Forums > Sailing General

What did you do to your sailing boat today ?

Created by Boatin > 9 months ago, 12 Jun 2013
NSW, 1659 posts
21 Nov 2016 9:26AM
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Well done HG. You deserve every drop of pleasure you're going to get from her.
I'm so proud of you I told all my friend about you.

VIC, 5814 posts
21 Nov 2016 9:44AM
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What a D.K I am for spending to much time on my boat

NSW, 1659 posts
21 Nov 2016 11:58AM
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HG02 said..
What a D.K I am for spending to much time on my boat

Now listen HG, spending time on your boat is stopping you from falling dead off your
bar stool (remember Oliver Reed). It's keeping you off street corners frightening old ladies,
and it's keeping you fitter than you would otherwise be. You owe your little boat a debt
of gratitude.

VIC, 5814 posts
21 Nov 2016 12:03PM
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You're right Sam
Before the boat it was computers coffee and sitting around
That's one of the reasons I bought a boat in the first place[

NSW, 1659 posts
21 Nov 2016 12:49PM
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HG02 said..
You're right Sam
Before the boat it was computers coffee and sitting around
That's one of the reasons I bought a boat in the first place[

Amen to that.

WA, 855 posts
21 Nov 2016 9:57AM
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Annoyingly loose spokes on a Jefa steering wheel from cracked welds where the spokes enter the one piece hub. 28 spots welds later on the hub and it's good as new.

Didn't get a picture, but this is what it looks like, from

VIC, 5814 posts
26 Nov 2016 7:45AM
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Being human you make mistakes
I am removing the kill rust paint off the mast steps as If I dont eventually the paint will come off .
Ill just keep them natural.
Cost me some time and a few rivets to take them off the mast , better now than later .

VIC, 5814 posts
26 Nov 2016 11:22AM
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All done
While I was away the rigger picked the mast to fit the mast head

Cleaned up the mizzen mast step and cleaned out its drain hole while I was at it and finished off my top engine coolant outlet

VIC, 5814 posts
27 Nov 2016 2:19PM
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Took a chance on the weather and brushes a second coat on the deck non skid

VIC, 190 posts
28 Nov 2016 6:33PM
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Record antifoul today
1 hour for one coat!
3 blokes but
Was some preparation too
Pleased with self
Also rudder gland repacked,cables adjusted snd checked
Back in water within a few days
A record for me

NSW, 7659 posts
3 Dec 2016 8:04AM
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I'm on the slips at the moment. Prop to be sorted this morning. The brown paint which I always thought as red is Hempel. Being used here as an undercoat, the lipstick red is Micron Extra. The Hempel is what I used a few years

ago and was not all that impressed with.

VIC, 5814 posts
3 Dec 2016 10:07AM
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I bought some International long life in off white non ablative for now . Ill use this for around 12 months lift her out and roll on a abative in a different color.and use the off white as sand back to for the next time.
Worked this morning now off to the boat and fit the prop shaft and sand a couple of spots on the keel and coat with barrier coat ready for anti foul next weekend .
Should have the mast back home next friday Ill fit everything cabling ,masthead nav lights ,wind vane and aerials X 2 and the sail track. and then its up to the rigger when its fitted to the boat.

VIC, 5814 posts
3 Dec 2016 6:31PM
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Fitted up Kurt's prop still need to finish off inside tomorrow

SA, 4783 posts
3 Dec 2016 7:59PM
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Are you going to put prop speed on h2o?

VIC, 5814 posts
3 Dec 2016 8:40PM
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southace said..
Are you going to put prop speed on h2o?

Yes South Ace prop speed .I've prop shaft anode to fit yet also . Tomorrow is sanding the bottom of the keel and a few coats of epoxy barrier coat
Hopefully antifoul next weekend and then focus on the motor cooling system and finish wiring it in.
So it might hit the water before January and mast early January all depends on the rigger .
Once he drops the mast back I can finish it off VHF cables X 2 .wind vane and nav light cabling . Fit the mast track .

SA, 4783 posts
3 Dec 2016 8:51PM
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Do you know how to apply the prop speed correctly?

speed correctly?

QLD, 12352 posts
3 Dec 2016 10:29PM
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HG02 said..

Hopefully antifoul next weekend and then focus on the motor cooling system and finish wiring it in.
So it might hit the water before January and mast early January all depends on the rigger .

HG, you should look at the paint maker's advice before you antifoul.

Generally speaking I don't think you should antifoul more than 7 days before immersion.

Usually antifoul is applied the day before she gets wet again.

QLD, 12352 posts
3 Dec 2016 10:31PM
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southace said..
Do you know how to apply the prop speed correctly?

speed correctly?

Instructions usually come with the packaging.

VIC, 5814 posts
3 Dec 2016 11:59PM
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cisco said..

HG02 said..

Hopefully antifoul next weekend and then focus on the motor cooling system and finish wiring it in.
So it might hit the water before January and mast early January all depends on the rigger .

HG, you should look at the paint maker's advice before you antifoul.

Generally speaking I don't think you should antifoul more than 7 days before immersion.

