Forums > Sailing General

What did you do to your sailing boat today ?

Created by Boatin > 9 months ago, 12 Jun 2013
NSW, 1262 posts
27 May 2019 7:56AM
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Another question for Rumblefish. The two colours in the soft shackle, does one belong to the halyard core and the other to the loop? I'd always imagined the soft shackle going through a loop spliced in the end of the halyard but it looks like the two parts are joined at the button knot?

NSW, 7658 posts
27 May 2019 8:15AM
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termite said..
Put on my new dodger today. Got a second hand stainless frame, bought a $35 sewing machine, some canvas, plastic and leather and had a go at sewing my own. Sewing looks very "dodgey" up close, but it almost like a bought one from a few metres away.
Prepare to repel all boarders

Looks good. This stuff is easy to sew. The secret to perfect sewing is bobbin tension. The right thread and needles helps but it's all down to bobbin tension. Watch a few Youtube videos on how to set the tension for your machine.

WA, 1606 posts
27 May 2019 7:34AM
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Ramona said..

termite said..
Put on my new dodger today. Got a second hand stainless frame, bought a $35 sewing machine, some canvas, plastic and leather and had a go at sewing my own. Sewing looks very "dodgey" up close, but it almost like a bought one from a few metres away.
Prepare to repel all boarders

Looks good. This stuff is easy to sew. The secret to perfect sewing is bobbin tension. The right thread and needles helps but it's all down to bobbin tension. Watch a few Youtube videos on how to set the tension for your machine.

Bobbin tension is part of it but I wouldn't say it's all down to that. If your not in the ballpark with the right needle or thread, your not going to get perfect sewing

NSW, 283 posts
27 May 2019 10:13AM
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Thanks Ramona. I'm an absolute sewing newbee so it took me half a day just to find out where the bobbin thingy was.

I'll have a fiddle with the tension- the next one will be perfect!

Thanks Jolene. I did get some advice on the needle and thread. Used a Schmetz Jeans denim needle and Dabond 69 thread which seemed to go OK up to about 4 layers of Sunbrella, but the machine still struggled when I got to the plastic window and went on strike when I tried to sew leather and canvas. I had to use a Speedy stitcher for the heavy stuff. Nice little tool and made surprisingly easy work of plunging through my index finger - thread and all

WA, 1606 posts
27 May 2019 8:25AM
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Yeah, those Speedy Stitches are a weapon, A friend of mine stuck it through his cheek putting thread in his mouth to hold with his teeth.

NSW, 402 posts
27 May 2019 10:58AM
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termite said..
Put on my new dodger today. Got a second hand stainless frame, bought a $35 sewing machine, some canvas, plastic and leather and had a go at sewing my own. Sewing looks very "dodgey" up close, but it almost like a bought one from a few metres away.
Prepare to repel all boarders

That looks great termite! And very satisfying to see it all finished I'll bet!!
I want to make up some infill panels for my 'solar Bimini'. I'd be keen to know where you sourced the canvas, clears and thread from. Thanks.

NSW, 7658 posts
27 May 2019 5:56PM
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termite said..
I did get some advice on the needle and thread. Used a Schmetz Jeans denim needle and Dabond 69 thread which seemed to go OK up to about 4 layers of Sunbrella, but the machine still struggled when I got to the plastic window and went on strike when I tried to sew leather and canvas. I had to use a Speedy stitcher for the heavy stuff. Nice little tool and made surprisingly easy work of plunging through my index finger - thread and all

Check out the Sailrite web page for their choices of needles for various materials. The Jeans needles will get you by but the right needles for your machine will make it easier. Copy the part numbers and buy them locally.

NSW, 283 posts
28 May 2019 11:39AM
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Hi Azure I have sent you a pm with the details.

Cheers Bill

NSW, 402 posts
28 May 2019 3:27PM
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Thanks Bill, got the details. Much appreciated.

NSW, 402 posts
1 Jun 2019 6:09PM
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Well.. I didn't do it today, I actually did it on Wednesday, but I still did it!!

I tinted my cabin windows!

The original acrylic has faded, but is still in ok condition, so....
Not a difficult job, only slightly messy (dripping soapy water), and I'm very happy with the results.

