Forums > Kitesurfing General

Awkward timing of noobs asking for launches

Created by RPM > 9 months ago, 26 Dec 2014
WA, 4263 posts
27 Dec 2014 10:44AM
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RPM said..
Why do noobs have a knack of asking you to launch them when you are smack bang in the middle of setting your gear up?

Yep, another first-world problem we all have to contend with. ^^^


WA, 4263 posts
27 Dec 2014 10:56AM
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Haydn24 said..
Once there was a man

named RPM

which stood for Redthumb Producing Man.

He didn't like launching kites

He laughed and laughed and laughed

You see Haydn,

If you had finished here, ^^^

that could have been an awesome haiku poem.

You lost me at the dykes on bikes bit.

but I still love your work.


QLD, 473 posts
27 Dec 2014 3:20PM
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Twimby said..

Haydn24 said..
Once there was a man

named RPM

which stood for Redthumb Producing Man.

He didn't like launching kites

'cause he was thinking about dykes

on bikes.

Then he went to the internet

where he felt safe

but even there

noone could care.

He laughed and laughed and laughed

but went to bed sad

because he was mad

that noone launched his kite that day

and he put his cabrinha in a tree

There was a bloke called Hayden 24
who thought with his rhyme and verse, all would adore
Turned out he was a nothing but a bore

Once there was something called Twimby,

Which needed glasses because it couldn't read


QLD, 473 posts
27 Dec 2014 3:22PM
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waveslave said..

Haydn24 said..
Once there was a man

named RPM

which stood for Redthumb Producing Man.

He didn't like launching kites

He laughed and laughed and laughed

You see Haydn,

If you had finished here, ^^^

that could have been an awesome haiku poem.

You lost me at the dykes on bikes bit.

but I still love your work.


Are you japanese or something?

Whats haiku?

Dykes on bikes are what RPM thinks about at the beach

It's an integral part of the story

WA, 1549 posts
27 Dec 2014 1:24PM
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Keep it coming!!!

This thread has turned into comedy gold!

Gone to dark side
NSW, 391 posts
27 Dec 2014 4:57PM
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Kama + Kama =Kama in the bank Help others you never know when you need help yourself so I am aways happy to collect Kama for that day I rely need help.

NSW, 176 posts
27 Dec 2014 5:19PM
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I've met this type before. It was around 3 yrs ago in a popular learning spot In Sydney.

I made the mistake if asking a guy for a launch just when he was connecting his pigtails. Of course common sense and being polite with the words "when your ready mate" you would expect a sure give me a sec. Nope I was met with a "Yea I'll finish rigging my f@rking kite"

Oh alright then.....waited all of 20 seconds and he finishes rigging then walks over to my kite. Done this routine loads of times before so I'm relaxed in the right position to the wind and ready for my launch. He picks kite up and holds it right at the wing tip not in the middle!! He watches me struggle as I fight to even the lines with him now pulling against me then before Ive given the thumbs up he tosses the kite down wind sending it rolling over people.

RPM do yourself a favour and someone elses; make a point to help (correctly) launch someone in the new year!

VIC, 193 posts
27 Dec 2014 5:35PM
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RPM said..
Keep it coming!!!

This thread has turned into comedy gold!

No wind today?

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1397 posts
27 Dec 2014 2:42PM
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At Horrocks we mostly self launch and land through necessity, but man its so nice when someone is there to launch or catch your kite. Am always happy to help anyone really.

QLD, 491 posts
27 Dec 2014 7:24PM
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Self launching and landing is ok in light to moderate winds

But never try to launch or land in strong winds by yourself

Unless you tie off

Should always launch and land someone if they ask

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
27 Dec 2014 7:42PM
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RPM said..
Keep it coming!!!

This thread has turned into comedy gold!

awkward attempt to backpedal

WA, 259 posts
27 Dec 2014 7:17PM
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Launching and landing someones kite is just not being a jackass, it takes 30 seconds. On another topic did they ever do a shelf launch / land video for c kites Vegas in particular?

VIC, 284 posts
27 Dec 2014 10:23PM
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Why has nobody posted the kitelauncher videos yet?

When I arrive at the beach it's usually a race to pump, lines, launch and ride ASAP.

Asking somebody to launch you kite, ain't knowbody got time for that.

Hey bro, can you pump my kite....

Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
27 Dec 2014 11:22PM
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RPM said..
Why do noobs have a knack of asking you to launch them when you are smack bang in the middle of setting your gear up? Sure the wind is pumping and I want to get out on the water just as much as you but how about learning self land/launch?? It's not that difficult.. Why can't they pick someone else who isn't busy and is just sitting around.?? Sure they are 30 meters away but WTF people..

My New Years resolution is not to launch anyone at my local spot and ask them if they would like to learn self launch for 5 mins instead. This way I'm doing my part and not encouraging them to be babies who need to rely on everyone else to launch their kite.

I would like to see everyone adopt this also as it seems like people are frightened to be a self sufficient kiter or are too lazy to learn self land/launch

You're a selfish person . Is that the answer you were looking for?

WA, 1347 posts
27 Dec 2014 8:48PM
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RPM is just trolling.

But i often self launch and land personally.

Any safety concerns can be mitigated by doing it unhooked.

VIC, 1477 posts
27 Dec 2014 11:51PM
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doonut said..
Launching and landing someones kite is just not being a jackass, it takes 30 seconds. On another topic did they ever do a shelf launch / land video for c kites Vegas in particular?

