Chatted to a mate for about an hour about Indo surf spot stories & trying to decide if the shortie or longboard was the go locally today. Sucky off the peak with a fat cut backy shoulder so opted for a wide shortie. Was fun but I only stayed out for a couple of hours, still feeling a bit spoilt from the great run of waves we've had...feeling jealous about everyone else having surf travel plans coming up soon with mine not till september 22
After the bliss off yesterday, today was a hoax.
I missed the glass and got a sweep that would not let these unfit arms be the winner on a rip bowl.
Welcome back lacey, you stayed away longer than i thought you would
Warm water but a crowd WTF.... never get crowds but has one today. Was ok. 3ft but "soggy". Still fun though
Surfed Arra pensioners point 1/3 ft been same for last week really need 10 ft nose rider to compete with locals waters warm ????exploring for NE sheltered spots tmorow 3/4 ft on beaches at the mo????
Cant wait to see some surf shots of the crew. First arra. Then on to the 3 to 4 beaches for the rest of the weekend from what can make out by those in the know.
Nose riders fri. Hp for the rest of it.
Does that sound right SA.
Choose surfing
I could say he caught a few bigger bombs that day.
But sadly I don't have photos to prove it.
so I gues its all just piss and wind
i have none of myself as I'm just a kook.