Stbd side not done

Port side done

Big difference in glare - more obvious from inside the cabin compared to the pics. Looks much better from the outside too. Nice and dark.

Left is tinted, right is not.
Only a slight reduction in light transmission , but 99.5% of UV is blocked.

VIC, 5904 posts
1 Jun 2019 7:58PM
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does it stick on the out side ?

NSW, 402 posts
1 Jun 2019 8:05PM
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On the inside.
Same stuff as you'd get for a car.

VIC, 5904 posts
1 Jun 2019 8:15PM
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ok thanks ..... i would like some product to stick on the outside ....may have to start googling

NSW, 402 posts
1 Jun 2019 8:42PM
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Umm , just wondering... why the outside?

VIC, 5904 posts
1 Jun 2019 9:22PM
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im wanting to protect some old perspex from UV

NSW, 402 posts
2 Jun 2019 12:24AM
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SandS said..
im wanting to protect some old perspex from UV

Like this maybe?

It is an external film, technically, but even the sales pitch on the site says that the edges need to be silicon sealed and taped, .....not sure how that's going to look.

Maybe you could post a new topic, and see what others have done?

NSW, 218 posts
2 Jun 2019 9:42PM
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SandS said..
im wanting to protect some old perspex from UV

Maybe protect that old perspex with new perspex...either as an overlay or a replacement...probably for the same price as these new-fandangled films

QLD, 363 posts
2 Jun 2019 10:16PM
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First update on this thread..
Cole Bounty with good bones but needing TLC came into my family in January ...
Yes, was still fine to bash about ok but I needed a project/to do list/over capitalise/bank account drain cleaner/ to make my own... no really in order below..
1. All hot/cold water hoses replaced/bladder and tanks cleaned and optimised.
2. Running rigging.. Sheets/traveller/vang/Halyards replaced
3. 280w Solar
4. Solar/Alt controller
5. New main switch to suit.. Bluesea special, avoid changing charging circuits while motoring ...On is house to house and motor to motor, and linked by solar and DC/DC controller
6. New 100mtr Nylon rode added to chain.... learnt how to splice
7. Serviced winches/bearings/Selftailing plates/springs
8. Removed redundant electronics and wiring
9,10,11,12,13,14....Decks/cockpit back to Gelcoat, 6-7 coats under/top coat, Kiwigrip on others.... singlehanded
15. Installed Evo1 pilot
16. Rubber snakes added to scare seagulls
17. New Auto bilge pumps and controllers added
18. New motor start panel designed and fabricated with Tacho and Temp and push button start/stop added
19. Navpod mounts made to suit single P70-temporary-new version in design
20. Replace gas bottles
21. BBQ procured & mounted
22. Fishing rod holders(3) installed
23. New tender and outboard
24. Trailer for tender
35. Tow bar on car for trailer
36. New LED mast head and running lights
37. New anchor light... didn't have one???
38. New mast cabling for Anchor & Tricolour light... after I lost the messenger...arrrhh
39. New lamp in process for tricolour, weird ass bulb.... have a solution
40. EVO1 pilot installed, including rudder reference... I'm big, that place is small
41. ST-STNG converter sort of done
42. New cabin/nav station lights
43. Portable Fridge/Freezer installed along with engine driven one refurbished
44. Serviced rope clutch's
45. Stripped and gal painted Anchor until new one sourced, new shackles etc
46. New blocks at mast base
47. Epirb
48. New PFD's
49. New kitchen ware
50. Replaced engine wiring loom
51. Stripped, repaired and vanished 50% of wood
52. Made mooring pole to make it easier for singlehanded or her
53. New 12v outlets added in correct positions
54. All deck hardware serviced (Teflon juice ????)
55. Dodger re-stitched(in process)
56. New Sail bag(in process)
57. Lots of wiring replaced....working but looked average and important
58. Bluetooth-Sonos sound system installed, want to install router and go wifi..!!
59. Spare impellers, anodes sorted
60. General spares and tools added


61. New Standing Rigging
62. Paint mast, Boom & Pole
63. Clean bum and antifoul
(All next week... Passage to Pittwater next week... not ideal weather.. maybe Wed/Thur)

64. Boot and Pin Strips and name repainted

That's a quick update, Lots of little things forgotten..
Luckily engine just had major service, apart from normal Bukh steam, exhaust manifold or Thermostat could do with a clean.

