It was rubbish. Banks not good with the smaller swell and the high tide . Only lasted about 45 minutes . Got home and put the 12 footer on the roof and drove down to the river with my fly rod and caught some blackfish on some weed flies. It looks like weed floating along in the current . That was my first try after a bit of reading up on it. Lots of fun so it was a good day after all.
Geez silver lining mate - that looks good too , gut it stuff it & grill it with a heap of butter & salt
Nice fish ,that would've been fun on fly gear,they are a great little fighter and good to eat too if you don't mind cleaning them properly
yeah mmmmmm some shredded cooked tater , chunked up cold steamcooked blackfish finely chopped onion & a small amount of parsley & salt (pepper it at the table it'll burn otherwise champion) a dollop of good fish sauce touch of sesame oil shove it into the mix then into generous patties bit of egg & hanko panko crumbo and onto a butter smothered hot pan for a bit of goldenising ..... should be served with mates beer & women in that order
2 or 3 of those little beauties & you'd have no problem tasting them SM ..... Mango at the table pre-sliced & diced with the salada , nice Greek one few Olives , geez even a bit of fried halloumi could be the go with that mmmmmmm drool
Usually spear my fish & go for sweep, heaps around where I snorkel. Just gut them, medium flame fry with butter & garlic...yummo
I like how you fish off your 666 SMH, should of kept my Sunova 10'6 x 34 for that too
At work today and it's blowing northeast and bumpy but there is swell. It's supposed to go South west in the morning which is good because there should be some waves on the open beaches. Fingers crossed .
Was frustrating this morning surfing my 6'2 with mini mals & long boards frothing around me. But then after about 90 mins most of them suddenly disappeared making the last 2.5 hrs a lot of fun. Good to get back in the water