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custom bar & lines

Created by Ragzilla > 9 months ago, 7 Dec 2015
VIC, 240 posts
7 Dec 2015 11:18PM
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im interested in making up my own custom bar & line configuration.

im wanting to make something similar to the ozone race configuration. also like the crazy 2016 sick bar, looks super clean.

wanting to build something with above bar clam cleat depower, and will probably use a mickey mouse swivel (wherever the hell I can find or buy one)

just wondering if anybody has made their own set-up and if so some pics or ideas.

surprised that not many people mis-match parts and diff brands to build there own personalised bar & lines.

we all have our favourite and least favourite parts.
so whats yours and what would you like to see mashed together??

intrigued by anybody who has done anything like this before??


WA, 9 posts
7 Dec 2015 8:21PM
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Post What It Looks Like If You Finish It, Would Be Interesting To Have A Look, I Always Considered This.


WA, 8407 posts
7 Dec 2015 9:01PM
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Actually always thought the would be a market for custom bars for the more discerning kiters amongst us,

QLD, 491 posts
7 Dec 2015 11:19PM
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I have a core bar and lines with a Ozone chicken loop

Works good

54 posts
8 Dec 2015 3:46AM
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gokid said..
I have a core bar and lines with a Ozone chicken loop

Works good

I'm interested in your set up. Do you use the original Ozone depower tube?

6 posts
8 Dec 2015 6:13AM
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I can help you getting the lines you want.Please check

QLD, 2433 posts
8 Dec 2015 8:27AM
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Do you make ones that dont get wrapped around your neck?>

CKL - do you make/splice depower ropes for slingshot bars?

6 posts
8 Dec 2015 6:35AM
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Hey Underoath, Would be great yeah I make all the lines that you can find on your bar/kite. If you are interested, please contact me

QLD, 491 posts
8 Dec 2015 9:56AM
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gokid said..
I have a core bar and lines with a Ozone chicken loop

Works good

And I fly Best TS kites with this bar and lines

Bit of mix and match

WA, 221 posts
8 Dec 2015 9:05AM
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I like the quality and longevity of the slingshot quick release , but prefer the soft bar feel and ends on the Best bar.

The lines are also better on the slingshot bar , and the below the bar depower works well for my 14 year old son (short arms can't reach above the bar depower)

368 posts
8 Dec 2015 9:24AM
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Ragzilla said..

surprised that not many people mis-match parts and diff brands to build there own personalised bar & lines.

Cab bar and quick release, cab plastic centreline with salvaged WindWind dyneema rope inside the plastic centreline, bodged up wind wind clam cleat to whitworths pulley, then a mix of crazy fly and cab lines, to a mix of cab and home made pig tails and I use this with Best kites. This is also converted to flag to one centreline.

Other bar is crazy fly with a longer wind wind depower centreline and wind wing flying lines.

Final bar is Cab adjustable bar, to cab depower strap, to switch front lines and original cab steering lines, with home made pigtails. This is also converted to flag to one centreline.

QLD, 136 posts
8 Dec 2015 8:03PM
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I've always made my own bars from bits and pieces from different brands. If you buy a fid set and cheap sewing machine it's not hard to make your own spliced lines. I Just recently got a slingshot sentinel chicken loop and above bar trim, definitely one of the nicest setups I've used to date. Although I think some parts could have been made better, so I'm starting a new project to machine up a whole bar and chicken loop parts from billet aluminium.

QLD, 3647 posts
11 Dec 2015 7:38AM
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That's awesome. You have to post some photos.

WA, 354 posts
11 Dec 2015 8:18AM
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SibboV1 said...
Ragzilla said..

surprised that not many people mis-match parts and diff brands to build there own personalised bar & lines.

Cab bar and quick release, cab plastic centreline with salvaged WindWind dyneema rope inside the plastic centreline, bodged up wind wind clam cleat to whitworths pulley, then a mix of crazy fly and cab lines, to a mix of cab and home made pig tails and I use this with Best kites. This is also converted to flag to one centreline.

Other bar is crazy fly with a longer wind wind depower centreline and wind wing flying lines.

