Forums > Surfing Longboarding

10'+ Boards, let's see em..

Created by vanders1 > 9 months ago, 23 Dec 2016
QLD, 21947 posts
17 Jan 2020 4:28PM
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laceys lane said..

Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

jasdeking said..

thedrip said..

jasdeking said..

Macaha said..

No leggy omg someone fry this hipster ffs

He has a hi-vis vest on so everyone knows he is at work in the wave and no one else is allowed anywhere near it.

Stinking selfish hipster.

That guy is an absolute surf legend

Legends dont wear legropes ?

Its a 16 foot toothpick original made way pre legrope were invented.
I'd call him a pioneer also.

I ride a 17.11 in the surf.
Im a pioneeer too

Nah your a follower mate its guys like Tom that set it all up for us
Anyway its great to see some new and old faces posting,enjoy the weekend.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
17 Jan 2020 6:36PM
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Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

jasdeking said..

thedrip said..

jasdeking said..

Macaha said..

No leggy omg someone fry this hipster ffs

He has a hi-vis vest on so everyone knows he is at work in the wave and no one else is allowed anywhere near it.

Stinking selfish hipster.

That guy is an absolute surf legend

Legends dont wear legropes ?

Its a 16 foot toothpick original made way pre legrope were invented.
I'd call him a pioneer also.

I ride a 17.11 in the surf.
Im a pioneeer too

Nah your a follower mate its guys like Tom that set it all up for us
Anyway its great to see some new and old faces posting,enjoy the weekend.

I dont follow you

NSW, 748 posts
18 Jan 2020 8:38AM
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laceys lane said..

Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

jasdeking said..

thedrip said..

jasdeking said..

Macaha said..

No leggy omg someone fry this hipster ffs

He has a hi-vis vest on so everyone knows he is at work in the wave and no one else is allowed anywhere near it.

Stinking selfish hipster.

That guy is an absolute surf legend

Legends dont wear legropes ?

Its a 16 foot toothpick original made way pre legrope were invented.
I'd call him a pioneer also.

I ride a 17.11 in the surf.
Im a pioneeer too

Nah your a follower mate its guys like Tom that set it all up for us
Anyway its great to see some new and old faces posting,enjoy the weekend.

I dont follow you

jasdeking,more info on the mini glide please,and on the Tom /leg rope thing,on a 16 ft tooth pick,amazing skills but still 16 ft of timber with considerable weight ,coming shoreward with one whoops! ,don't know if Tom surfs it in crowded breaks,but I would not want to be between it and the beach because the sand or a body is all that's going to stop it. Having said that I don't think i would want to be attached to it with a leg rope either!!! Probably needs to be done away from crowds IMO.Personaly I have been the through the no leggie thing and loved the foot work freedom, the only way to ride a log,IMO,with the passing of time,my skills are not as sharp ,so I now choose to wear a leg rope always,especially on my sup.No offense meant,just saying,as I would not want to be responsible for hurting someone,especially a child.

QLD, 1820 posts
19 Jan 2020 6:54PM
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justaddwater said..

laceys lane said..

Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

jasdeking said..

thedrip said..

jasdeking said..

Macaha said..

No leggy omg someone fry this hipster ffs

He has a hi-vis vest on so everyone knows he is at work in the wave and no one else is allowed anywhere near it.

Stinking selfish hipster.

That guy is an absolute surf legend

Legends dont wear legropes ?

Its a 16 foot toothpick original made way pre legrope were invented.
I'd call him a pioneer also.

I ride a 17.11 in the surf.
Im a pioneeer too

Nah your a follower mate its guys like Tom that set it all up for us
Anyway its great to see some new and old faces posting,enjoy the weekend.

I dont follow you

jasdeking,more info on the mini glide please,and on the Tom /leg rope thing,on a 16 ft tooth pick,amazing skills but still 16 ft of timber with considerable weight ,coming shoreward with one whoops! ,don't know if Tom surfs it in crowded breaks,but I would not want to be between it and the beach because the sand or a body is all that's going to stop it. Having said that I don't think i would want to be attached to it with a leg rope either!!! Probably needs to be done away from crowds IMO.Personaly I have been the through the no leggie thing and loved the foot work freedom, the only way to ride a log,IMO,with the passing of time,my skills are not as sharp ,so I now choose to wear a leg rope always,especially on my sup.No offense meant,just saying,as I would not want to be responsible for hurting someone,especially a child.