And she was good to go.... The old time boat buying rule.... You make money when you buy a a boat not when you sell it...

All great fun and a learning curve!!!

The 3F's, if it fly's, floats, or farks..., lease it!!
Though the pleasure in having a 30 year old GRP shell somewhat custom to me that could go anywhere makes it all seem ok!!

Thats what I did to my boat today... and a couple other days... can't wait to go sailing

NSW, 402 posts
2 Jun 2019 10:18PM
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GKandCC said..

SandS said..
im wanting to protect some old perspex from UV

Maybe protect that old perspex with new perspex...either as an overlay or a replacement...probably for the same price as these new-fandangled films

The film I used (and have used successfully in the past as well) only cost me $18 for 6m, of which I've used 2m. Not that exxy really.

NSW, 218 posts
2 Jun 2019 10:23PM
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Ditch Number16, the snakes don't work, maybe try plastic hawks, if you can afford them now

QLD, 363 posts
2 Jun 2019 11:11PM
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GKandCC said..
Ditch Number16, the snakes don't work, maybe try plastic hawks, if you can afford them now

Seems the snakes work, the 3 black ones keep the deck clean, the orange snake on Bimini was either lunch for a Hawk or got blown off... either way ****e stained Bimini/Solar but deck clean... touch wood

Afford it... apart from Rigging, all DIY, and cheaply sourced parts where needed.... eg.. Navpod/Rudder reference from US via a mate with combined shipping. AP was a costly exercise, but just after I brought it, I could of got a recent AP for 1/4 of cost... bugger
Designed/made lots myself, trade prices on some especially wiring, however if I charged myself a hourly rate.... I'd be broke..
Refreshed strong boat!!

65. Near new main gound in a locker that the previous owner didn't know about going on too.... Also might change from the OK 150% to one of the 100-130% that came with though needs UV panels put on..

The 'To do list' never ends

NSW, 218 posts
2 Jun 2019 11:47PM
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65 Go sailing
66 Wasn't our mooring float still floating when we left.

QLD, 2587 posts
3 Jun 2019 5:01AM
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Cabron said..

ST-STNG converter sort of done

G'day Cabron,
Congrats ! You're getting to the pointy end mate. It will be a cool first sail, you won't know yourself!

How is the converter going? They're awesome bits of kit.

NSW, 891 posts
3 Jun 2019 7:10AM
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Cabron said..

The 'To do list' never ends

Is that all!!!!!!!

I'm sure my snakes don't work, or the owl, or the mirror balls or the electric bird scarer, or .................................................

NSW, 7658 posts
3 Jun 2019 8:27AM
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Lazzz said..

Is that all!!!!!!!

I'm sure my snakes don't work, or the owl, or the mirror balls or the electric bird scarer, or .................................................

Van de Stadt near me has all these plus an electronic bird scare machine, makes an irritating noise. Had two Mallard ducks sitting on the back deck the other day, they seems to be attracted to the noise.

Finally got around to installing a larger screen for my nav system. 22 in monitor, windows 10 running Open CPN.

NSW, 328 posts
3 Jun 2019 9:49AM
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Lazzz said..

Cabron said..

The 'To do list' never ends

Is that all!!!!!!!

I'm sure my snakes don't work, or the owl, or the mirror balls or the electric bird scarer, or .................................................

