Yeah super good Jacko this is the future . Nice looking board , when are you bringing out a foil...
Yeah we have thought about this alot but right now we are so busy we have no time to do all the testing even though we could make one into production no worries.
Maybe someone will bring us one that works amazing and we can just produce it??
Always working on something as well so who knows whats in the near future!!
Here is a glimpse of what is possible DW. This was about 15 to 20knot but with a good swell running and Jake Jensen riding.
He could have gone the whole 8km if we were not swapping over.
Looks epic - what kind of speed are you traveling at???
And what size do you think a self-propelled DWD SUP FOIL board would need to be????
The second world foil contest to my knowledge(*), Pop's Ah Choy Go Foil Contest Waikiki 2017
Pumping by Philippe CANERI, (but he starts towed) on a French Alps lake.
It is interesting to see how he also pumps with the arms, maybe to spend less energy than pumping only with the legs.
So Colas you do realize (that video two above) you posted was a comp of all Alex Aguera mates in Hawaii riding Go Foils with 21" mast mounts or further back with 90 degree loose straps so they can shift their feet. You don't see any learners using straps. There are some big names in there, why don't you contact them and tell them they got it all wrong. Remember what you said And as for Alex Aguera, his straps placement is horrible... inline straps... Not all what the Hawaiians do is worth copying.
These guys have set the bar and obviously displaying it in that video. If you have a different opinion please voice that from trying different things not just one head strong set up. (or show me something better)
This is a great video by Slingshot of paddle in rear mast mount taking off flat then rising (and strapless). Please try it and get back to me and stop preaching uncompared advice. I tried your forward mast mount last weekend and it is just so much harder. Don't reply with another long boring essay until you have tried something different to compare to your set up for an honest comparison.
I tried your forward mast mount last weekend and it is just so much harder.
But I bet you didn't adjust your feet position accordingly (since you didn't have straps to know exactly where to put your feet). Once again, the mast position relative to the rear is not very important compared to the position of the feet relative to the wing.
And I don't want to make people who have one year of foiling experience change their habits. My posts are for the people who are beginning now, not young, with no foiling experience, and I offer them a way to fly much faster than the pionneers that struggled for days. I remember seeing people still struggling with the foil after 50 sessions because they were not using straps. They managed to do it because they have tried it daily for months. Why suffer?
Also, I tend to trust Patrice Guenole that I have known for 8 years so I can compare his advice with reality on the long term. And he started with the mast aft on his SUP boards, and moved it forwards, as well as the straps positions, (but not on the surf foils). So I did not use SUPfoils with the mast back, but I trust somebody who have tested a lot of things in controlled experiments (with the feet position determined), and whose advice I can compare with my own experience.
Also I only speak of SUP foiling. Surf foiling has other constraints, where for instance straps do not help paddling and so lose a lot of their advatanges.
So you are still saying all those guys in that Go Foil video have their mast too far back. Just say yes or No.
So you are still saying all those guys in that Go Foil video have their mast too far back. Just say yes or No.
Too far back from what?
Compared to the feet position, which is the thing that matter most, they have a similar setup to mine.
I just say that if the whole straps + mast position was more centered, they would paddle faster, for the same foil dynamics.
PS: I sincerely don't understand why you went ape**** like this on a detail that has no relevance for people wanting to learn to foil, since early on the thread at There are far more important points to have in mind to learn foiling.
I think we can say that this new video from Kaehi (that Piros mentioned) is setting the bar one notch higher for foiling.
The smoothness of these tight turns, and the control of the height during them show an obvious advance in foiling technique!
Seems also that a pulled in tail is quite useful for these kind of turns, to avoid touching the water with the tail rails.
I think we can say that this new video from Kaehi (that Piros mentioned) is setting the bar one notch higher for foiling.
I would love to see a contrast of him on a surf sup on the same waves.
I think we can say that this new video from Kaehi (that Piros mentioned) is setting the bar one notch higher for foiling.
The smoothness of these tight turns, and the control of the height during them show an obvious advance in foiling technique!
Seems also that a pulled in tail is quite useful for these kind of turns, to avoid touching the water with the tail rails.
I think we can say that this new video from Kaehi (that Piros mentioned) is setting the bar one notch higher for foiling.
