Agree , it would be really handy to have some data Rob - many of us already have other wings and need this information to try and figure how these new wings will compare to what we have , and whether they will add anything. All of the key competitors provide this info. Its also important as it is highly unlikely that we will have a chance to try before we buy. For me I would be using on a 6'5 foil SUP for waves and wing foiling, so I am looking hard at these HA designs.
So using the Go Foil existing wings as a baseline (esp the IWA and M200), how do the new GL wings compare in the following areas - :
- early lift - noticeably less?
- stability when flying - pitch, yaw, breach more easily? Do they wander or do they lock in ?
- on a powerful wave with a steeper take off do they rise quickly and blow out of the water like the larger wings are prone to sometimes, or are they more resistant to this?
- ability to catch a softer wave or shoulder vs a big grunter like the M200 - paddle speed, pop etc
- If a high aspect wing area is say 1300-1500cm2, how does it compare overall to a lower aspect design? Is a 1400cm2 HA design equivalent to say the M200 in sheer grunt ?
I take it as read that the HA wings are pumping machines on prone boards , that is clear from all the info on the internet thus far , I am looking for more expansive information that can help guide those of us looking to expand / enhance our quiver. But need more info before blindly dropping the $$$$.
Hey Mike,
From what I have worked out from talking to people etc. and having a go on other brands like the axis high aspect wings example is that they are more effiecient so once your up an foiling they are faster and so your ability to pump with ease to generate speed in increase which means your able to stay up longer. I don't think that means its easier to get going to start with though but I have not used the GL wings yet myself. From what I can work out in terms of sizing it seems (based on seeing who is using what). I you used 280 then go the GL240. 200 go GL210 and IWA go the GL180.
Rob might be able to provide further info in that regard.
Cheers Scotty, good helpful info - would be nice if it is this simple ! Am just trying to do my homework prior to committing. One thing I will say is that the net is full of young dudes pumping on tiny lightweight prone boards with big wings , which is irrelevant to my situation so am looking for more "real world" guidance . I'm looking for wings that will help me on a 7-8 kg SUP board which is a different power to weight ratio to a 4 foot prone board. When I saw the footage of Dave Kalama on a sustained ( and fast) run speeding past the sea wall on Maui on a GL240 though, i definitely sat up and started paying attention to these HA wings!
Hey Mike, further to what Scotty has said,
I haven't ridden the GLwings but have a 210 coming....I have been in the water with 3 mates who ride the Axis 900 on small prone boards and on SUPs.
The speed is obviously higher, and the pumping ability of the wing is better...more efficient. If one of them catches a wave, and I'm busy trying to position for the next one, they just seem to appear from down the line and whiz past me in ways they didn't on the old wings.
They tell me that they need to be a bit more powered up to fly especially in downwinding, but they are less draggy being thinner so easier to paddle. The upside is that they are making some good steep drops surfing which would've even a stretch on the old wings.
They've Ben throwing good hard turns too, but these guys are pretty good foilers across all the disciplines, so individual results may vary haha.
Ill be happy if my 210 gives me a nice big payoff in efficiency and speed in weakish waves, as well as extra pumping ability.
Yes for sure.
Hey Mike, not being a flyweight myself I also know what you mean.
It's a bit of a win win ATM as the great thing is that the old foils are still perfect for new starters. HA would be no good for learning I don't think. Better off with the older foils give more initial lift and are easy and stable. A heap of this kit has hit the second hand market making it more affordable for new starters as the more experienced foilers sell off gear in prep for the HA stuff. I only sold my 280 a few days ago and I can tell you its like cutting of my left leg as like everyone else I am waiting for the new wings to arrive. It's giving me a reason to borrow and try other gear which is great but on the flip side I think Rob be sick of my emails by now.
Hi guys, not sure if this helps but just so you know Dave Kalama who isn't a small guy uses either the GL210 or 180 for downwinding depending on the conditions with his Maliko tail but surfs on the GL180....& so does Alex Aguera, again not a small guy.... Tomo just uses the 180 for downwinding...
I used the GL240 to downwind & it definitely has more speed & pump than my M280 but wasn't as easy to get up & flying but I just needed a few more days doing Maliko runs...
The boys over there get to downwind every day whereas for me here in Aus I'm lucky to get the right conditions every couple of months & then you have to drop everything & be ready to go...
As far as surfing goes the GL180 was the most popular with a variety of tail configurations...But the new GL & any other brands of high aspect wings aren't for beginners or even average foilers they are for the good experienced guys...
I still use my Iwa 90% of the time in the surf (sup or prone) & had the best downwinder I've ever done on Saturday (in Aus) on my M280...
I just got my GL 210 wing. Haven't ridden yet, but here are the dims.
Span 960mm
Chord 187mm.
looks to me to be roughly in the 1300-1400cm range.
Cheers Clamsmasha - you may have cracked it ! If you are right then a 210 is equivalent to an Axis 1000.
I just took it for a rip.
3'11" board, 29.5" mast, 18" HA stab of my own construction.
i pretty much only ride an Iwa with clipped tips and winglets and a cutdown Kai stab. So this is pretty different..
The waves were small with a few slidey walls easing off into a gutter. I only got half a dozen before the school pickup/onshore, but I was frothing.
On takeoff it feels pretty stable and the lift comes on a bit more gradually than the Iwa etc. I felt I needed to make sure I was on the wave a couple of times for that didn't flare up so I had to stay on my guts a bit longer to roll in. It's much nicer to paddle around dragging maybe 1\3 of the wing volume, and doesn't drag around on the bottom as much with the very shallow downturn.
I got lucky on my first one, slid into the channel just trying to get the feel and kicked out with a bit of speed. I ran with it and went on a gratuitously loooong pump run. I just seemed to get the sweet spot and the timing right and got into that weird canter. I turned back in and ran down a little wave.
I feel like I worked about a quarter as hard as I would have on the Iwa for lots of distance and respectable speed. I got a few other runs where I wasn't really in the right trim so didn't get up to speed when pumping, but that's pretty normal for me whenever I swap out wings....takes a couple of days to suss it.
Very shallow first impression here, but obviously it's a bit different to turn. I feel like it could do some nice long snowboard carves on a long enough big enough wave but I'll have to see. it did feel really nice a couple of times when I whipped around into a double on my backhand...just seemed to accelerate and hold in real nicely.
With flat stab and flat wing obviously it's pretty wild in the yaw plane, but wasn't too off putting. It's pretty quick, but I don't think the waves really pushed it very hard today.
Im going to use my sawnoff Kai stab next sesh, just to give some familiarity to the feel.
GL210 with Narrow Tail.
I have 10 session so far. I started using the Kai tail and could feel the tail buffeting. Kind of rattling around back there. Then I got the narrow tail shown. Much, much smoother. You can see the glide.
This wing is going to be GREAT in bigger waves. The reason is that it is FAST. I can catch stuff from behind. The problem in bigger surf is that eventually the energy fades and you have to fly on fast fading shoulders. I am hopeful this will wing carry where my IWA couldn't keep up.
Beasho, what's your approx distance from tutle 1ts bolt to mid front footstrap?
they all look tasty and willl take both pohaku
I might oneday get the 140
Anyone saw that new go foil tail wing with a wing tip and I can't wait to try it.
I think its a great move by gf.