Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

Sunova Search 14' Nozza "Ningaloo"

Created by Nozza > 9 months ago, 5 Dec 2018
473 posts
18 Dec 2018 6:37PM
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Erm.. those photos look like you have killer animals in them
I could never live in a country that has killer animals just waiting to kill you dead.

Colours for the board.. you guys know how bright the light is where you are.. do you think the colours might get lost in the brightness? Maybe tone them down a bit? The Nozza looks cool because the Red is so bold.. I just think the yellow/orange might just clash with the landscape.. unless that's what you are after obviously.

Two piece longboard sounds great idea, have you committed to it yet or still contemplating?

Its properly wet and windy winter here in the UK, those photos look rubbish

VIC, 98 posts
19 Dec 2018 8:14AM
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Diving with the Whale sharks at Exmouth is a must do. Its insane.

VIC, 796 posts
19 Dec 2018 9:30AM
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"Colours for the board.. you guys know how bright the light is where you are.. do you think the colours might get lost in the brightness? Maybe tone them down a bit? The Nozza looks cool because the Red is so bold.. I just think the yellow/orange might just clash with the landscape.. unless that's what you are after obviously."

Yes, disturbing indeed.
I have counselled Nozza, to no avail.

VIC, 796 posts
19 Dec 2018 12:52PM
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Nozza said..
The trip may be getting longer, with a side trip to Karijini National Park suggested by TalkenTony.

Looks like your perfect sport for a SUP Hire business Noz...

VIC, 2869 posts
19 Dec 2018 12:59PM
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SunnyBouy said..
Erm.. those photos look like you have killer animals in them
I could never live in a country that has killer animals just waiting to kill you dead.

Just part of growing up and being Australian, the odd life threatening creature.
The 'rays aren't a worry unless you step on them, or try to ride them.
When I first saw the sharks they freaked me out, but JonathanC assures me they are timid little reef sharks with no interest in you.
May still take a bit of getting used to when we get there

VIC, 2869 posts
19 Dec 2018 1:46PM
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SunnyBouy said..
Colours for the board.. you guys know how bright the light is where you are.. do you think the colours might get lost in the brightness? Maybe tone them down a bit? The Nozza looks cool because the Red is so bold.. I just think the yellow/orange might just clash with the landscape.. unless that's what you are after obviously.

The orange and yellow theme started with Iron Phil, my 17' F16 from Phil Gregory.

Continued the them on my skateboard.

And lately on my OC1

The scheme is what I was originally going to do on the Nozza board, before I went for the red.
I want the coulours to be bold and bright, like the red.

VIC, 2869 posts
19 Dec 2018 1:47PM
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SunnyBouy said..
Two piece longboard sounds great idea, have you committed to it yet or still contemplating?

Committed to it - it gave me the reason for the board.

VIC, 2869 posts
19 Dec 2018 9:47PM
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Helmy said..

Nozza said..
The trip may be getting longer, with a side trip to Karijini National Park suggested by TalkenTony.

Looks like your perfect sport for a SUP Hire business Noz...

The Wife One thinks it's too far to go.
I don't.

VIC, 796 posts
20 Dec 2018 8:58AM
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Nozza said..

Helmy said..

Nozza said..
The trip may be getting longer, with a side trip to Karijini National Park suggested by TalkenTony.

Looks like your perfect sport for a SUP Hire business Noz...

The Wife One thinks it's too far to go.
I don't.

That does present another option...

2680 posts
20 Dec 2018 12:32PM
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No =|= oza

Here's a little 14' Search fun from last weekend.....sorry, it's only a one piece
Really good waves, but as always, they disappear on the GoPro.

5106 posts
20 Dec 2018 12:47PM
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Yes makes a small wave day so much fun ...and they really move

side on to a wave will never be much fun ..but enjoyed watching you get chundered ...

473 posts
20 Dec 2018 10:17PM
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Ohh I see where the colours are coming from now..
Well those boards all look great, and nice to see a theme to your lifestyle.


NSW, 3768 posts
21 Dec 2018 1:17PM
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YEEESSS! I'll be down to give it whirl when it's ready. I promise not to ding it ... again.

VIC, 2869 posts
10 Jan 2019 6:42PM
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First link complete - the board is ordered, deposit paid.
Second link - when are we going, how are we getting there?
The Wife One has been busy....

Not sure about the description of me as "Adult", but....

We have a date for getting the car and boards (T.W.O. will use an inflatable) over to WA.
Now to work outwards from there.

VIC, 2869 posts
14 Jan 2019 9:24PM
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Just in from Dylan....
The Ningaloo Is Born...

But geez that looks like a lot of board!

VIC, 2869 posts
14 Jan 2019 10:01PM
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And it is at the stage in the production process of....
Currently CNC'd core!
Balsa skin vaccumed with glass underneath wood!
Carbon on rails!
Next stage is final shape before the first 2 piece components are added!

VIC, 2869 posts
15 Jan 2019 3:12PM
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Things are moving quickly.
Final shape and first two piece components added.
Thanks again Dylan.

NT, 891 posts
15 Jan 2019 3:23PM
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That thing is looking incredible already Nozza!
How good's the outline?!
What a beast.

WA, 7484 posts
15 Jan 2019 2:38PM
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You will get to do this

VIC, 1469 posts
16 Jan 2019 8:35AM
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that's a nice gun!

954 posts
16 Jan 2019 1:13PM
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Epic. You could use the front half as a short board.
Oh what an idea! I think Sunova should fly me and my family out to Thailand to finalize it!!!

VIC, 2869 posts
16 Jan 2019 7:40PM
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Today's update - underside of board laminated....

Seems to be a bit long for the bench.

495 posts
16 Jan 2019 7:56PM
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tarquin1 said..
Epic. You could use the front half as a short board.
Oh what an idea! I think Sunova should fly me and my family out to Thailand to finalize it!!!

Very interesting idea! Could you have a second shorter tail section to create a completely different board? How about a quiver of board pieces that you mix and match?........??


90 posts
16 Jan 2019 9:25PM
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Looks great!!!!! Hopefully Dylan will send me progress pics of my custom 12' when available

954 posts
16 Jan 2019 9:37PM
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Hey Bob you stay out of this. Sunova is flying me and my family to Thailand!!
Yes there must be possibilities. I have some great ideas. I tried to make a 2 piece sup a while ago but crushed it in the vac bag. Expensive mistake. Couldn't afford to try again.
Is that guy pouring epoxy out of a saucepan!

954 posts
17 Jan 2019 3:57AM
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Please post a vid of cutting it in half.

473 posts
17 Jan 2019 4:45AM
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Don't know how I missed the updates
Looks great, looks ermmm... big

VIC, 2869 posts
17 Jan 2019 10:35AM
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SunnyBouy said..
Looks great, looks ermmm... big

Does look big!
But I'm liking it more and more.

VIC, 2869 posts
17 Jan 2019 5:53PM
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Today's update - deck lamination

954 posts
17 Jan 2019 4:00PM
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Looking awesome!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Sunova Search 14' Nozza "Ningaloo"" started by Nozza