Is that the one that involves standing it vertically upright then shoveling a whole lot of sand on the wingtip half burying the kite into the sand, when I saw that as a noob I thought that's a very innovative way of self-launching. lol.

WA, 8407 posts
27 Dec 2014 9:04PM
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HighzaKite said..

doonut said..
Launching and landing someones kite is just not being a jackass, it takes 30 seconds. On another topic did they ever do a shelf launch / land video for c kites Vegas in particular?

Is that the one that involves standing it vertically upright then shoveling a whole lot of sand on the wingtip half burying the kite into the sand, when I saw that as a noob I thought that's a very innovative way of self-launching. lol.

used this method for a long while, you need a good understanding of wind direction to do it properly, also folding the wingtip was my preferred method, hard going on compact sand, but you can use your board as a shovel

WA, 1019 posts
27 Dec 2014 10:34PM
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2 kiters were killed in France this week. One collided with a catamaran and was dragged underwater. The other bloke was an experienced kiter who was self launching at the time and hit a wall. Other kiters saw it happen and 2 young children don't have a dad because he didn't exercise some common sense. If you have plenty of room it might not be an issue but the majority of Perth beaches don't have that. Leighton is probably the roomiest locally but show some regard for the 30+ other kites on the beach doing the right thing.

If there's other kiters available on the beach you just look like an elitist **** who thinks he's above everyone else.

WA, 174 posts
28 Dec 2014 2:48AM
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RPM said..
Why do noobs have a knack of asking you to launch them when you are smack bang in the middle of setting your gear up? Sure the wind is pumping and I want to get out on the water just as much as you but how about learning self land/launch?? It's not that difficult.. Why can't they pick someone else who isn't busy and is just sitting around.?? Sure they are 30 meters away but WTF people..

My New Years resolution is not to launch anyone at my local spot and ask them if they would like to learn self launch for 5 mins instead. This way I'm doing my part and not encouraging them to be babies who need to rely on everyone else to launch their kite.

I would like to see everyone adopt this also as it seems like people are frightened to be a self sufficient kiter or are too lazy to learn self land/launch

This attitude gets people killed. I hope you retire from this sport.

ACT, 2174 posts
28 Dec 2014 11:35AM
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Come on guys it's not that hard ! Really
Grab the kite by it's wing tip make sure your heaps up wind and just chucket in the air and walk away , don't look back
then they all steer clear of you and never ask again ................... problem solved
no , no , no need to thank me i just like to help out , its what i do

ACT, 2174 posts
28 Dec 2014 11:39AM
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Olly84 said..
I've met this type before. It was around 3 yrs ago in a popular learning spot In Sydney.

I made the mistake if asking a guy for a launch just when he was connecting his pigtails. Of course common sense and being polite with the words "when your ready mate" you would expect a sure give me a sec. Nope I was met with a "Yea I'll finish rigging my f@rking kite"

Oh alright then.....waited all of 20 seconds and he finishes rigging then walks over to my kite. Done this routine loads of times before so I'm relaxed in the right position to the wind and ready for my launch. He picks kite up and holds it right at the wing tip not in the middle!! He watches me struggle as I fight to even the lines with him now pulling against me then before Ive given the thumbs up he tosses the kite down wind sending it rolling over people.

RPM do yourself a favour and someone elses; make a point to help (correctly) launch someone in the new year!

i see we have meet before senuoir

WA, 224 posts
28 Dec 2014 11:51AM
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Mr RPM must be pissed off now he has sent me a personal message has anyone else recieved one
the the answer to his question is yes

1221 posts
28 Dec 2014 12:32PM
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Are yous getting married allready?

61 posts
28 Dec 2014 1:21PM
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geordieboy said..
Mr RPM must be pissed off now he has sent me a personal message has anyone else recieved one
the the answer to his question is yes

What was his question geordieboy? RPM is a little pisshead, a kite teacher drop out, rides a girl size board. Has a history of a abusing others on the forum as well as via PMs. Obviously in need of some help as he seems severely mentally challenged. If he were to apply the same attitude he shows online in real life I am sure someone at some stage will sort him out

WA, 1883 posts
28 Dec 2014 1:30PM
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Its Christmas -I think someone needs a hug xx

VIC, 180 posts
28 Dec 2014 4:45PM
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SaveTheWhales said..
Its Christmas -I think someone needs a hug xx

I volunteer as tribute!

VIC, 284 posts
28 Dec 2014 6:44PM
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WA, 74 posts
28 Dec 2014 5:16PM
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Ha ha! Well done Polykarb I am a complete newbie, and appreciate the help launching and landing. Everybody has been very helpful, and luckly so far I have not met anybody like RPM... Repaid the favour many a time today at Pinnaroo Point!

QLD, 1195 posts
28 Dec 2014 7:59PM
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I met a guy with a similar attitude to the above mentioned at Brighton (Qld, Australia Earth S1 G1) who I asked to launch my kite. Could have turned out really bad. I didn't realise he was an instructor and I couldn't convince him to launch my kite from where I thought it should be. The prick kept walking further up wind, so I started walking upwind as well. He gets the ****s with me and just lets my kite go. Well fuc$, the kite rips back at a rate of knots to where I was trying to get him to launch it from. Ahh Brighton (when the tides in), full of rocks, trees and power lines, picnic tables, cars and kiddies. I just wish he had of put the kite back down if he didn't want to help launch it or even winge about it on a forum. Yes the student were all paying attention!!!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Awkward timing of noobs asking for launches" started by RPM