about Asians being targeted in this country.
Travels bans (that the WHO is not advocating by the way)
Price gouging on food and supplies

But well done to you with your misdirection and allegation to the "Real threat" - that This Guy wants to create a another Final Solution.
[Golf claps]

*Go on... point out that that number is also wrong and that I'm a monster because I'm not crying myself to sleep tonight because 300 other humans, that wasn't me or my family, died of a Natural^ disease.

^aaanndddd Queue conspiracy theories....

Wow. You love to rant, don't you? (Rhetorical, we all know the answer)

Let's keep it simple and on topic please.
You may want to lay off the alcohol before you respond...

So, YOU said the population could do with 'some thinning out'.

YOU said it, it's there in black and white, no disputing this fact.

All I did was call you out on saying that. It's a stupid thing to say because you are advocating that a certain arbitrary percentage of the population could do with thinning (killing off) out.

So, based on your belief that the global population should be 'thinned out', I merely ASKED that if you really believed that, would you put yourself and your family forward to be 'thinned out'.

If you truely believe that the population should be 'thinned out', surely you'd be willing to volunteer??
Or are you just happy to have anyone but yourself to be 'thinned out'?

You're not just a clown, you're a hypocrite.

Please, this discussion is based on one thing, your admission of support for genocide, please keep your response on topic.


QLD, 6808 posts
2 Feb 2020 11:08PM
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rod_bunny said..

Pointing out the population is currently beyond sustainable levels for the planet ....

I wonder how it works.If one false statement render whole following consideration nonsense? We had this vision of overcrowded planet presented on us in 70-ties last century.Are you hungry? If percentage of "poor" increased in China and India dramatically since ? if oil and gas wells dry out already?This time I have to give a point to Kiterboy.
Random killing, target thinning brings only wrong connotation from history.

Population in developed countries already dramatically falls without " natural causes" .

Mr Milk
NSW, 3064 posts
3 Feb 2020 2:10PM
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They've built a hospital in 10 days

And another one to be ready by Wednesday

NSW, 4460 posts
3 Feb 2020 3:08PM
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FlySurfer said..
And I'll raise you

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag[b]
...The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.

Anti-flu, AIDS medications speed up recovery.

NSW, 4460 posts
4 Feb 2020 12:40PM
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Dr. Francis Boyle Creator Of BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
4 Feb 2020 8:26PM
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FlySurfer said..
Dr. Francis Boyle Creator Of BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon

Seems they ****ed that up then.... More people recovered than died so far

NSW, 4460 posts
5 Feb 2020 12:57AM
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poor relative said..

FlySurfer said..
Dr. Francis Boyle Creator Of BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon

Seems they ****ed that up then.... More people recovered than died so far

Agreed, unless it has a 2nd payload.

WA, 791 posts
5 Feb 2020 12:51PM
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I suppose you have to try something.

QLD, 6808 posts
5 Feb 2020 4:33PM
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Looks like another biological laboratory is leaking their weaponized viruses.

It looks like postmortem Boening revenge for me! If they can not sell their planes for people to travel around the world, Let's stop all travel altogether. Microsoft skype shares must skyrocket now! Nothing safer then teleconferencing and pornhub sex.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Wuhan looks like a nice place to visit" started by FlySurfer