Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Miller SUBX

Created by unclethirsty > 9 months ago, 13 May 2014
1195 posts
21 Apr 2015 3:04PM
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thePup said..

unclethirsty said..
Here's some pics of the new 6'9" subx.

mmmmmmm green is nice Uncle you have outdone your magnificent self my son you are indeed worthy of the pious Mango God's loving embrace

The Miller Sub X Flying Mango model.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
21 Apr 2015 5:09PM
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wavelength said..

The Miller Sub X Flying Mango model.

The Miller Sub X Flying Green Mango model - perfect with your Vietnamese salad

That baby will glow in the dark Uncle Thirsty ! Hope she is good to you.

382 posts
26 Apr 2015 7:13PM
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Yep Ted she was real good to me over the weekend, same same but different, exactly what I was hoping for, excellent paddle, stability & manouverabilty. I've got this crazy thing going on when I get a new board, first couple of waves I catch I somehow get my feet in the right position & think "yeeha what a board I'm back", then later in the session I totally kuk it and it can be the same for the nest couple of sessions then I/we eventually come good. But jeez I hate the kuk department & to top it off it's usually when the surf ain't too bad. Ahh such is life for a mature (yeah alright old) surfer. But ****e the stoke is still there..the search is never ending thank Huie.

TAS, 1925 posts
26 Apr 2015 10:44PM
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My neighbour borrowed the SubX this morning and we hit some tiny peelers on the local point and gotta say, he's in love!!! Dudes a short boarder and been thinking of buying a mal for the small days but is pretty reluctant so I told him to take the SubX out 1st, and seriously, he did not miss a wave!!! He even rolled into 2 ankle high ones, just to see if he could... Then cought a bunch of small fun ones and was seriously ripping...

Dude owns around 40 boards and I've never seen him as stoked as on this one... He will probably end up with this one or I'm sure he'll get one shaped.

As a side note, I think the SubX is an amazing board, I've surfed it in fast overhead and seen it excel in tiny conditions... But I will say, it seems to work better for sb riders wanting something bigger than lb riders wanting something smaller

13831 posts
26 Apr 2015 9:26PM
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unclethirsty said..
Yep Ted she was real good to me over the weekend, same same but different, exactly what I was hoping for, excellent paddle, stability & manouverabilty. I've got this crazy thing going on when I get a new board, first couple of waves I catch I somehow get my feet in the right position & think "yeeha what a board I'm back", then later in the session I totally kuk it and it can be the same for the nest couple of sessions then I/we eventually come good. But jeez I hate the kuk department & to top it off it's usually when the surf ain't too bad. Ahh such is life for a mature (yeah alright old) surfer. But ****e the stoke is still there..the search is never ending thank Huie.

Ah my Mango infused brother ...... the never-ending path to stoke & enfrothment ..... aint it farking magnificent ..... just like a bloody good root after a glassy 4 foot surf on Father's day & that bonus cold amber fizzy afterwards

382 posts
27 Apr 2015 12:48PM
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Andyroo..I think you got it right about sb going up rather than to a LB...but not being a rider I can't really comment on LB & going shorter

PUP...your wordcraft again is impeccable..& your absolutely correctamundo about SSB (surf,sex,beer). Just to keep ya froffin, red hot curry last night with ..waaait..yep 3 different MANGO chutneys, fantastic, ha ha.

VIC, 3829 posts
27 Apr 2015 3:17PM
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laceys lane said..
Ive always wondered whether this board could be dine as say a 5'8

yeah it's called a nano

QLD, 1332 posts
27 Apr 2015 5:01PM
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Must say my nano goes like a rocket in the smaller stuff running sea shepherd keels too. I like it so much with that fin set up I used it with a futures nubster in the thruster box in larger waves...

