LOW PRESSURE 18’2’’ Unlimited Downwind SUP
Getting the 19ft by 29inch LOW PRESSURE Downwind SUP blank into the shaping bay that good mate Simon Hunnybun is shaping me, I’m just so exited I could pull my pants down and fire a rocket. hahaha
Stay tuned for the finish Produced, It may even come to a shop near YOU.
Cutting hole in the walls so the 19ft blank can fit into the machine shaping bay to be cut.
These two blokes are geniuses Simon and Chris working out how to fit a 19ft blank onto a 12'6'' cutting machine
It can be done putting a 19ft Blank onto a 12'6'' cutting machine
A little bit of hot wiring
Here she comes the birth of LOW PRESSURE UNLIMITED out of her mothers Womb isn't my baby just Beautiful, at 18’6’’ by 28’’ by 7’’ weighing in at 4.9kg I’ll be putting my baby on a strict resin diet, don’t want her weighing more than 14kg
18'6'' x 28'' x 7''
Simon cleaning her rough edges in the nose.
LOW PRESSURE is starting to take shape with no nose lift and very little rocker at 7'' inches thick with a single into double concave slight vee in tail.
Just goto finish of the tail and cut 4'' inches of her Umbilical Cord to make her 18'2''
I guarantee nobody has seen a board like this one in Australia yet.
At 18'2'' in length 28” inches wide and 7” inches thick with no Nose Lift and very little Rocker, this board is more suited for those long training sessions in the canal for races like Molokai when the ocean is not co-operating for those Downwind Paddles (yes I know flat water paddling is as boring as - You need the iPOD) or if the wind is 15 knots or less in small ocean swells this board will be the ants pants, you’ll still be able to paddle this board in 25 knot winds but you’ll need some ability (it’s a big board)
For all those critics this is not a replica of the SIC Bullet as some of you think open your eye’s the board doesn’t even look like a SIC Bullet just by looking at the nose will tell you that, as it has no nose lift with very little rocker.
If your truly serious about ocean paddling in windy conditions, there’s no other board on the Planet thats as good as a SIC Bullet, they are a magic board. I have two Bullets one in Australia and one on Maui. Plus good mate Mark Raaphorst is making me a new 18ft Custom V3 Bullet as we speak for next July, can’t wait already 6 weeks of Maui Maliko Bliss.
This is my SIC Bullet in Australia
This is my SIC Bullet on Maui
"LOW PRESSURE is starting to take shape with no nose lift and very little rocker at 7'' inches thick with a double into single concave. "
Hey Phill.. Love to see a picture of how that's working.. (the double into single concave)
Quite a bit of volume and the Canadian canoe bow section looks interesting.
Keep the pictures coming!
Cutting 4'' inches off the Umbilical Cored
Simon shaping in the Tail
Cleaning up the Nose Entry on the bottom
Putting the rudder system in on Friday. The board will be glassed next week, but I have to wait 3 weeks for the 4ft by 7ft by 1/4 inch thick Yellow EVA pad to come from the USA.
Any update with this board? Very interested to see how it turned out and how it performs!
Im looking forward to seeing it too.
Just out of curiosity how do you plan to transport it?
Have you got very long pick up?
Just making shore LOW PRESSURE'S bottom curve is right before she get her bottom glassed
Using Double Bias Carbon this stuff is very strong and light, got it at a good price $45 a metre LOW PRESSURE will be glass Top & Bottom in this stuff
I didn't hang around to watch LOW PRESSURE being glassed as Snapper Rocks was PUMPING I wanted to go surfing.
That board is looking awesome!
I would like to see unlimited boards grow here in Aus and having a few that have been shaped here and designed for Aus conditions could give the class a bit of a boost.
Gary just glassed the bottom with the Double Bias Carbon STOKED there'll be No Flex in LOW PRESSURE she'll be as stiff as. Glassing the Deck tomorrow with another roll of the Double Bias Carbon LOW PRESSURE should come out light and strong. "Yes Please Mr Wizard"
Looks great!
Is the board 100g Fibreglass, 150g Double Bias Carbon with 100g Carbon uni's on the rails?
Can you PM me as to where you got the double bias carbon from?
Keep the pictures coming!
Hey Phil,
That's an epic thing you've got happening down under.
Could you please give us some insight about that feature on the nose section of the board (deck side)? That Kind of serrated deck. If they were 30 or 45º to the stringer i could see them as a way of keeping the water from flushing through the deck, is that the purpose?
Magilla, forgot to mention last night - try Jim French Yachts (Moorabbin)or Jim Scott (Formula Sailcraft - Newport) for the carbon
Putting in the shell of the Clubbie Rudder System. The beauty about the Clubbie system is I can use thicker cable wire, means easier to make the cables very tight which will make the steering trigger happy responsive. You just want to tap the steering baton to turn the Unlimited SUP with little stress to the big toe.
Also just working on a system on how to lock the rudder fin to make the board go straight, if your in the middle of the ocean and the cable snaps = (no steering) so you can paddle back to the beach after locking rudder fin.
Inserting the rubber cable hose into the deck before the deck can be glassed with the Double Bias Carbon.