I would love to see a contrast of him on a surf sup on the same waves.
I was in the water on my couchsup and my finless sup in the same surf as this...
the waves were gutless and very lame That day
But after watching him link up 4 waves one after the other and absolutely shred the shizz outta em, you may change ya mind.....
........ Maybe......
I think we can say that this new video from Kaehi (that Piros mentioned) is setting the bar one notch higher for foiling.
I would love to see a contrast of him on a surf sup on the same waves.
I was in the water on my couchsup and my finless sup in the same surf as this...
the waves were gutless and very lame That day
But after watching him link up 4 waves one after the other and absolutely shred the shizz outta em, you may change ya mind.....
........ Maybe......
Would be good to see. Not many over here.
I think we can say that this new video from Kaehi (that Piros mentioned) is setting the bar one notch higher for foiling.
I would love to see a contrast of him on a surf sup on the same waves.
I was in the water on my couchsup and my finless sup in the same surf as this...
the waves were gutless and very lame That day
But after watching him link up 4 waves one after the other and absolutely shred the shizz outta em, you may change ya mind.....
........ Maybe......
Would be good to see. Not many over here.
Ive got 2 foils sitting in my boardroom/shed
but im too chicken sh1t to try em
they look scarey
This video was posted in the kite foiling forum. There I said:
I reckon you could tow into one of those swells as far out in the ocean as you dared and just ride it until your legs gave out. It's an awesome thing to think about.
Also, we sailed into San Remo and there were mega long waves rolling in at Griffith Point then reforming through the channel towards San Remo. I saw one SUP riding the wave out at the point. I reckon a SUP foiler could have some serious fun with that.
I've foiled wave as good and very similar to that in NSW. I must protect to the location, but will be hitting it again soon.
Might be a good Video session Piros? Last week of August - Top secret mission to the best foiling in AUS ("so far").
Laird rips.
Ride safe,
JB - Masts back all the way
Here are some vids of Jimmy Casey back in the early days of foiling in Sydney (like the start of the year)...
Thought I need to try understand Colas' forward mast theory so I'm going to plant a foil at 36" on an X32 7'10"
This should be interesting
Hitting the surf tomorrow morning.
Ride safe,
Foil is finally here, board is at the laminators and in the line which is frustrating.
I went with JB's real advice of 23-24 inches from the tail to the rear foil mast edge, with the foil plate in the forward position on the fin box.
Board is 8'2 Basalt Fibre custom made here in Rye, designed by Kami. Original Fin placement is Twinzer plus 1, we got a little lost in translation as I thought it was a bonzer. Classic
No patience for sourcing HD foam so we are using a cedar block off-cut to house the fin box's and then be epoxied into the board.
On lifting several foils of late going with a cedar block should have little relevance to the weight of the board.
I hope this sheds some light on (potential) correct mast position and the tail.
Thought I need to try understand Colas' forward mast theory so I'm going to plant a foil at 36" on an X32 7'10"
"Colas theory" has nothing to do with the distance to the tail... it is IRRELEVANT.
What is relevant is the position of the foil relative to the feet.
And for SUPing, the position of the feet relative to the handle so that you can paddle and foil with the same foil position.
Putting the foil at the same distance from the rear on a 7'10" as it is on my 8'9" would be utterly stupid. But they should be about the same distance from the handle in each case.
I should NEVER have answered the the query about the distance from the tail... I guess we can adapt the old chinese proverb to "When the wise shows the handle, the fool looks at the tail"
JB - Masts back all the way
And if you want to play this game... I raise to... "straps!"
Can anyone assist with some rough measurements for foot straps please.
If your back foot is roughly over mast, how far ahead is the front strap? Also are these straps set at an angle or along the board's centreline? Pictures would help too please.
My home made foil is going on an 8'5" SUP.
Never foiled - are you saying that when paddling along in surf stance, and well balanced, the mast of the foil should be directly under your back foot ( whatever distance this is from the tail ). As I have mentioned elsewhere, is a ski foil viable, and the mast would be directly under the seat?
JB - Masts back all the way
And if you want to play this game... I raise to... "straps!"
What would happen if the foil was on the front of the board?