382 posts
27 Aug 2015 2:17PM
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I'd like to tell you lot about how good the Subx has been goin', I'd also like to tell you about how I've enjoyed riding the subbie in 2' - 4'+ surf & about how well it turns, how stable it is & all that good stuff...but alas I can't ..why well get a beer n I'll tel, ya. Over 2 months ago the old uncle pulls up at Palmie (Sydney) mid week, it's sunny, it's offshore, only couple guys out bit of a wait but it's 3'-4' so I'm out there. Out with the subbie, on with the wettie, wax, I'm in..well I farkin' didn't make it past the shore break, didn't even get the inside of the wettie wet! As i walked from the beach into the shorebreak & just as I was going to dive under the wave I stepped into a hole, fell forward lost balance & momentum, the wave picked me up smashed me into the sandbank, result major pulled hammie & tore bone off the plevis. I crawled out of the surf, laid in the beach for 20 mins look up to where the van was parked & thought fark how am I gonna get back there. Suffice to say I finally made it, getting out of the wettie was an exercise in pain & drove the 1hr home.
Recovery is now complete, I hope. I've now only got 18 days to try & get some surf fitness back before I fly out to the Maldives & I've just found out that the other guys on the boat will be 15-20yrs younger than me, man am I (1st world) stressed, I can just imagine the s**t I'll get off them. But I can't wait to get the subbie out over there, reckon it'll love it, ha ha.

SA, 1739 posts
27 Aug 2015 3:50PM
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Great story Uncle.

Hope all goes well in the MAldives. As long as your having fun that's all that matters.

QLD, 21946 posts
27 Aug 2015 4:29PM
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unclethirsty said..
I'd like to tell you lot about how good the Subx has been goin', I'd also like to tell you about how I've enjoyed riding the subbie in 2' - 4'+ surf & about how well it turns, how stable it is & all that good stuff...but alas I can't ..why well get a beer n I'll tel, ya. Over 2 months ago the old uncle pulls up at Palmie (Sydney) mid week, it's sunny, it's offshore, only couple guys out bit of a wait but it's 3'-4' so I'm out there. Out with the subbie, on with the wettie, wax, I'm in..well I farkin' didn't make it past the shore break, didn't even get the inside of the wettie wet! As i walked from the beach into the shorebreak & just as I was going to dive under the wave I stepped into a hole, fell forward lost balance & momentum, the wave picked me up smashed me into the sandbank, result major pulled hammie & tore bone off the plevis. I crawled out of the surf, laid in the beach for 20 mins look up to where the van was parked & thought fark how am I gonna get back there. Suffice to say I finally made it, getting out of the wettie was an exercise in pain & drove the 1hr home.
Recovery is now complete, I hope. I've now only got 18 days to try & get some surf fitness back before I fly out to the Maldives & I've just found out that the other guys on the boat will be 15-20yrs younger than me, man am I (1st world) stressed, I can just imagine the s**t I'll get off them. But I can't wait to get the subbie out over there, reckon it'll love it, ha ha.

Good but bad news story mate,those young blokes will be frothing with you,sharing beers and stories their in for a treat mate enjoy the trip and 18 days you'll be sweet and ready to go have fun.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
27 Aug 2015 5:00PM
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At least you will be P155 fit !!

Enjoy and hope you get some good waves and the injury heals nicely.

13831 posts
27 Aug 2015 4:00PM
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unclethirsty said..
I'd like to tell you lot about how good the Subx has been goin', I'd also like to tell you about how I've enjoyed riding the subbie in 2' - 4'+ surf & about how well it turns, how stable it is & all that good stuff...but alas I can't ..why well get a beer n I'll tel, ya. Over 2 months ago the old uncle pulls up at Palmie (Sydney) mid week, it's sunny, it's offshore, only couple guys out bit of a wait but it's 3'-4' so I'm out there. Out with the subbie, on with the wettie, wax, I'm in..well I farkin' didn't make it past the shore break, didn't even get the inside of the wettie wet! As i walked from the beach into the shorebreak & just as I was going to dive under the wave I stepped into a hole, fell forward lost balance & momentum, the wave picked me up smashed me into the sandbank, result major pulled hammie & tore bone off the plevis. I crawled out of the surf, laid in the beach for 20 mins look up to where the van was parked & thought fark how am I gonna get back there. Suffice to say I finally made it, getting out of the wettie was an exercise in pain & drove the 1hr home.
Recovery is now complete, I hope. I've now only got 18 days to try & get some surf fitness back before I fly out to the Maldives & I've just found out that the other guys on the boat will be 15-20yrs younger than me, man am I (1st world) stressed, I can just imagine the s**t I'll get off them. But I can't wait to get the subbie out over there, reckon it'll love it, ha ha.

