I'm so over blaming coaches ATM
seabold comes to mind, club administrators are ****ing this great game.
www.foxsports.com.au/nrl/nrl-premiership/teams/broncos/nrl-2020-tevita-pangai-jr-thirdparty-broncos-deal-investigation-breach-notice/news-story/30d97d9c9a963a57a2a84616f2b91b3d?fbclid=IwAR38Qjk6q-E0kjF0hyjCykkk-krla_rcDuvwRLbhl_P9UlfJ0wUZOTPbBhYHmmmm things just keep getting dirty at Redhill.
like I said bigger heads have to roll, other than the coach.
As in the posted video above Pangai could of signed with NZ for significantly more. The ol third party agreement not registered with the NRL. Now that's A management Issues and I can't see the CEO having no knowledge of the matter.
im not coming down hard on the broncos. And don't be quick to point the finger at Pangai maybe his managers leaked the info out.im Just pointIng out it's not just the coaches head that has to roll. what about other Broncs players thoughts About payments?
are they disgruntled about their contracts and payments.
these are pivotal behind the scenes issues that make or break a club and the ongoing performance of your players.
what was once a great club now just a steaming pile of --.
Much debate about Penrith"s premiership chances re their lack of injuries compared to other teams this season. Most winning teams in the past have had a comparatively good run with injuries> As a supporter I'm more concerned about their pretty soft run to the finals. Parra was meant to be a test of their true form under pressure but getting the eels back off the floor after last night will take some doing.
Should SBW be allowed to play with 4 games left in a series?
my view it's not right.
It's not fair on the guys that played all year and isn't there a requirement you need to play so many NRL games if not injured?
not to mention salary cap WTF who signs a player for a 4 game season.