Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Gulliver vanguard style SUP go pro footage

Created by porchey73 > 9 months ago, 7 Jul 2014
408 posts
23 Jul 2014 9:15PM
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What is clear about these boards having reviewed some of the separate threads that are taking place is that these boards can handle the big juice.

Cheers Ozzie

VIC, 580 posts
24 Jul 2014 12:20AM
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I'm with Goatman. That third shot, mate, thats a beautiful looking spray I must say.

5168 posts
24 Jul 2014 4:26PM
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AmundAqua said..

Would love to try the design on a SUP, I reckon you could go at least a foot (maybe 2ft) shorter than your shortest surfing SUP ?

Yes, I guess that's the trick: I guess the nose should feel "chopped off" rather than "widened out" and for this the length should be drastically reduced wrt your normal SUP.

Impressive pics BTW :-)

QLD, 78 posts
9 Aug 2014 9:21AM
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So I just had my new board out at the alley yesterday arvo on shoulder high waves and I noticed this: marked difference in straight line speed and especially when on rail compared to other short sups... This allows the board to carry more speed into hard sharp turns. As a result you can access parts of the wave which previously had been difficult to get into more easily. Due to the speed of the board going into the turn you can inevitably carry more speed out of each turn as well, building more and more momentum as the ride continues allowing for bigger sharper turns, variety of manoeuvres etc..

NSW, 181 posts
10 Aug 2014 6:23PM
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I have been experimenting for a while with these designs and I think a slight vee actually helps with the design in SUP as the tail is so much wider than a short board. Also fin position and toe angle have made a big difference to how the board goes.
I would be interested to see how Piros board goes with straight fins as opposed to having different toe angles.
I love that people are experimenting with this design and trying many different variations. Keep them coming I reckon

134 posts
15 Nov 2014 3:03PM
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My first post here. I stumbled on this thread from googling something like: "tomo vanguard style sup". There isn't much out there about these boards yet.

A few questions please...

1) Whats the latest with your Tomo style SUP? Did you get the shorter one?

2) Have you had it in bigger waves yet?

3) Hows it paddle in choppier conditions compared to a "regular" surf sup?

4) Any videos of you surfing from another camera instead of close up?


NSW, 97 posts
15 Nov 2014 6:44PM
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If u check out the minion topic on this forum you will see 600 posts on these style boards.

134 posts
18 Nov 2014 2:17PM
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BenjiD said..
If u check out the minion topic on this forum you will see 600 posts on these style boards.

Thanks, I found it and have learned a lot about them.

134 posts
18 Nov 2014 2:18PM
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porchey73, or anyone else that cares to reply...

Are you still digging your Gulliver Box or have you moved on to other boards? How does it feel in big waves?

1566 posts
18 Nov 2014 3:56PM
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Porchey, i make an Up from beginning with that video and your last comment about it as conclusion, thank's you,

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porchey73 said..

This gives you an idea of how the new style of board goes.. Check out the crazy footage in the second half..

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porchey73 said..
So I just had my new board out at the alley yesterday arvo on shoulder high waves and I noticed this: marked difference in straight line speed and especially when on rail compared to other short sups... This allows the board to carry more speed into hard sharp turns. As a result you can access parts of the wave which previously had been difficult to get into more easily. Due to the speed of the board going into the turn you can inevitably carry more speed out of each turn as well, building more and more momentum as the ride continues allowing for bigger sharper turns, variety of manoeuvres etc..

NSW, 183 posts
19 Nov 2014 1:22PM
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We have had the worst run of howling onshore winds I can remember.

I did get super desperate one arvo where it was clean/over head, but with straight/no banks and a low tide. All I can tell you is it caught the waves, dropped in, quick pump, and flicked off the back quite well. Sorry I can't say more at this stage.....


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Gulliver vanguard style SUP go pro footage" started by porchey73