Uncle who is eternally thirsty ...... I have consulted the holy roly poly himself & have obtained his blessings on your behalf my son ...... you shall indeed get yer share plus 19% ..... with interest ..... and surf-superannuation ..... you will also find stoke by the coconut-full ..... find froth by the Island-girl-full ..... and be pissed by 7 o'clock each evening ..... 7 sweet Mangoes will grace your pillow each morning peeled & ready for your beckoning .... it is ordained my son .... go forth with Greenroom magbloodynificence and smash everything within distance of your twinkling toes

382 posts
27 Aug 2015 4:38PM
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Thanks McH & Macah, I'm sure all will be good, how can it not be , sun, surf, beer no handbreak (wife) & I'm fairly thick skinned for the pizzling the young guy's will prob give me.

Ted...unfortunately you're prob right on the Adrian Quist aspect of the tour.

Pup..(i'm thinking)...Pup..I do believe that you've consulted 'The HueY' who wears the Red Shoes and HE has ordained that my penance for injuring myself so close to a trip shall include.. Mangoes, Beer & Surf,.. I will accept that & duly do my penance (the 7 o'clock pissed is a special). ER..while yer at it can you ask HIM what boards, other than the Subx, I should take?..Ah, is there Mangoes in the maldives?

9106 posts
27 Aug 2015 4:39PM
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catch lots of waves
take lots of pics
drink lots of beer
and root lots of hookers.

13831 posts
27 Aug 2015 4:50PM
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unclethirsty said..
Thanks McH & Macah, I'm sure all will be good, how can it not be , sun, surf, beer no handbreak (wife) & I'm fairly thick skinned for the pizzling the young guy's will prob give me.

Ted...unfortunately you're prob right on the Adrian Quist aspect of the tour.

Pup..(i'm thinking)...Pup..I do believe that you've consulted 'The HueY' who wears the Red Shoes and HE has ordained that my penance for injuring myself so close to a trip shall include.. Mangoes, Beer & Surf,.. I will accept that & duly do my penance (the 7 o'clock pissed is a special). ER..while yer at it can you ask HIM what boards, other than the Subx, I should take?..Ah, is there Mangoes in the maldives?

....... Uncle ...... I tried me best to also make 3 scantily clad Island girls magically appear each evening to rub your surf weary carcass .... but his holiness has been a bit narkie ever since I got busted playing Stinky F Poker behind the apse with the holy daughter & 2 of her mates .... it is the opinion that you also take something around 6 1/2' or so & consider a pair of decent quality boots for that nasty reef perhaps ..... do your best to be led into temptation my son .....

NSW, 1488 posts
27 Aug 2015 7:24PM
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Sorry to hear of your unfortunate accident Uncle and hope your going to be ok over there..

Here's a tip..tell those younger guys how great you were surfin' Shippies when a rogue wave slapped you one and sent you to the bottom..and you have been frothin' to get back into it since then...and the surf trip is to help you get over being made redundant after loosing all your super to an online sexploytation scam from for the sympathy's sure to work..but keep the story true as the piss goes not deviate from the initial lie..all will be good...hope it's epic for you.

382 posts
27 Aug 2015 5:33PM
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PUP..In the name of the holy three, James Tiberius Kirk, Spock & Scotty, I shall endeavour to carry out the orders of Captain Jon Luc (mango)Picard..& "make it so", temptation here I come. Pup..ya gotta watch those apses & Mrs Palmers daughters, nuffin but trouble..every time.. been done there a coupla times. Booties..they've been soaking in holy amber fluid for weeks now, I'll be right to walk on wa...,Reef ..yeah reef! they have scantily clad island girls over there? Oh, tourists only I believe!

10980 posts
27 Aug 2015 5:42PM
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No mangoes uncle,
Lots of coconuts and bananas.. And fish, ****loads of fish...

As for boards, whatever you ride everyday, and something you'd ride if it was a bit bigger.
a bit longer / more volume. Can be a bit of a paddle some days and the arms wear out a bit after a few days..

Lots of sunscreen, your own porn, hide it, same as booze there is no duty free and ear plugs if you don't want to be woken up at 5am everyday.

Have a great time mate.. Awesome place.

Look forward to some photos...

NSW, 7 posts
29 Oct 2015 11:59PM
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This is my first post so be gentle. I am looking to buy a shorter board after surfing a 9'1" mal for the past 30 years (I am set in my ways). I have been researching different sizes/shapes etc for months and have decided that I like the look of the Miller SUBX. I am apprehensive about going shorter but am open to ideas re length, volume etc. I am 84kgs and 5'10" and I would appreciate any advice.