Final bar is Cab adjustable bar, to cab depower strap, to switch front lines and original cab steering lines, with home made pigtails. This is also converted to flag to one centreline.

Interesting thread.... It looks like you have quite a range of bars.

I would like to know, have you ended up with this range because you have been doing a bit of DIY to fix bar/lines or have you carefully selected parts for different applications?

If they are designed for different applications it would be interesting to hear the thinking behind it.

VIC, 240 posts
11 Dec 2015 12:24PM
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strydz said...
I've always made my own bars from bits and pieces from different brands. If you buy a fid set and cheap sewing machine it's not hard to make your own spliced lines. I Just recently got a slingshot sentinel chicken loop and above bar trim, definitely one of the nicest setups I've used to date. Although I think some parts could have been made better, so I'm starting a new project to machine up a whole bar and chicken loop parts from billet aluminium.

Let me know when you're ready with some billet alloy. I wanna make a new insert.
Stupidly, I actually wanna try making a bar with sweep. Not much, between 4-7 degrees. I think it could be heaps comfier. I was thinking of making a cheap build and if I like it going all out to build it properly.
Probably use an old MTB bar if I can find one with the right sweep & rise....

Don't laugh guys.... Once upon a time all bicycles had flat bars.

NSW, 861 posts
11 Dec 2015 12:51PM
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Has been done before. Can't remember which company.

NSW, 169 posts
11 Dec 2015 5:38PM
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I have access to 3 bar factories and am working on the ultimate bar ( An ultimate bar is different between all riders, so its the designed for most riders ultimate bar )

Here is what I like, please message what you would change

1) Plastic inside line that is smooth and does not catch on the bar
2) soft bar ends ( better for heads and surfboards )
3) Protected center saftey line that does not catch on the bar ( saftey line that wear out suck )
4) Below bar push away release
5) Below bar swivel
6) No above bar swivel ( The are costly and dont work alot of the time, also a bulky above bar swivel can tangle in a crash, look up king of the air when a po riders swivel f#$ed up )
7) 24m Lines best for most riders, I like 20m lines for surf.
8) Short V one line flagging
9) Above bar de power clam cleat within reach that does not flap around.
10) clean light and simple, no fluff...

Ps, i have mouse swivels if you want some,

19 posts
11 Dec 2015 2:42PM
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Ragzilla said..
... I actually wanna try making a bar with sweep.

I bought only the bar and the floaters from Blade and I am using them for my customized bar.

WA, 5353 posts
11 Dec 2015 2:50PM
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KiteDesigner said..
I have access to 3 bar factories and am working on the ultimate bar ( An ultimate bar is different between all riders, so its the designed for most riders ultimate bar )

Here is what I like, please message what you would change

1) Plastic inside line that is smooth and does not catch on the bar
2) soft bar ends ( better for heads and surfboards )
3) Protected center saftey line that does not catch on the bar ( saftey line that wear out suck )
4) Below bar push away release
5) Below bar swivel
6) No above bar swivel ( The are costly and dont work alot of the time, also a bulky above bar swivel can tangle in a crash, look up king of the air when a po riders swivel f#$ed up )
7) 24m Lines best for most riders, I like 20m lines for surf.
8) Short V one line flagging
9) Above bar de power clam cleat within reach that does not flap around.
10) clean light and simple, no fluff...

Ps, i have mouse swivels if you want some,

Not to pimp but you basically just described the current Ozone bar... besides number 8, the "short V", which I hate (a short V, not the Ozone bar haha) .

I would love to be able to make my own bar for a company from scratch.

NSW, 169 posts
11 Dec 2015 6:24PM
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sir ROWDY said..

KiteDesigner said..
I have access to 3 bar factories and am working on the ultimate bar ( An ultimate bar is different between all riders, so its the designed for most riders ultimate bar )

Here is what I like, please message what you would change

1) Plastic inside line that is smooth and does not catch on the bar
2) soft bar ends ( better for heads and surfboards )
3) Protected center saftey line that does not catch on the bar ( saftey line that wear out suck )
4) Below bar push away release
5) Below bar swivel
6) No above bar swivel ( The are costly and dont work alot of the time, also a bulky above bar swivel can tangle in a crash, look up king of the air when a po riders swivel f#$ed up )
7) 24m Lines best for most riders, I like 20m lines for surf.
8) Short V one line flagging
9) Above bar de power clam cleat within reach that does not flap around.
10) clean light and simple, no fluff...