None of that stuff works after a while the birds work it out unfortunately

QLD, 1607 posts
3 Jun 2019 10:36AM
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Cabron said..
First update on this thread..
Cole Bounty with good bones but needing TLC came into my family in January ...
Yes, was still fine to bash about ok but I needed a project/to do list/over capitalise/bank account drain cleaner/ to make my own... no really in order below..
1. All hot/cold water hoses replaced/bladder and tanks cleaned and optimised.
2. Running rigging.. Sheets/traveller/vang/Halyards replaced
3. 280w Solar
4. Solar/Alt controller
5. New main switch to suit.. Bluesea special, avoid changing charging circuits while motoring ...On is house to house and motor to motor, and linked by solar and DC/DC controller
6. New 100mtr Nylon rode added to chain.... learnt how to splice
7. Serviced winches/bearings/Selftailing plates/springs
8. Removed redundant electronics and wiring
9,10,11,12,13,14....Decks/cockpit back to Gelcoat, 6-7 coats under/top coat, Kiwigrip on others.... singlehanded
15. Installed Evo1 pilot
16. Rubber snakes added to scare seagulls
17. New Auto bilge pumps and controllers added
18. New motor start panel designed and fabricated with Tacho and Temp and push button start/stop added
19. Navpod mounts made to suit single P70-temporary-new version in design
20. Replace gas bottles
21. BBQ procured & mounted
22. Fishing rod holders(3) installed
23. New tender and outboard
24. Trailer for tender
35. Tow bar on car for trailer
36. New LED mast head and running lights
37. New anchor light... didn't have one???
38. New mast cabling for Anchor & Tricolour light... after I lost the messenger...arrrhh
39. New lamp in process for tricolour, weird ass bulb.... have a solution
40. EVO1 pilot installed, including rudder reference... I'm big, that place is small
41. ST-STNG converter sort of done
42. New cabin/nav station lights
43. Portable Fridge/Freezer installed along with engine driven one refurbished
44. Serviced rope clutch's
45. Stripped and gal painted Anchor until new one sourced, new shackles etc
46. New blocks at mast base
47. Epirb
48. New PFD's
49. New kitchen ware
50. Replaced engine wiring loom
51. Stripped, repaired and vanished 50% of wood
52. Made mooring pole to make it easier for singlehanded or her
53. New 12v outlets added in correct positions
54. All deck hardware serviced (Teflon juice ????)
55. Dodger re-stitched(in process)
56. New Sail bag(in process)
57. Lots of wiring replaced....working but looked average and important
58. Bluetooth-Sonos sound system installed, want to install router and go wifi..!!
59. Spare impellers, anodes sorted
60. General spares and tools added


61. New Standing Rigging
62. Paint mast, Boom & Pole
63. Clean bum and antifoul
(All next week... Passage to Pittwater next week... not ideal weather.. maybe Wed/Thur)

64. Boot and Pin Strips and name repainted

That's a quick update, Lots of little things forgotten..
Luckily engine just had major service, apart from normal Bukh steam, exhaust manifold or Thermostat could do with a clean.

And she was good to go.... The old time boat buying rule.... You make money when you buy a a boat not when you sell it...

All great fun and a learning curve!!!

The 3F's, if it fly's, floats, or farks..., lease it!!
Though the pleasure in having a 30 year old GRP shell somewhat custom to me that could go anywhere makes it all seem ok!!

Thats what I did to my boat today... and a couple other days... can't wait to go sailing

Mate the Bounty is one strong boat (see avatar) last I heard mine was around Lake Macquarie with repainted hull.
Im jealous.

VIC, 5904 posts
3 Jun 2019 6:32PM
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Ramona said..

Lazzz said..

Is that all!!!!!!!

I'm sure my snakes don't work, or the owl, or the mirror balls or the electric bird scarer, or .................................................

Van de Stadt near me has all these plus an electronic bird scare machine, makes an irritating noise. Had two Mallard ducks sitting on the back deck the other day, they seems to be attracted to the noise.

Finally got around to installing a larger screen for my nav system. 22 in monitor, windows 10 running Open CPN.

wow that's humungus ! fiberglass it in and you'll have another structural bulkhead !!

QLD, 28 posts
7 Jun 2019 9:29AM
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Launched the two boats (Farr 7.5 and Noelex 25) at Southport with predicted southerly's for the next week. Destination either Caloundra Power Boat Club ramp via the Pumicestone Passage to Mooloolaba public ramp going outside Bribie depending on timing and weather. Had a wonderful six days sailing including a night up the Brisbane River. Not enough breeze to make the trip to Mooloolaba on the outside so did the Pumicestone and yes, we did go aground briefly on sand spit. Get in touch if you'd like more info on the trip.
Derick 0438563164 Rolly Tasker Sails QLD

QLD, 363 posts
13 Jun 2019 7:47PM
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The stick fell off the boat today!


Forums > Sailing General

"What did you do to your sailing boat today ?" started by Boatin