Hey mate yeh same on the leggie thing i just wear it when i know i should which is most of the time and love and prefer not wearing one when i know its ok.

But thats just me and i wouldnt be so arrogant like others to tell another surfer what to do. That other thread needs to calm tf down.

Tom was in a display event in that pic... cant display the true surfing history while attached to a leggie .. that would be rediculous :)

The mini glide is amazing thanks for asking... while some think only a small wave board it loves a bit of juice.

Dm me if you want a paddle

NSW, 748 posts
20 Jan 2020 8:08AM
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jasdeking said..

justaddwater said..

laceys lane said..

Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

jasdeking said..

thedrip said..

jasdeking said..

Macaha said..

No leggy omg someone fry this hipster ffs

He has a hi-vis vest on so everyone knows he is at work in the wave and no one else is allowed anywhere near it.

Stinking selfish hipster.

That guy is an absolute surf legend

Legends dont wear legropes ?

Its a 16 foot toothpick original made way pre legrope were invented.
I'd call him a pioneer also.

I ride a 17.11 in the surf.
Im a pioneeer too

Nah your a follower mate its guys like Tom that set it all up for us
Anyway its great to see some new and old faces posting,enjoy the weekend.

I dont follow you

jasdeking,more info on the mini glide please,and on the Tom /leg rope thing,on a 16 ft tooth pick,amazing skills but still 16 ft of timber with considerable weight ,coming shoreward with one whoops! ,don't know if Tom surfs it in crowded breaks,but I would not want to be between it and the beach because the sand or a body is all that's going to stop it. Having said that I don't think i would want to be attached to it with a leg rope either!!! Probably needs to be done away from crowds IMO.Personaly I have been the through the no leggie thing and loved the foot work freedom, the only way to ride a log,IMO,with the passing of time,my skills are not as sharp ,so I now choose to wear a leg rope always,especially on my sup.No offense meant,just saying,as I would not want to be responsible for hurting someone,especially a child.

Hey mate yeh same on the leggie thing i just wear it when i know i should which is most of the time and love and prefer not wearing one when i know its ok.

But thats just me and i wouldnt be so arrogant like others to tell another surfer what to do. That other thread needs to calm tf down.

Tom was in a display event in that pic... cant display the true surfing history while attached to a leggie .. that would be rediculous :)

The mini glide is amazing thanks for asking... while some think only a small wave board it loves a bit of juice.

Dm me if you want a paddle

Very. Generous and. Thank you

QLD, 21947 posts
23 Jan 2020 6:44AM
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Latest 10 foot pin rail

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
23 Jan 2020 11:35AM
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Nice mac.
But its hard to go past red black and white board no 23.
That was your best. The glory days

QLD, 21947 posts
23 Jan 2020 11:49AM
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laceys lane said..
Nice mac.
But its hard to go past red black and white board no 23.
That was your best. The glory days

Thank you for you're nice comments
However its a big change from no 23, another 6 inches in length,has a pin tail and 2+1 fin setup.
Oh you mean no 23 in the art department haha now I get it

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
23 Jan 2020 12:37PM
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Of course im talking art.
What else is there!!!!

QLD, 21947 posts
23 Jan 2020 12:47PM
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laceys lane said..
Of course im talking art.
What else is there!!!!

Ok you want to be a longboarder ,so I'll help.

Art for the art of surfing

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
23 Jan 2020 2:07PM
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I hear to be good at longboarding you need many new boards a year.

You and asea have that sorted

QLD, 21947 posts
23 Jan 2020 3:02PM
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laceys lane said..
I hear to be good at longboarding you need many new boards a year.

You and asea have that sorted

Kool so you are here to make Longboarding Great Again

539 posts
24 Jan 2020 8:43AM
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This one followed me home yesterday.

10' x 23 7/8 x 3 1/2, In The Pink

QLD, 21947 posts
24 Jan 2020 12:17PM
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sometimes you don't mind being followed
very nice mate 10 footer yes

539 posts
24 Jan 2020 12:20PM
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Yeah - this one's a bit of an interesting one, that's for sure.
Saw it the other day in a shop, and really couldn't find much out about these Hawaiian Pro Design 'Epoxy Flyer surfboards' online, at all (the build etc).
But hey, 10' In The Pink, at a price that was quite considerably lower than a 9'6" Surftech ITP (as a comparison - given that surftech don't make a 10' model).