Ps, i have mouse swivels if you want some,

Not to pimp but you basically just described the current Ozone bar... besides number 8, the "short V", which I hate (a short V, not the Ozone bar haha) .

I would love to be able to make my own bar for a company from scratch.

Looks like the center safety line is not protected on the oz bar, but that is close

VIC, 240 posts
11 Dec 2015 9:04PM
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KiteDesigner said..
I have access to 3 bar factories and am working on the ultimate bar ( An ultimate bar is different between all riders, so its the designed for most riders ultimate bar )

Here is what I like, please message what you would change

1) Plastic inside line that is smooth and does not catch on the bar
2) soft bar ends ( better for heads and surfboards )
3) Protected center saftey line that does not catch on the bar ( saftey line that wear out suck )
4) Below bar push away release
5) Below bar swivel
6) No above bar swivel ( The are costly and dont work alot of the time, also a bulky above bar swivel can tangle in a crash, look up king of the air when a po riders swivel f#$ed up )
7) 24m Lines best for most riders, I like 20m lines for surf.
8) Short V one line flagging
9) Above bar de power clam cleat within reach that does not flap around.
10) clean light and simple, no fluff...

Ps, i have mouse swivels if you want some,

I dunno where kite companies are going wrong in designing??I would also like to see1- interchangeable centre inserts ( think Naish have done that this year)2- adjustable bar lengths via bar ends.
I think it could be quite easily done. All that's required is a small thread tapped into the bar , and having changeable bar ends that have different lengths. Easy slide on bar ends, that are connected with a TI hex bolts...
does it makes sense? I have trouble verbalising my ideas sometime.
I like the Cab bars ability to change lengths, but realistically its minimal adjustment. You couldn't use a 17m and a 7m on the same bar, which I think is ridiculous.
however, it is possible ....... If you could make changeable bar ends this problem could be solved.
Its simple really, have 3-4 sets of bar ends that come in different lengths.... but no kite company is going to do this.... why would they when they'd prefer you bought another bar? 3- DEFF below the bar swivel (maybe running on a ceramic bearing too.... maybe)

4- no floats... I hate them myself.... but I don't think it could be that hard to put an air chamber inside the bar so it always floats.5- and most importantly....... a QR that has a built in bottle opener...... let haters hate.... its a great idea!!

NSW, 169 posts
11 Dec 2015 10:21PM
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Re Ragzilla

interchangeable centre inserts
Why? its something that wears out and needs replacing, if your stuck somewhere and that part wears out your stuffed, plastic center lines fixes this issue of lines wearing out.

having changeable bar ends that have different lengths
This adds weight and something that can break or wear, rather a lighter weight bar at a set lenght

no floats
Yes, but rubber soft ends are good

This bar would cost about $140 USD to make ex shipping, but would need to make about 30 of them.

QLD, 1694 posts
11 Dec 2015 9:30PM
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Could it come with th 5th line? And the bar need's good grip but soft.
My bar has so much grip but god its hard on the hands.

But the most important thing of all is that plastic over the lines I don't know why all bards have this. I had to replace 1 depower line already on a bar that's 4 months old

NSW, 169 posts
11 Dec 2015 10:45PM
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kemp90 said..
Could it come with th 5th line? And the bar need's good grip but soft.
My bar has so much grip but god its hard on the hands.

But the most important thing of all is that plastic over the lines I don't know why all bards have this. I had to replace 1 depower line already on a bar that's 4 months old

Some plastic center lines jam when the bar is at 45 degrees, it wont slide to depower or power, some people dont like the feel of plastic center lines, some people are odd.

