Forums > Kitesurfing General

Home made Hydrofoils

Created by dachopper > 9 months ago, 19 Aug 2016
WA, 1792 posts
19 Aug 2016 6:14PM
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Post pics of your creations guys!

I'm up to number 3 on the foil, and 3 on the mast !

Mast is taking about 3 hours to make and finish, and the one piece foil/fuselage/tail was about an hour, but had a few lightbulb moments during the process, going back to an adjustable / removable front & rear foil.

The foils were about 250Grams of glue, 1.5 meters by 80cm of carbon + the stuff in the laminate. Worked out about $200 - $300

4862 posts
20 Aug 2016 8:18AM
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Shaping wings in progress.

WA, 1792 posts
20 Aug 2016 1:29PM
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Shaping the foil section :)

While Eagles smashed Hawks !

WA, 1792 posts
20 Aug 2016 1:32PM
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Some finished foil designs, awaiting carbon

4862 posts
20 Aug 2016 7:42PM
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WA, 1792 posts
20 Aug 2016 11:03PM
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PLA ;)

NSW, 28 posts
21 Aug 2016 7:19PM
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Hi guys this one is cheap
board 8 bucks for nut insert. plus resin.
mast free off cut paid 8 bucks for the plate on top.
foil and fuselage free hardwood I resin.
resin 300mls.and some mat.
very quiet slight hum top end.plans really early.mast is only 600mm.

WA, 1792 posts
21 Aug 2016 10:43PM
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love it !!!!,

My first mast was about 600mm and it drove me nuts!
Now at around a meter which I find quite good

NSW, 28 posts
22 Aug 2016 8:03AM
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Where I ride at kurnell is not deep ok on the high tide but low tide you're a 100m to 150m off the shore line.with this one I can come in way closer.have videos of it in action.on facebook under kitesports lessons.

WA, 1792 posts
22 Aug 2016 2:24PM
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That's the one pain in the bum with the mast length...getting deep enough, I have to do a 80-100 meter upwind walk now also.

Might try to figure out an adjustable , semi fixed mast setup.
Any ideas ?

QLD, 6493 posts
23 Aug 2016 1:04AM
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dachopper said..
That's the one pain in the bum with the mast length...getting deep enough, I have to do a 80-100 meter upwind walk now also.

Might try to figure out an adjustable , semi fixed mast setup.
Any ideas ?

Or learn to hit the hole shot. Get on to the foil on the power stroke, with the foil at an angle. Navel deep is possible with a 90cm mast.

Oh, not for being underpowered...

WA, 1012 posts
23 Aug 2016 8:47AM
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Found this topic on a homemade Foil board
Look under Members Board Projects
Very interesting, might find some helpful stuff.

WA, 1792 posts
23 Aug 2016 10:11PM
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Just Cranked out these UV blue foils today, ( Ultra VMG ! )

Should be fun to test them out!

WA, 1792 posts
23 Aug 2016 10:50PM
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KAOS69 said..
Found this topic on a homemade Foil board
Look under Members Board Projects
Very interesting, might find some helpful stuff.

Nice thread man !

4862 posts
24 Aug 2016 2:19AM
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Are going to get some anhedral and dihedral in the wings at some stage?

WA, 1792 posts
24 Aug 2016 11:16AM
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No need, when I figure out what the benefit is, and drawback, maybe

QLD, 6493 posts
24 Aug 2016 11:23PM
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dachopper said..
No need, when I figure out what the benefit is, and drawback, maybe

Add a small vertical stab, you'll be more than sweet. Depends what you want to do with the foil, but for real freeride, flat wings will be fine--see the LF Fun Foil.

WA, 209 posts
26 Aug 2016 9:18PM
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You are 3d printing it and the put carbon on top?

WA, 1792 posts
27 Aug 2016 12:35AM
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Carbon re-inforced plastic

WA, 1792 posts
22 Sep 2016 9:15PM
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Big progress this weekend, we managed to mod the machine, to fit the entire hydrofoil in one go, this makes a massive increase in strength, and equally massive reduction in Prototype manufacture time !

Hit Go, pick it up finished 7 hrs later !

4862 posts
23 Sep 2016 1:31AM
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Getting real close with my build!

WA, 1792 posts
23 Sep 2016 2:08AM
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Nice fit, what sort of thickness foils / fuselage have u achieved?

4862 posts
23 Sep 2016 3:57AM
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rear stab is 10mm
front wing 13mm
mast still got a couple of layers of carbon to go. That will probably end up at 13mm too.

Fuse width from wind to mast is 50mm. 30mm from mast to stab.

I'm making the fuse/mast strong as **** as I'm likely to hit boulders with it at some stage at my local.

WA, 1792 posts
23 Sep 2016 1:04PM
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You haven't considered joining the Fuse/Foils together permanently?

QLD, 2433 posts
23 Sep 2016 3:23PM
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Plummet, that looks unreal. Good work mate.

94 posts
23 Sep 2016 2:08PM
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Awesome topic guys! Love it. I am also playing around with the idea of making a foil. That is after I finish my directional board. Now I got some good ideas.

Plummet. Wicked build man

SA, 593 posts
23 Sep 2016 4:07PM
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Guys, as well as enjoying kitesurfing for a long time, I have also been into RC model aircraft, mainly jets and some pylon racers. Many of these ARF aircraft come with incredibly strong carbon wings and fuselarges, so I'm wondering whether some parts could be used to make a foil, after ensuring that it is waterproof? Also, came across this Seabreeze article.

WA, 1792 posts
23 Sep 2016 5:45PM
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Yeah, it's pretty good, would be perfect if it was another 20 cm longer. Also does cnc.

The carbon print looks stiffer than pla, but in the big scheme, unless I was targeting a race or speed foil, it's not really needed. All the stiffness comes from the fiber orientation on the outside,

94 posts
23 Sep 2016 5:54PM
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Can you guys maybe give me some specs of your foils? I am seriously considering making one too. How wide are you front wings? And your rear stab? How wide is that? It seems like the rear is an inverted foil(opposite of the front)?? Am I looking at it wrong?

Just don't want to make something and mess it up. How long is your foil from back wing to front wing? Just so I got some rough measurements. Thanks.

I love DIY projects like this. Would be beyond cool if I make a foil that works.

Can someone maybe post a pic of their foils from the side? I would like to see how your curve goes. How steep etc..

All of your projects look awesome!! Have any of you ridden a DIY foil yet?

4862 posts
23 Sep 2016 6:27PM
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dachopper said..
You haven't considered joining the Fuse/Foils together permanently?

No. I want to be able to change wings if need be and also expect to hit boulders, so need to be able to unbolt and replace damaged wings.
Also I have no idea what the AOA between front wing and rear stab should be yet.

4862 posts
23 Sep 2016 6:33PM
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MozKiter said..
Can you guys maybe give me some specs of your foils? I am seriously considering making one too. How wide are you front wings? And your rear stab? How wide is that? It seems like the rear is an inverted foil(opposite of the front)?? Am I looking at it wrong?

Just don't want to make something and mess it up. How long is your foil from back wing to front wing? Just so I got some rough measurements. Thanks.

I love DIY projects like this. Would be beyond cool if I make a foil that works.

Can someone maybe post a pic of their foils from the side? I would like to see how your curve goes. How steep etc..

All of your projects look awesome!! Have any of you ridden a DIY foil yet?

Thanks for the positive comments men.

I can't claim any expertise yet as I haven't finished my build. it may yet be a complete failure!.....
Here's usefull info I've found on the interweb.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Home made Hydrofoils" started by dachopper