Doctors would not say 100%, but after the their assessment they were 99% sure as they had no other contact with the bacteria that causes it outside of the pond. The city had taken water at the storm drain samples and are being very tardy in giving me or publishing the results. They were going to give them to me last Friday. An outcome from the meeting was to take more samples from a larger area of the pond.
Doctors would not say 100%, but after the their assessment they were 99% sure as they had no other contact with the bacteria that causes it outside of the pond. The city had taken water at the storm drain samples and are being very tardy in giving me or publishing the results. They were going to give them to me last Friday. An outcome from the meeting was to take more samples from a larger area of the pond.
Take a sample of the water and get it tested independently.
From my understanding you need to have cut in because you do not have big tidal flow and it does not get flushed out, how did Augusta inlet go with cut in and how does it affect sand bars ?
Doctors would not say 100%, but after the their assessment they were 99% sure as they had no other contact with the bacteria that causes it outside of the pond. The city had taken water at the storm drain samples and are being very tardy in giving me or publishing the results. They were going to give them to me last Friday. An outcome from the meeting was to take more samples from a larger area of the pond.
Take a sample of the water and get it tested independently.
Most likely the only way i will believe a result. Just need to identify which lab.
While we still wait on results from the city on water quality results from the pond we requested 8 weeks ago an email from Sam Assaad the director of parks and engineering has recommended that people with staph infections and rashes or health concerns experienced from activities around the pond contact Mr Jared Koutsokos from the Department of Health on 9388 4999. Not sure why it is still our issue and the city not advocating on our behalf seem to be delaying tactics.
While we still wait on results from the city on water quality results from the pond we requested 8 weeks ago an email from Sam Assaad the director of parks and engineering has recommended that people with staph infections and rashes or health concerns experienced from activities around the pond contact Mr Jared Koutsokos from the Department of Health on 9388 4999. Not sure why it is still our issue and the city not advocating on our behalf seem to be delaying tactics.
Too hard basket I would think... and an aversion to have to "make a decision"...
I noticed a digger out on the island doing somthing toward the boat channel end? Are they planning to dredge again??
Yes digging out the boat channel, sand being trucked to Shoalwater bay near point peron end to fill in erosion damage. Cost of part of the digger work is offset by coast restoration. Pond a bit cloudy that end, smell terrible.
Salmonella found in the pond from water quality sample taken the 26th November a repeat taken on the 10th gave it the all clear. So 1 for 1 against where is the deciding sample? Why no public warnings / alerts?
To be fair the Pond has always been polluted, if you've ever had a kite malfunction and had to drift to the lower side you can feel the slime with your toes on the seaweed and you can see the pollution in the water where it foams up at the shore.
Kinda to be expected when the storm water drains into it.
Salmonella found in the pond from water quality sample taken the 26th November a repeat taken on the 10th gave it the all clear. So 1 for 1 against where is the deciding sample? Why no public warnings / alerts?
found at what concentration? unless it was extremely high (eg 1000cfu/100mL) any kind of warning is a waste of time, it's all very transient.
low concentrations of salmonella, e coli, enterococci etc. are almost a given in any waterway due to bird and animal crap. massive importance on where and when each sample is taken too.
Good question, the city did not let the public know, however they had taken previous samples and never mentioned salmonella they did say in my email that a repeat finding in the next sample and they would close the pond down. I am going to tonights council meeting in search for more details, my daughter is a doctor in medical science and is very interested in councils approach.
The city is now performing weekly water quality testing in the pond for Salmonella and Staph bacteria also e-coli since identifying salmonella at the boat ramp last December. Of note since the WA Water corp drain has had pumps turned off the water quality is visibility much improved and no dead birds either side of the drain since that day. Problem is next big rain pumps will be turned back on. Still a bit of work to do with relevent government departments to resolve the issue of contamination.