I thought the shortness might not have worked for you in the bay phil but it did hey.
interesting what you said about a sup trail being left .
ali said the same then on new years day.
. I started a touch before her and well the f16 motored in that first up short stuff.
I was about a k ahead but she just followed where I had been on her ace
Thanks for the footage Supsurfs you could see the potential the Broadwater can deliver, Got a couple of little bumps I almost got to stand on tail a few times.
Be as go as the Morton Bay to Brisbane Harbour run on it's day. Averaging 5:26 min per k for the 10.45km run got down to 4:39 min per k for like 4k's between 11/16km/h
16km/h is quite fast for those conditions.
Looking forward to the next Broadwater run.
Hopefully I can get an Ocean Downwind Paddle in today the Weather Maps are looking good, just hope it Delivers.
Saturday 6/2
Morning Windy conditions with choppy seas. Small craft advisory. Moderate short period wind waves.
Winds: SE 16 to 21 knots.
Seas: SE 2.3 meters at 9 seconds.
Afternoon Windy conditions with choppy seas. Small craft advisory. Moderate short period wind waves.
Winds: SE 17 to 23 knots.
Seas: SE 2.3 meters at 10 seconds.
Here’s almost a two minute GLIDE on LOW PRESSURE doing the Port of Brisbane Downwind 17 kilometre Run, you can see how good LOW PRESSURE just GLIDES in the Trough.
Downwinding on the Gold Coast Broadwater condition where rated 2/10 for the day, so it became just a Downwind training Run, but look how Majestically LOW PRESSURE Unlimited Glides in very ordinary condition
It makes ordinary conditions look good Phil and it glides like a dream in good conditions ,really impressive board.
Port of Brisbane Downwinder Saturday 27th February Cleveland 2 Port of Brisbane run at 12:30pm my wind skywatch gave a reading of 31/40 knots "stoked" but I found conditions very, very ordinary, I'd rate the Bay today a 4/10 average even though I found some fun Bumps LOW PRESSURE finds it easy to Glide.
There was a lot of current moving around. My fastest k was 4:33 and got up to 18.7km/h, it took me 88 minutes for the 17.4km run (slow)
It's a real buzz doing a Brisbane Bay run solo, I love paddling in the ocean "oops" I mean the Bay with no-one around.
The Bay of Brisbane is very fickle for Downwinding but it's the next best thing when the ocean doesn't co-operate.
I got my hands on a Balinese Pirated Copy hahaha. the quality's a bit piss poor.
It's was filmed my Legend Mr Andrew Worling from his OC1. Location:- Broadwater-Seaway in 25 Knots of Wind
It shows you how fast and how easy LOW PRESSURE Glides
It's truly an amassing Unlimited Downwind SUP "Built For SPEED" one word STOKED.
Geez when ya stand it up like that ...she's a long mother ...no wonder its so fast
18.2 vs 14 ' it's always gonna win .it really looks like it glides ............ In the vid .
stoked is the word.
some days like that burn holes in your memory.
Gave LOW PRESSURE a run at the Bond Uni Canal this morning at 4:30AM I did the punishing 10x1000’s at 100% I was hurting and did a Personal Best “Yes Please Mr Wizard” Stoked, it’s the fastest I’ve ever paddle an unlimited board in the flat.
If you’re into long distant racing like me, doing races like say M2M, M2O and the KOTC 10x1000’s is very good training fitness for long distance paddling 10 x M2O champion Jamie Mitchell put me onto 10x1000’s way back in 2003 when he introduced me to Downwind Prone Paddleboarding.
I haven’t done 10x1000’s for like 12 months though, I guess when you are fit you can become lazy and training can become a chore.
If done 10x1000’s correctly you will not feel like doing much the rest of the day, as you'll feel like Wallaby Ted's brother Roo Ted.
I truly love my GARMIN 920XT it’s THE BEST Training Watch I have ever owned. I’ve been using the Garmin watches since like 2007 I’ve had the 305XT & the 310XT both great training watches, but the 920XT s#@#t all over both of them.
If the GARMIN 920XT had a Tide Chart like the RIP CURL Tide Watch the GARMIN 920XT would be the best watch on the Planet.
If you don't shop around you'll pay top dollar for a GARMIN Watch.
Took LOW PRESSURE for an Ocean Downwind Paddle today. First ocean paddle in like 2 months due to El Niño's poor Downwind conditions we have been having.
El Niño has been Great for Surfing on the Gold Coast, but no good for Downwinding.
But today the Gold Coast had like 12 knots of SE winds with a SSE swell in the one foot rang. There was some fun little Bumps to be had.
Even in these light SE wind conditions, you can still get on the Tail of LOW PRESSURE and Surf Her.