You know TB,he gives it to me all the time,I just sit back and enjoy the show then he gives me the opportunity for revenge and boy is it sweet
geez only you lot could make a song and dance about a bloke sitting in chair.
more like macaha helpers
From all accounts the new Captains Log from Clearwater Surfboards will be delivered to one excited owner this week.
By the sound of the update he gave me he sounds very impressed with what he has seen so far and is frothing
to get it wet.
So with Vanders getting the beat up about the Whalebone it's timely that I do a ride report as I think this board would suit him .I have ridden it about five times in hip high to over head .First thing I did was compare it to the Cruiser and it's a lot different really flatter nose rocker,a single concave running from the nose right back past the fin along with chimes down the rails . I was a bit dubious about this to start with , first surf was at the point overhead with a fairly high tide so it was a little bit fat which made me feel a bit better , first wave was like a breath of fresh air it paddles in super easy I was catching stuff others couldn't . The Cruiser turned pretty good but this thing beats it hands down doesn't feel like it's 10ft mind you the Cruiser didn't ether . A long with that it's fast found my self doing cuties a lot , a the pipe had it on some step faces strolled up the front not toes over but I know I'll manage it mid tide at the point . So all in all I like it a lot the finish is of a very high standard, the only negative is it's a bit harder pushing through on the paddle out with the nose a bit fuller . So the Cruiser has gone (sorry mac) it's new owner is very happy with it funny how you don't have trouble selling them
Thanks TB, sounds like near the perfect board for you then.
My focus will now be on my Goddard and the McT 207, I have a sense of clarity now.