10980 posts
30 Oct 2015 7:44AM
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Welcome Bograt..

I would say talk to Grant and tell him to make you whatever he reckons plus 5 litres...

AS for length, I was told by a good shaper when i went through the same thing that If you are going to go short and wide then go short and wide. Under 6 ft and over 22 wide. I had people trying to get me to ride 5'4" and that just did my head in at first..

No matter what length you get, it wont paddle like a long board ( I farking hate people saying that it paddles like a LB and surfs like a shortboard, I can tell you after 20 odd years of searching it is bull****..)

Shorties will also mean you are taking off later and not getting the easy entry on a LB so be prepared to be jumping to your feet quicker and taking later drops.

You sound like a perfect candidate for the mid-length mafia... something in the mid 7 ft range will still give you similar characteristic to a LB, get you into waves early etc and give you a bit more flexibility in turning it and duck diving.

Also gets you going shorter without going to extremes. Going from a 9ftr to something 6ft ish can be a head **** and take a while to get used to.

Good luck

WA, 9675 posts
30 Oct 2015 8:29AM
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SP said...
Welcome Bograt..

I would say talk to Grant and tell him to make you whatever he reckons plus 5 litres...

AS for length, I was told by a good shaper when i went through the same thing that If you are going to go short and wide then go short and wide. Under 6 ft and over 22 wide. I had people trying to get me to ride 5'4" and that just did my head in at first..

No matter what length you get, it wont paddle like a long board ( I farking hate people saying that it paddles like a LB and surfs like a shortboard, I can tell you after 20 odd years of searching it is bull****..)

Shorties will also mean you are taking off later and not getting the easy entry on a LB so be prepared to be jumping to your feet quicker and taking later drops.

You sound like a perfect candidate for the mid-length mafia... something in the mid 7 ft range will still give you similar characteristic to a LB, get you into waves early etc and give you a bit more flexibility in turning it and duck diving.

Also gets you going shorter without going to extremes. Going from a 9ftr to something 6ft ish can be a head **** and take a while to get used to.

Good luck

Perfect post

NSW, 7269 posts
30 Oct 2015 1:12PM
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chrispy said..

SP said...
Welcome Bograt..

I would say talk to Grant and tell him to make you whatever he reckons plus 5 litres...

AS for length, I was told by a good shaper when i went through the same thing that If you are going to go short and wide then go short and wide. Under 6 ft and over 22 wide. I had people trying to get me to ride 5'4" and that just did my head in at first..

No matter what length you get, it wont paddle like a long board ( I farking hate people saying that it paddles like a LB and surfs like a shortboard, I can tell you after 20 odd years of searching it is bull****..)

Shorties will also mean you are taking off later and not getting the easy entry on a LB so be prepared to be jumping to your feet quicker and taking later drops.

You sound like a perfect candidate for the mid-length mafia... something in the mid 7 ft range will still give you similar characteristic to a LB, get you into waves early etc and give you a bit more flexibility in turning it and duck diving.

Also gets you going shorter without going to extremes. Going from a 9ftr to something 6ft ish can be a head **** and take a while to get used to.

Good luck

Perfect post


13 posts
30 Oct 2015 11:17AM
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I'd defer to Grant's opinion of course, but I think you should also consider Grant's Waterskate Design as I found its a pretty forgiving and versatile board.

A waterskate helped me with the desire to try something other than Mal's some years ago.

The Subx might well be the go, certainly the paddle powers there for the boards size but the flat rocker "might" mean it's a little unforgiving for your first step down in size.

I've got a Subx which I thinks great (sorry to all the Subx doubters above, I'm in the grand old Uncle T's camp) and had a waterskate.

SP's comment on the board heading slightly over 7 foot stage sounds good.

This is all based of course on my skill level which is at times is pretty average, if your more an Uncle Thirsty type (i.e. an experienced campaigner who can throw it around if he hasn't had too many mangoes) then it will be a different story again.

(yes pretty sure I met the revered uncle a couple of years back at Palmy).