Picked it up yesterday morning, threw some wax at it and had 3 waves in 1 ft slop. Walked out of the water after those 3 waves exceptionally happy with the purchase, and feel that it's exactly the board I was looking for. Based solely on those 3 waves in 1 ft slop, it's the best board I've ever ridden.

Dug a bit deeper online, after the purchase, and it seems that these HPD 'Epoxy Flyer surfboards' may not have the best of reputations in terms of longevity, so we'll see how this one plays out.

On the upside, it'll keep me off the 12' Munoz, and when this board has had it's last surf, I'll be confident on spending the coin to have North Coast built me one!


QLD, 21947 posts
24 Jan 2020 9:44PM
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My mate Scotty 12 footer coming on

539 posts
25 Jan 2020 8:27AM
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Nice - they all look so thin at that sort of length (outside of the Munoz, which is closer to a SUP).

2 posts
4 Apr 2020 5:54PM
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Hi Guys I'm a newbie . I've just spent a few hours going thru this thread - some interesting reading and viewing for sure. I've got a few Mal's but the reason I'm here is because I share the urge to get a glider. If any of you guys have a waning interest in your gliders let me know as there isn't too much on gumtree at the moment .I'm near Ballina but get to Byron ,Lennox. (thou on a mal out there you're a second class citizen )and Cooley pretty regularly when conditions are right. With this pandemic thing unfolding and work drying up I'll be doing a lot more surfing coming into the best time of the year here. I'm keen but not loaded and I definitely only want one.

QLD, 21947 posts
5 Apr 2020 3:17AM
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nearbyron said..
Hi Guys I'm a newbie . I've just spent a few hours going thru this thread - some interesting reading and viewing for sure. I've got a few Mal's but the reason I'm here is because I share the urge to get a glider. If any of you guys have a waning interest in your gliders let me know as there isn't too much on gumtree at the moment .I'm near Ballina but get to Byron ,Lennox. (thou on a mal out there you're a second class citizen )and Cooley pretty regularly when conditions are right. With this pandemic thing unfolding and work drying up I'll be doing a lot more surfing coming into the best time of the year here. I'm keen but not loaded and I definitely only want one.

Welcome mate there is a firewire at Tweed for sale ( I know the guy selling it) also a Pieters both on gumtree.

2 posts
5 Apr 2020 3:25AM
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Thanks Macaha. I'm not interested in the FireWire it looks like a patchwork and the Pieter is in Canberra -too far to travel at this stage. I would much prefer to get one more locally .

NSW, 433 posts
10 Apr 2020 5:14PM
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10'x24 ?"x3 ?". Gunny outline but performance mal bottom curve. Keen to see how it goes. Still needs a tidy up and polish.

QLD, 21947 posts
11 Jun 2020 5:41PM
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QLD, 5544 posts
11 Jun 2020 5:46PM
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10 ft all sorted will deliver pics upon arrival

QLD, 21947 posts
11 Jun 2020 5:51PM
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Looking forward to seeing them, in the meantime.

QLD, 21947 posts
11 Jun 2020 5:52PM
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Love this super easy board to ride, it just gives and gives much joy.

QLD, 5544 posts
11 Jun 2020 6:24PM
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Macaha said..
Love this super easy board to ride, it just gives and gives much joy.

Good to hear don't sell it

QLD, 21947 posts
11 Jun 2020 6:26PM
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asea said..

Macaha said..
Love this super easy board to ride, it just gives and gives much joy.

Good to hear don't sell it

Keeper due to my ageing

QLD, 21947 posts
10 Aug 2020 3:43AM
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A friends 11.6 Eldorado complete with custom fin.

NSW, 748 posts
10 Aug 2020 8:28AM
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Macaha said..
A friends 11.6 Eldorado complete with custom fin.
Bbeautiful,artisan stuff

BEAUTIFUL.ARTISAN STUFF,I know it's a rider but f*** I would be anxious putting that in the water( hope he is not a fan of the pass.

QLD, 5544 posts
11 Aug 2020 10:28AM
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10' 2" of pure speed catch me if you can


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"10'+ Boards, let's see em.." started by vanders1