What ever McHenry and I want. Free reign!
Cool,good to have your own taps for the night
Just don't look too close at the head on the one I poured.
Ah that doesn't matter mate as long as it was cold and ya enjoyed drinking it
What ever McHenry and I want. Free reign!
Nice work lads hey V12 bring some of that Barossa Valley wine back for me pleeeeeease mate
James Squire Chancer goldens are the gas Obs
James squire Hop thief will do me
then little creatures pale ale
backed up by the work horse of men's beers XXXX heavy
James Squire Chancer goldens are the gas Obs
James squire Hop thief will do me
then little creatures pale ale
backed up by the work horse of men's beers XXXX heavy
Sweet Jesus impaled on a dry wiped Paddle Pop stick ..... that's like getting to shag to two high quality Monte Carlo hookers in a Rolls Royce Silver Spur & then backing up flying cattle class back to Oz to get a blowy from a toothless slapper in Logan
Something different
I really enjoyed it vanders. I have never tried mead before, but they were very enjoyable
Having one of these for maca today... they have really turned it into a real hipster looking beer. Hope it tastes the same
Having one of these for maca today... they have really turned it into a real hipster looking beer. Hope it tastes the same
Dinner and drinks in a bottle
Something different
I really enjoyed it vanders. I have never tried mead before, but they were very enjoyable
Will give one a go and I'll crack an Old for Macca too because we're lucky enough to be able to.
Something different
I really enjoyed it vanders. I have never tried mead before, but they were very enjoyable
Will give one a go and I'll crack an Old for Macca too because we're lucky enough to be able to.
So very true vanders
Whatever's on tap...
What a fridge
Nice fin collection going on as well.
And apparently everything is sideways... which is how it normally ends up going.
Nice setup... Makes it look like a hobby not an addiction
Geez that fridge is a winner mate
And when the wife's not paying attention, I'm going to squeeze a third keg and tap in there... although will have to make some minor mods to the inside of the fridge, but nothing the dremel can't handle!
Or in the bottle...
hahaha geez you have been busy mate
Glass half full/glass half empty... it could be argued that I haven't been busy enough!
And apparently everything is sideways... which is how it normally ends up going.
Nice setup... Makes it look like a hobby not an addiction
Good thing I didn't post a pic of the temp controlled fridge that I use to ferment in then.... or mentioned that said fermentation 'fridge' runs within 0.5 degree of said set temperature....
That's a lot of Piss my son - no half full schooeys for a few weeks in that Mancave
You know, that's the problem with having it on tap.... you have a few (too many), then go 'I'll only half fill the glass'... then a few 'halves' later, you're back onto pints. Never ends particularly well.
hahaha a couple of the roadtrip lads are going to love you mate
Isn't that what we all want, just to be loved by someone? By anyone?