Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

8'8" Deep Hybrid - The Green Machine

Created by Brenno > 9 months ago, 1 Dec 2015
QLD, 891 posts
2 Jan 2016 11:40PM
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Loz79 said...
I recently changed to thruster after using quad with my deep since new... I must admit I'm liking it much better..took me a few surfs to get used to but find I am keeping my speed through my turns much better.. The quad setup I found was fun to throw the tail out but stalled me too much not allowing me to slingshot back to the foam....I'm gonna keep the thruster for now I think...

I found my minion stalled every now and then throwing out the tail, and had to paddle like crazy to get it moving again, but that is half the fun.
Not so much with this beast. Don't get me wrong, if it gets up there i'd rather be out there with 3 fins. I don't own my own wave pool.

QLD, 122 posts
3 Jan 2016 9:39PM
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We are all learning

Even the good guys are with new shapes fi set ups etc etc

Good feeling when you start sticking big turns and surfing in the pocket more
All about transitioning your feet from rail to rail and your weight from back to front etc etc

Every wave is different


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"8'8" Deep Hybrid - The Green Machine" started by Brenno