QLD, 1332 posts
30 Oct 2015 1:22PM
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SP said,
"No matter what length you get, it wont paddle like a long board ( I farking hate people saying that it paddles like a LB and surfs like a shortboard, I can tell you after 20 odd years of searching it is bull****..)"
I had to chuckle.
Grant was less than impressed with me questioning that claim on Realsurf. You can see his response on the Subx write up on his website.
Isn't he OS at the moment.
Hey, never mind...this board was also designed for longboarders who want to ride a shorter board.
You could try out how you go on it and if its not your cup of tea move it on for minimal (mini-mal) if any loss.

NSW, 7 posts
30 Oct 2015 2:39PM
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Thanks heaps SP and Humas. I have a bit of thinking to do. I will email Grant Miller and try and work something out. I had the mal out this morning at Queenscliff, nice small waves and for once not closing out.

10980 posts
30 Oct 2015 12:37PM
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Cuttlefish said..
SP said,
"No matter what length you get, it wont paddle like a long board ( I farking hate people saying that it paddles like a LB and surfs like a shortboard, I can tell you after 20 odd years of searching it is bull****..)"
I had to chuckle.
Grant was less than impressed with me questioning that claim on Realsurf. You can see his response on the Subx write up on his website.
Isn't he OS at the moment.
Hey, never mind...this board was also designed for longboarders who want to ride a shorter board.
You could try out how you go on it and if its not your cup of tea move it on for minimal (mini-mal) if any loss.

I hope you were laughing with not at....:)

But Yes it is about the lamest of the lamest marketing slogans.

And plain and simple physics dictates that something with a water line of 5 ft can't paddle the same as a 9 ft waterline... ( Where the fark is Roy:):):))

Otherwise long distance paddle boards would be shorter, wider and thicker.

I say to anyone that says it to try the below.
when paddling a long board, slow down the stroke, take your time and just roll through it keeping the momentum up and let the board glide between strokes.
Look at how far you travel and the strokes you have taken.

and then see if you can paddle at the same rate and get the same glide from anything else that is shorter..

Guarantee you cant.

I agree that a High Volume shorty may be great to paddle, easy to catch waves etc etc.. But they don't paddle or surf anything like a LB.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
30 Oct 2015 3:45PM
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SP said..

Cuttlefish said..
SP said,
"No matter what length you get, it wont paddle like a long board ( I farking hate people saying that it paddles like a LB and surfs like a shortboard, I can tell you after 20 odd years of searching it is bull****..)"
I had to chuckle.
Grant was less than impressed with me questioning that claim on Realsurf. You can see his response on the Subx write up on his website.
Isn't he OS at the moment.
Hey, never mind...this board was also designed for longboarders who want to ride a shorter board.
You could try out how you go on it and if its not your cup of tea move it on for minimal (mini-mal) if any loss.

I hope you were laughing with not at....:)

But Yes it is about the lamest of the lamest marketing slogans.

And plain and simple physics dictates that something with a water line of 5 ft can't paddle the same as a 9 ft waterline... ( Where the fark is Roy:):):))

Otherwise long distance paddle boards would be shorter, wider and thicker.

I say to anyone that says it to try the below.
when paddling a long board, slow down the stroke, take your time and just roll through it keeping the momentum up and let the board glide between strokes.
Look at how far you travel and the strokes you have taken.

and then see if you can paddle at the same rate and get the same glide from anything else that is shorter..

Guarantee you cant.

I agree that a High Volume shorty may be great to paddle, easy to catch waves etc etc.. But they don't paddle or surf anything like a LB.

my 7' bsq quad paddles pretty close to the shorter end of longboards.

it can get me pretty close to were a shortboarders can take off.

surfs well but no it doesn't surf like a short board.

still if im not sure what conditions will be like I put it on the car.

that's not bad I reckon

10980 posts
30 Oct 2015 2:51PM
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^^^ I reckon that is just about perfect explanation of why mids are good all round boards.

Everyone should own at least 1.

WA, 9675 posts
30 Oct 2015 3:52PM
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I think the sub x is the most sh1t board grant has ever shaped. i have surfed a couple of his other ones over the years and thought they were pretty nice ,but the sub x i surfed,well i think a fridge door might have surfed better than that crap.

the thing is in the vid posted grant looks like a kook on it. You find other footage of Grant surfing and the bloke kills it.

Please dont have a melt down uncle thirsty...1....2.....3....


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Miller SUBX" started by unclethirsty