Had a browse through the Queensland cams over brekky this morning. Was surprised to see Noosa was a lot smaller than I expected, but would of been alright further down safely out of sight of the web cams. All the gold coast hot spots were copping big swells with some devil windchop, but outside Kirra loooked like it would have been fun. One place though, "Tallebudgera" had some novelty waves running 1/2 way up the canal to the bridge. Camera panned perfectly to follow a bloke just cruising up the canal on a waist high wave, looked fun
Back here, still not much around...unless you don't mind a bit of windsurfing
haha yeah East coast has a lot of cams in funny places. Guess it comes down to being easy to whack one there, plenty of cams in places getting way less to no swell ever too.....I remember seeing some pics in a mag back in the 90's, prob tracks....similar thing. Bloke was solo on a jetski, diving off the jetski with momentum onto these Qld canal waves during a big swell... having fun on his SB. Reminded me of that,. We don't have that kinda set up here...much
So jelous of u farkers atm
Looked like it had dropped but just seen some really big sets at kirra.
And a lot of guys having a real crack at it.
One big wave 2 drop ins then a tow drop in followed by another 2 drop ins
There doesnt seem to be any rules
we got into noosa at 4pm,no carparks anywhere on the beach, crew walking in from klm's out agro everywhere bodies and boards everywhere,just watched the passing circus,and its not that big,maybe 2 mtrs(headhigh)
elko and his posse called it the swell of the century,turned up with jetskis,must be getting old if the need skis for headhigh
Just went for a sqizz at Nationals. I decided to heed the warnings and not take on the swell of the decade.
One can get our of their depth quickly in these kinds of monster swells and so I decided discretion was the better part of the valour and left if to the intrepid few pictured to tackle the waist high peelers.
Fun head/head and half. Five people.
Took the HP to a HP wave and tore it apart. Then remembered why I don't surf those boards like that anymore. The dodgy ankle is swollen and sore. Came in on my best wave - snap, hack, stall, barrel, cutty, cutty, floater to in.
Just ignore the two previous waves where it was gumby to window winding back splash, and slow take off to fat mushburger closing out.
Sounds like a good day out Drip. Envious. The highlight of my day was choosing what to eat for lunch ! Loads of Mangoes around for you Pup
Its not so much blocked in this case.
The swells focus was from the Tweed to Yamba.
By the time the swell has refracted into the inner most points it loses much of its size.
The rivermouth was solid but closing out.
We get better size when we have the swell more from the North as cyclones track South past us.
Yum that looks great Ted!!
Cuttlefish you clearly made the righit decision. Reckon, looks like a fun longboard wave. If you want to tackle big swell there plenty of places you can go to without having to put up with all the Chaos
hope you had a beauty!
old school drip,i surf the wave face,i am just generalising, the experts called a 5 mtr swell at the start then elko went media and said swell of the decade at 4mtrs plus,the media got onto it the every carnt and his dog came to noosa,well they were wrong and just got to surf with 1000s of their best friends,fly ins,jetskis,sup backpackers,hippies from keniworth,baby chuckers, clubbies its like the goldy on steriods.
swell gets blocked from the south by bribie and straddie etc,there is a close in reef and laguna bay is unusually plugged with sand very shallow,the east swell has been there for weeks but no size.got some groundswell friday and it peaked yesterday arvo but still not 4+ mtrs,the swell bouy at moolooabah had some size i believe,the wind has been s.w. up here for days and that helps push it away,
btw ,DI has been excellent but crowded.
its back to waist high and a bit this morning