yes it was.......he does look vulnerable when he is falling off his sup once a minute.....but he actually caught some nice waves at the point on sunday.
By the way.....where oh where are you up to on your overseas excursion? Was pretty wonderful surf at town beach Wednesday there a teensy late expecting just ripples but solid 3 to 4 foot sets coming through. Just had time to don the wetty and gather up the dog and the evil pom and steve the short boarder turned up....was too wobbly up the coast steve said. Some of those big lefts from the surf club peeling off
the point this morning.......bugger all wind......glassy surface conditions.
Just me out for first hour........Mana came out for the second hour.
I retreated when some others came out.
Didn't look flash in the dark but was worth the punt
Cut it out lake looks flats this morning ,leaving Chicago this morning on da train so be 3days travelling to Seattle, then up to Vancouver. Have a good labour weekend.
trying to have a good weekend.....was lumpy and bumpy and good for not much at all this morning :(
Aquarian's video footage from last weekend
Whetu on the starboard whopper was the winner once again
That was Bill Brown on the longboard.....looked like he needed a paddle really
But must work out at about $100 a wave in Waikiki.....we get this almost for free in giz
Yep I was looking at that vid and thought it looked like a Jimmy Lewis.....good board choice. What boards have you been hiring?
Had a Walden the first day but I broke it , then they gave me a Southpoint they both went well .
Flying home to night tell why when I see you.
Daughter got married in whangarei at the weekend.....back in giz now....but still a bit shell shocked from Auckland motorway traffic flows. Am a small town person.....was the first time I had actually seen the sky tower
Going through Auckland and visiting Whangarei is like "overseas travel" to me. But at least I came back with a picture or two....
Mangawai Heads on Tuesday....nothing happening in the surf department though
On the other hand towball did take this pic of my previous dog.....the dog did good.....but hit the beach running
So tell me I am a small town yokel......and you are an experienced overseas traveller.....can you give me advice on which airlines I should use if I would want to take a 9'5 sup (thinking sunova 9'5 speed) from giz to Bali ?