Forums > Surfing Longboarding

What beer are you drinking atm ?

Created by NewScotty > 9 months ago, 11 Mar 2016
QLD, 3809 posts
15 Jan 2017 6:20PM
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MickPC said..

vanders1 said..

MickPC said...
What base wort & hops did you use mate

My Canadian Blonde plus cascade/hallertau/amarillo hops 4 week old beer came out pretty decent. Not quite like I'd been aiming (james Squire Chancer) but yeah pretty decent. Not holding back on the hops & being more patient before getting into it was definately a plus. But look forward to the next go with a different mix of hops.

How'd the comparison go

Galaxy hops only (used flowers), boiled up with liquid light malt extract, liquid wheat extract, US-05 ale yeast and dry hopped after a week for some increased taste and bitterness. Total ferment 3 weeks. ABV 4.2%

Almost identical to the original with the added kick of the dry hops.

Wow sounds awesome've gone beyond anything I've ever brewed, I don't even know what dry hopping is lol Probably due to do some reading on the subject & experiment more...well done

Really quite easy mate, let me know if you want the recipe.

QLD, 391 posts
16 Jan 2017 9:56AM
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A couple of the local brew

8266 posts
16 Jan 2017 10:47AM
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vanders1 said..

MickPC said..

vanders1 said..

MickPC said...
What base wort & hops did you use mate

My Canadian Blonde plus cascade/hallertau/amarillo hops 4 week old beer came out pretty decent. Not quite like I'd been aiming (james Squire Chancer) but yeah pretty decent. Not holding back on the hops & being more patient before getting into it was definately a plus. But look forward to the next go with a different mix of hops.

How'd the comparison go

Galaxy hops only (used flowers), boiled up with liquid light malt extract, liquid wheat extract, US-05 ale yeast and dry hopped after a week for some increased taste and bitterness. Total ferment 3 weeks. ABV 4.2%

Almost identical to the original with the added kick of the dry hops.

Wow sounds awesome've gone beyond anything I've ever brewed, I don't even know what dry hopping is lol Probably due to do some reading on the subject & experiment more...well done

Really quite easy mate, let me know if you want the recipe.

Yeah mate, I'll it a burl

Got a couple of new ones in I havn't tried at the moment, just wort, malt & dextrose. Wanna see what the base taste is like to see if its worth shelling out the extra bucks for the wort.

13831 posts
17 Jan 2017 3:31PM
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Nyet , Nowt , Nay , None , Nein , Nada , Nuthin' ..... having an Apple ferment , ice cold one

2350 posts
13 Feb 2017 11:44AM
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Dry Feb
can I stick it out ?

13831 posts
13 Feb 2017 12:12PM
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geeeeeeeez in this heatwave yeah good luck with that scotty mate

2350 posts
14 Feb 2017 8:30AM
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Today marks 1/2 way point of dry Feb.

March could be ugly

10980 posts
14 Feb 2017 8:47AM
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NewScotty said..
Today marks 1/2 way point of dry Feb.

March could be ugly

is it just a coincidence that you have picked the shortest month?

2350 posts
14 Feb 2017 9:08AM
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SP said..

NewScotty said..
Today marks 1/2 way point of dry Feb.

March could be ugly

is it just a coincidence that you have picked the shortest month?

Scotty not stupid

QLD, 21947 posts
14 Feb 2017 11:12AM
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SP said..

NewScotty said..
Today marks 1/2 way point of dry Feb.

March could be ugly

is it just a coincidence that you have picked the shortest month?

QLD, 2286 posts
14 Feb 2017 11:39AM
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Good idea Scotty, dry out for a month and then proceed at full speed.

I try to have at least 2 AFD's per week. Alcohol Free Days. I find I operate better.

at the moment am enjoying a spot of the old Saporo. Yum.


2350 posts
14 Feb 2017 9:46AM
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E T said..
Good idea Scotty, dry out for a month and then proceed at full speed.

I try to have at least 2 AFD's per week. Alcohol Free Days. I find I operate better.

at the moment am enjoying a spot of the old Saporo. Yum.


Hey ET,

The Mrs and I made a pact to go dry for February after the festive season with 2 weeks in Fiji thrown in we needed a break from it.
The Mrs nearly broke last Saturday when she said "there's a 6 pack of Crownies in the back fridge".
I said she could have them but she didn't.
It was so farkin hot last weekend in Sydney so if I can get through that I'll be sweet next 14 days.

QLD, 2286 posts
14 Feb 2017 1:06PM
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NewScotty said..

E T said..
Good idea Scotty, dry out for a month and then proceed at full speed.

I try to have at least 2 AFD's per week. Alcohol Free Days. I find I operate better.

at the moment am enjoying a spot of the old Saporo. Yum.


Hey ET,

The Mrs and I made a pact to go dry for February after the festive season with 2 weeks in Fiji thrown in we needed a break from it.
The Mrs nearly broke last Saturday when she said "there's a 6 pack of Crownies in the back fridge".
I said she could have them but she didn't.
It was so farkin hot last weekend in Sydney so if I can get through that I'll be sweet next 14 days.

Good job Scotty, hot weather and cold beer just go together don't they.


