Not much BUCK either,i hope they gave the supporters money back!
Even the Rooted(did I spell that wrong?) put in a much better shift, but Wayne will blame Origin.
For the first time ever we walked out of a game with 20 min to go, heads held very low. Well & truly outclassed.
RED VEE are on 20 this weekend, that DOUBLE...2X what the Rooted(did I spell that wrong?) are on....start crowing when yas can win more than 3 games...
Also the Red Vee can start planning the trip away, simply not good enough
Time for the deadwood to be culled
Big question is can the Bluebaggers avoid a sweep on Wednesday - be farked if I know really , Gallen pulling the pin might spur things a bit but then again Little Macaha Parker is also giving it away so that's 50/50 ...... hmmmmmm well bring it you bastards ..... oh and Ref .... put the metal thingo with the pea in it away & let ém go at it hammer & tong champion
If that try was allowed in game 2 I'm thinking we'd be here for a decider ..... NSW just make too many fark ups ..... at crucial moments .... and Gagai has torched the poor bastards this series