Id really like a 7'2-7'4 Lizzie with bonzer set up but have sent emails with no reply so may settle for a Psillakis shaped bonzer.Does ryan do the bonzer bottom contours on the lizzie or his usual bottom shape but just adding bonzer keels?
On email or the gram?
He is pretty slow though as he's super under the pump...
He doesn't run the contours for the bonzer, but surely if you're after a bonzer you go to the source, Campbell Bros... The Egg looks pretty siiiiick
Hows the displacement on this thing!!! Awesome
Id really like a 7'2-7'4 Lizzie with bonzer set up but have sent emails with no reply so may settle for a Psillakis shaped bonzer.Does ryan do the bonzer bottom contours on the lizzie or his usual bottom shape but just adding bonzer keels?
On email or the gram?
He is pretty slow though as he's super under the pump...
He doesn't run the contours for the bonzer, but surely if you're after a bonzer you go to the source, Campbell Bros... The Egg looks pretty siiiiick
Hows the displacement on this thing!!! Awesome
Makes that photo you posted of the rails interesting. Probably more too it then the shot shows. Ie rail foil
I guess that shot shows more than anything what the bonzer bottom does well. Organise water flow efficiently.
This is a cool clip from Wegener too on rails.
Are they ghost shaped out here or imported?
Good luck with them..
I presume finish shaped from a machine cut. More info here if you're interested...
Cheers. God luck with them. Keen to hear how you and Andy get on with them.
Id really like a 7'2-7'4 Lizzie with bonzer set up but have sent emails with no reply so may settle for a Psillakis shaped bonzer.Does ryan do the bonzer bottom contours on the lizzie or his usual bottom shape but just adding bonzer keels?
On email or the gram?
He is pretty slow though as he's super under the pump...
He doesn't run the contours for the bonzer, but surely if you're after a bonzer you go to the source, Campbell Bros... The Egg looks pretty siiiiick
Hows the displacement on this thing!!! Awesome
Makes that photo you posted of the rails interesting. Probably more too it then the shot shows. Ie rail foil
I guess that shot shows more than anything what the bonzer bottom does well. Organise water flow efficiently.
This is a cool clip from Wegener too on rails.
Nicely put "Organise water flow efficiently." bang on I reckon... I actually think a pro in comp with 3 fin bonzer would smoke em... but the judges don't any stray from the 3 fin thruster...
And yeah, Those wegener vids are really dry but super interesting and informative.
V Bowls....
You know you neeeed one.
Totally... One day... it'll happen...
Lizzy is better suited to my style though, loves to be surfed from the front of the board with glidy turns and cheater 5's on the right waves whereas V-Bowls turns better and harder but you surf it more off the tail...
8'2" Lizzy is getting pretty close too so thats exciting. After surfing the 7'7" on the point, which went unreal btw... The extra foam will be perfect.
Also did a board swap with Salty and surfed this beast below... That's Salty's self shaped 8' Tri-plane Hull and damn it was fun, really easy paddle in (better paddler than Lizzy) and plenty of speed, turns real nice off the rail... You could definitely shape and sell these no problems... I'd happily buy one for the quiver... seriously...
I reckon we were making more waves and more sections than most out there, and i'm a sub-par surfer at best so the right equipment definitely makes the difference
This is a great little interview with Andreini...
Excerpt sums it up beautifully:
What is a displacement hull?
Displacement is a nautical term and has to do with a solid object or craft which travels through water and displaces water from the front and reconnects it to the back. You have to design a boat in such a way to get the right amount of lift, the right amount of resistance without slowing it down too much, and the right amount of control. It's a fine balance. The faster you want the boat to go, the flatter it needs to get - but you start losing control because it starts to get too high out of the water.
When making boards, the wider it is, you need a flatter rocker because it will skip all over the place and won't settle down in the water. It's why you have to roll the bottom. Conversely, if you have a narrow board with rocker, you'll need to make it flat because there is not enough planing area to bring it to the surface. All surfboards are displacement hulls and the word "hull" has become kind of a misnomer. We call these type of boards "hulls" today because it's just the name that stuck.
What can a customer expect in riding a hull-style board versus a conventional board?
The difference is simple. The more parallel the board and the more flatter the rocker, the more it is going to track. It means it will be smoother and more reactive. Conversely, a board with more rocker with a flatter bottom will respond more quickly. It has the nose and tail pulled away so the board is just pivoting around in the center of the template so it will react quicker. But you now have a board a little bit more disconnected and it doesn't want to just go and pick a nice long track.
Conventional boards have more freedom. You can turn them more or less when you feel like it. You get short bursts of speed where you don't travel as much distance, however you need to make a number of turns to keep the board moving. All of this disconnects you from the experience of being properly positioned in the sweetest spot of the wave where the power is. In contrast, a hull or stubbie, requires the kind of surfing where there is the elements of trim and being in the right part of the wave at the right time to get the most out of it. With a hull, you need to work with the wave in order to get the most speed out of it.
Love that Trevor Gordon video! Best surfer in the world ?!? No doubt that call would ruffle a few feathers but he gets my vote for sure. Such a style master.
Thanks Andy for the kind words regarding my 8 footer, it was a fun surf for sure and a much anticipated event for me to ride your Lizzy for a bit. I'm going to hold my thoughts on it until I've had a run in something with a bit more punch.
It's interesting how close that 8 footer is to an edge board. I'd certainly heard of edge boards when I made it but they didn't really interest me and I thought I was doing something very different. Now that AK and Ellis have their book out and awareness of the edge concept is growing (well at least for me, seems like some have been right into it for ages), I see that I'm both interested and also am not that far from the concept either.
haven't checked out this podcast yet but will give the Ryan Lovelace and Devon Howard eposide ago....
haven't checked out this podcast yet but will give the Ryan Lovelace and Devon Howard eposide ago....
Thx for the link, i'll check it out this arvo on the way to surf...
Did you get your hulls yet?
Had to cancel mine, had a few unexpected financials come up... Mikeys will arrive Mid April...
Thx for the share Chrispthekiwi... real good listen this one... Check it out if you haven't already.
What the hull. You've got to be kidding
I fixed that for you Lacey...
Well technically I still have 2 boards and all boards are a planing hull of sorts
Nothing lost though as I'm sure it would have been well beyond my level of general mediocrity