2350 posts
16 Feb 2017 2:48PM
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Re: Dry Feb.
I reckon the Mrs will crack this Saturday.
Then I can get back on it.
Just don't want to be the first.

QLD, 21947 posts
16 Feb 2017 5:19PM
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A sales rep who calls in at work female is doing a dry Feb, she laughed when I copied someone in here joke about the shortest month. I've just downed a stone and wood now I've just cracked a bottle of rum first rim in a long long time.

13831 posts
16 Feb 2017 3:50PM
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Geez the old Rumbo champion

QLD, 21947 posts
16 Feb 2017 6:09PM
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thePup said..
Geez the old Rumbo champion

2350 posts
16 Feb 2017 4:09PM
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Macaha said..
A sales rep who calls in at work female is doing a dry Feb, she laughed when I copied someone in here joke about the shortest month. I've just downed a stone and wood now I've just cracked a bottle of rum first rim in a long long time.

If Feb was 18 days long then I'll be sweet

QLD, 21947 posts
16 Feb 2017 6:11PM
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NewScotty said..

Macaha said..
A sales rep who calls in at work female is doing a dry Feb, she laughed when I copied someone in here joke about the shortest month. I've just downed a stone and wood now I've just cracked a bottle of rum first rim in a long long time.

If Feb was 18 days long then I'll be sweet

mate your all good keep it up

8266 posts
16 Feb 2017 6:16PM
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Chasing down some Rose with some homebrew I'm not totally stoked with the result. i posted above about a couple of Coopers worts I was trying out...Well unfortunately 1kg of malts is not the go unless you like a light stout haha...1 pints ok, but then you need to divert to something lighter & brighter. Probably would have been ok in winter, mate reckons it tastes like Porter which would of been awesome if I was trying to brew Porter lol...back to the old drawing board, its ok but thank fark I have a spare keg to fill...

Al G
NSW, 7677 posts
18 Feb 2017 3:53PM
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Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
18 Feb 2017 9:15PM
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NewScotty said..
Today marks 1/2 way point of dry Feb.

March could be ugly

Big match tom - surely you will indulge

2350 posts
18 Feb 2017 7:22PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

NewScotty said..
Today marks 1/2 way point of dry Feb.

March could be ugly

Big match tom - surely you will indulge

Let's just say I made a toast to dry Feb tonight

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
19 Feb 2017 10:03AM
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well done for getting that far. I had most of Jan off (in hospital so had no choice) but have been making up for it

2350 posts
23 Feb 2017 2:54PM
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Fark dry Feb.
Called into Ravesi's to take a pi55.
Bondi - nice place with lots of people who are not on my frequency.

8266 posts
7 Mar 2017 5:38PM
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Damn accidenty added yeast to start a couple of brews at 34c without looking (should be 21-27)...have them both in the bath with all available ice & some cold water. Probably gonna have to grab a couple of 5kg bags to bring them down in temp tomorrow...Damn! Just did my usual 1/2 kettle of water & filled from the rainwater tank. Rainwater tank must be heaps warmer than usual. Must be due to a new house built on that side with sun rays reflective roof at side wall level & less seabreeze on that side of the house. Just hope the next brews don't taste like methanol lol

Explains why my last brew did not taste as expected & some extra hangovers experienced lately

2350 posts
7 Mar 2017 5:59PM
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MickPC said..
Damn accidenty added yeast to start a couple of brews at 34c without looking (should be 21-27)...have them both in the bath with all available ice & some cold water. Probably gonna have to grab a couple of 5kg bags to bring them down in temp tomorrow...Damn! Just did my usual 1/2 kettle of water & filled from the rainwater tank. Rainwater tank must be heaps warmer than usual. Must be due to a new house built on that side with sun rays reflective roof at side wall level & less seabreeze on that side of the house. Just hope the next brews don't taste like methanol lol

Explains why my last brew did not taste as expected & some extra hangovers experienced lately

That's why I buy my brew from the bottle shop Mick. Too easy

8266 posts
7 Mar 2017 8:11PM
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NewScotty said..

MickPC said..
Damn accidenty added yeast to start a couple of brews at 34c without looking (should be 21-27)...have them both in the bath with all available ice & some cold water. Probably gonna have to grab a couple of 5kg bags to bring them down in temp tomorrow...Damn! Just did my usual 1/2 kettle of water & filled from the rainwater tank. Rainwater tank must be heaps warmer than usual. Must be due to a new house built on that side with sun rays reflective roof at side wall level & less seabreeze on that side of the house. Just hope the next brews don't taste like methanol lol

Explains why my last brew did not taste as expected & some extra hangovers experienced lately

That's why I buy my brew from the bottle shop Mick. Too easy

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

8266 posts
8 Mar 2017 3:08PM
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Tragedy averted, I stuck them in the keg fridge while I was at work & they're down to they should be fine

VIC, 2869 posts
8 Mar 2017 7:09PM
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Have discovered Coopers Mild at 3.5% - 1 standard drink per 375 ml full size stubby.
Not bad taste, and easier to cope with driving legally after a few.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"What beer are you drinking atm ?" started by NewScotty