VIC, 859 posts
12 Dec 2015 9:52AM
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KiteDesigner said..
I have access to 3 bar factories and am working on the ultimate bar ( An ultimate bar is different between all riders, so its the designed for most riders ultimate bar )

Here is what I like, please message what you would change

1) Plastic inside line that is smooth and does not catch on the bar
2) soft bar ends ( better for heads and surfboards )
3) Protected center saftey line that does not catch on the bar ( saftey line that wear out suck )
4) Below bar push away release
5) Below bar swivel
6) No above bar swivel ( The are costly and dont work alot of the time, also a bulky above bar swivel can tangle in a crash, look up king of the air when a po riders swivel f#$ed up )
7) 24m Lines best for most riders, I like 20m lines for surf.
8) Short V one line flagging
9) Above bar de power clam cleat within reach that does not flap around.
10) clean light and simple, no fluff...

Ps, i have mouse swivels if you want some,

Sound pretty much like the 2015 Cabrinha fixed length bars.... If you can half the price you will make a fortune...

NSW, 169 posts
13 Dec 2015 9:48AM
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Ok, how about I make a proto bar, then get a group order in? Would anyone be interested?

QLD, 15 posts
25 Jan 2016 1:00PM
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This is my modified bar for wakestyle. Quick release yet to be put in.
2007 Liquid Force small parts. 2013 Slingshot bar cut down-40cm. Switch Chicken loop. F1 de-power. plastic tube to stop wear on lines and my hands.
Its really nice and clean. Will cut the extra blue line off once I test it a bit more.

QLD, 1451 posts
25 Jan 2016 1:34PM
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KiteDesigner said..
Re Ragzilla

interchangeable centre inserts
Why? its something that wears out and needs replacing, if your stuck somewhere and that part wears out your stuffed, plastic center lines fixes this issue of lines wearing out.

having changeable bar ends that have different lengths
This adds weight and something that can break or wear, rather a lighter weight bar at a set lenght

no floats
Yes, but rubber soft ends are good

This bar would cost about $140 USD to make ex shipping, but would need to make about 30 of them.

your a designer for ****s say there pu covered lines polyurethane trying to read thru this thread and keep seeing you say this its like pushing a cotton bud far to far in your ear. if they were plastic center lines youd get herpes

by the way your magical design is basicly an ozone bar which is basicly copied by everyone else. if you want to "design' something help me out with turning a foil kite into a speedwing.

QLD, 1451 posts
25 Jan 2016 1:38PM
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Trotdog said..
This is my modified bar for wakestyle. Quick release yet to be put in.
2007 Liquid Force small parts. 2013 Slingshot bar cut down-40cm. Switch Chicken loop. F1 de-power. plastic tube to stop wear on lines and my hands.
Its really nice and clean. Will cut the extra blue line off once I test it a bit more.

bro i like what youve done and everything but it looks a bit like one of those comparison adds where they compare the burger on the menu compared to the one you actually get.

NSW, 169 posts
14 Nov 2016 3:04PM
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Ok if there are any troll here is your chance, I just got the below bar made up and tested, works great for me. Feel free to make suggestions and improvements for what would better for you. The below proto bar was built from the many bar posts in the SB forum.

1) Optional Plastic inside line that is smooth and does not catch on the bar
2) Soft bar ends ( better for heads and surfboards )
3) Optional Protected center safety line that does not catch on the bar ( safety line that wear out suck )
4) Below bar push away release
5) Below bar swivel
6) No above bar swivel
7) 20m + 4m - 24m Lines best for most riders, I like 20m lines for surf.
8) Split close to bar V one line flagging not Y
9) Above bar de power clam cleat within reach that does not flap around.
10) Clean light and simple, no fluff... (KISS)
11) Short throw and long throw in the one bar with a simple quick adjustment
12) STRONG 450kg center lines and 350kg outer lines
13) Easy to replace parts. All parts of the bar are easily replaced using parts from local kite and marine shops.
14) Easy to detach lines. All 4 lines can be easily detached without having to unthread 24m through a hoop. This makes changing lines, untangling, removing seaweed 1000 times faster and easier.
15) There will be a 5th line optional add-on, and a plastic protected center line addon.
16) Under $400 AUD

WA, 354 posts
14 Nov 2016 7:39PM
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You could have saved some time and not bothered testing it as the Ozone bar works and it seems identical to the Ozone bar, however it might be cheaper.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"custom bar & lines" started by Ragzilla