Usually antifoul is applied the day before she gets wet again.

Ill check thought it was a month but Ill run the motor and bed the PSS seal before she goes into the deep blue.
Id like to have her floating by the end of December and the mast in the first week of January

QLD, 227 posts
4 Dec 2016 6:13AM
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HG you know International do not recommend applying antifoul directly to the epoxy barrier coat once it has dried.

The only system International endorse is to apply a fresh coat of epoxy and once it has 'tacked off' apply the first coat of antifoul. Depending on conditions it might be a two man operation to ensure you don't miss the 'tack window'

SA, 4783 posts
4 Dec 2016 6:52AM
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cisco said...
HG02 said..

Hopefully antifoul next weekend and then focus on the motor cooling system and finish wiring it in.
So it might hit the water before January and mast early January all depends on the rigger .

HG, you should look at the paint maker's advice before you antifoul.

Generally speaking I don't think you should antifoul more than 7 days before immersion.

Usually antifoul is applied the day before she gets wet again.

Most modern antifouling has 12 month or more before imerssion times. I think your getting confused with drying time before imersion which is generally recommended over night. Dunno what your mixing in your pot Cisco kid.

SA, 4783 posts
4 Dec 2016 6:56AM
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cisco said...
southace said..
Do you know how to apply the prop speed correctly?

speed correctly?

Instructions usually come with the packaging.

Yes they do but generally most people don't prep and apply it properly when following the instructions and the wonder why it doesn't work.

VIC, 5814 posts
4 Dec 2016 9:04AM
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local shipwrights doing it S.A just before she goes back in the water

VIC, 5814 posts
4 Dec 2016 2:36PM
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Finally finished of the prop shaft assembly and then remove the bob stay tang
The tang removal would be best described like getting south ace away for a drink fridge on a hot day when his Honda gen would not start plus he ran out of squid bait

The tang will get a good clean up and the hold touched up with a bot of stainless weld

QLD, 6149 posts
5 Dec 2016 7:01PM
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MEGAMAX said..
I recently bought a 1937 gaff cutter, so lots to do.

She is on the hard and is getting new decks, chain plates externally, a number of timbers sistered and some caulking. oh and a paint. I will show some of this shortly!

its pretty strong looking but I thought those sorts of lifts were a no no for timber hulls. far better to have a traditional cradle.

NSW, 218 posts
6 Dec 2016 12:14AM
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HG02 said..
Finally finished of the prop shaft assembly and then remove the bob stay tang
The tang removal would be best described like getting south ace away for a drink fridge on a hot day when his Honda gen would not start plus he ran out of squid bait

The tang will get a good clean up and the hold touched up with a bot of stainless weld

HG, thats an awefully smug and comfy-looking tang thats lying there, considering all the angst its caused..give it a good brush up before you put it in its proper place!

VIC, 5814 posts
6 Dec 2016 6:18AM
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GKandCC said..

HG02 said..
Finally finished of the prop shaft assembly and then remove the bob stay tang
The tang removal would be best described like getting south ace away for a drink fridge on a hot day when his Honda gen would not start plus he ran out of squid bait

The tang will get a good clean up and the hold touched up with a bot of stainless weld

HG, thats an awefully smug and comfy-looking tang thats lying there, considering all the angst its caused..give it a good brush up before you put it in its proper place!

Phone made its own words up . Its clean right now, the tang hole is oval so it will be welded up and re drilled and then polished up a little and hopefully refitted next week end . An awkward spot inside the bow.
Being nearly 65 now I'm so glad I started this project 21/2 years ago and not now. I won't be doing another boat that's for sure I'm to old now.
Time is so precious at 65

NSW, 1659 posts
6 Dec 2016 8:19AM
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GKandCC said..

HG02 said..
Finally finished of the prop shaft assembly and then remove the bob stay tang
The tang removal would be best described like getting south ace away for a drink fridge on a hot day when his Honda gen would not start plus he ran out of squid bait

The tang will get a good clean up and the hold touched up with a bot of stainless weld

HG, thats an awefully smug and comfy-looking tang thats lying there, considering all the angst its caused..give it a good brush up before you put it in its proper place!

Wait 'til you get as old as Phoenix HG........he's a legend.

VIC, 5814 posts
6 Dec 2016 9:18AM
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I've a lot of questions for phoenix star once I can raise a sail Sam
Been looking at Winston lithium batteries around 300 ah
Just trying to sort out a constant charge system so they don't get to much
The Air x 400 watt has adjustable voltage so that's ok
My power tech 30 amp Mppt not to sure about that yet

TAS, 514 posts
6 Dec 2016 11:40AM
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Pintado has been on the slip for 2 days so we had to work like sunnies cleaning off the growth with scrapers and soft brooms so as not to damage the copper coat anti fowl not even water blasting allowed the scum came off ok but i have learned the boat had not been out of the water for 4 years bit of shell as well new shaft anode and new anode for the auto stream stainless prop


Forums > Sailing General

"What did you do to your sailing boat today ?" started by Boatin