Forums > Surfing Longboarding

board/boards of the year for next year

Created by laceys lane > 9 months ago, 28 Dec 2014
laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Dec 2014 6:33PM
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What tickles your fancy. How are you planning to scam, lie, cheat, steal and trade to get it.

I would love to get a lightweight 9'1evo2

I put the wombat in the shop thinking gee I would love to get that lightweight.
But now Im thinking real hard about a MR ranger series lone ranger at 6'2. The bushranger is too hardcore.

Interestingly my puffer5 has bump in the outline about where the fins are. The lone ranger you can really see it and the bushranger its extreme.

Looking at this board as a more bigger more shape wave board twin to the puffer5 without getting into hp toothpick stuff

The 9'1evo for more hardcore performance in longboard mode

that's the dream

13831 posts
28 Dec 2014 5:35PM
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VIC, 5904 posts
28 Dec 2014 8:52PM
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laceys lane said..
What tickles your fancy. How are you planning to scam, lie, cheat, steal and trade to get it.

I would love to get a lightweight 9'1evo2

I put the wombat in the shop thinking gee I would love to get that lightweight.
But now Im thinking real hard about a MR ranger series lone ranger at 6'2. The bushranger is too hardcore.

Interestingly my puffer5 has bump in the outline about where the fins are. The lone ranger you can really see it and the bushranger its extreme.

Looking at this board as a more bigger more shape wave board twin to the puffer5 without getting into hp toothpick stuff

The 9'1evo for more hardcore performance in longboard mode

that's the dream

Ps i may be fading finally on the 666 trip.

Ps i may be fading finally on the 666 trip

why, peer group pressure ?

QLD, 21947 posts
28 Dec 2014 8:00PM
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Lacey mate I'm really digging your Longboard froth and to read your almost done with a 666 well I knew it was coming but wait there a deal to be done on that 9.1 evo you talk about wait and see it will happen.pissed off the North shore has become such a zoo with so many non surf type doing the drive and really fk the place up since 07 my last trip,doing a chopper flight tomorrow and heading to sandy beach park.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Dec 2014 8:08PM
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enough about me.

hope about some sweet board dreams lads

9106 posts
28 Dec 2014 6:21PM
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I think some in here have obsessive compulsive disorders.

9106 posts
28 Dec 2014 6:29PM
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Macaha said..
.pissed off the North shore has become such a zoo with so many non surf type doing the drive and really fk the place up since 07 my last trip,

Mac that's how I feel about the gold coast, what can you mate that built the house on a. Indonesian point, at first they had a handful that occupied the point ,now this year he said 83 on the point one day

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Dec 2014 8:30PM
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Cobra said..
I think some in here have obsessive compulsive disorders.

come on cobra, spit it out- what's your poison

QLD, 21947 posts
28 Dec 2014 8:32PM
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Cobra said...
I think some in here have obsessive compulsive disorders.

yes sir but I had full intentions of picking up some yank classic but now I've had s good look around we have it well and truely covered at home

9106 posts
28 Dec 2014 6:36PM
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Macaha said..
Cobra said...
I think some in here have obsessive compulsive disorders.

yes sir but I had full intentions of picking up some yank classic but now I've had s good look around we have it well and truely covered at home

Well I'll be,don't figure ,and the home of surf....must be a Gerry Lopez classic getting around.

VIC, 5904 posts
28 Dec 2014 9:37PM
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ok , my choice would probably be ,

all your SUP,s at a bargain basement price !

9106 posts
28 Dec 2014 6:41PM
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laceys lane said..
Cobra said..
I think some in here have obsessive compulsive disorders.

come on cobra, spit it out- what's your poison

I just remember when blokes had boards for a year, you young hipsters are making me feel-bad

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Dec 2014 8:46PM
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Cobra said..

laceys lane said..

Cobra said..
I think some in here have obsessive compulsive disorders.

come on cobra, spit it out- what's your poison

I just remember when blokes had boards for a year, you young hipsters are making me feel-bad

I had the tommy for a year, I had the hotlog for a year.

so stick that in your peace pipe

QLD, 21947 posts
28 Dec 2014 8:51PM
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Snake bite coming

9106 posts
28 Dec 2014 6:52PM
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laceys lane said..
Cobra said..

laceys lane said..

Cobra said..
I think some in here have obsessive compulsive disorders.

come on cobra, spit it out- what's your poison

I just remember when blokes had boards for a year, you young hipsters are making me feel-bad

I had the tommy for a year, I had the hotlog for a year.

so stick that in your peace pipe

What about the plum color mini mal

9106 posts
28 Dec 2014 6:54PM
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Wait a min,,,I'll just go and sharpen a tooth

TAS, 2249 posts
28 Dec 2014 9:55PM
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Thinking about downsizing to 1 SUP ( DC 8 11) one longboard ( Goddard nimbus ) quiver . Only boards I use at the moment and tend to find when I do jump on the others wish I was back on them.

Must admit the new TC line of SUPs is very , very tempting

QLD, 3809 posts
28 Dec 2014 8:55PM
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After talking with SDR recently I'm considering a BeeSting around the 9'1 mark but with a Vanders rocker, just a thought................

9106 posts
28 Dec 2014 6:56PM
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Macaha said..
Snake bite coming

No need Mac,,in all the years I've surfed never seen punters keep mini mals

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Dec 2014 9:03PM
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Cobra said..

Macaha said..
Snake bite coming

No need Mac,,in all the years I've surfed never seen punters keep mini mals

cobra spit and bite.

this ones a spit

13831 posts
28 Dec 2014 7:04PM
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Lacey ......... staking a big early claim on the 2015 Glass Gannit & Sled Slut of the Year

9106 posts
28 Dec 2014 7:12PM
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Imelda marcos liked shoes.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Dec 2014 9:13PM
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thePup said..
Lacey ......... staking a big early claim on the 2015 Glass Gannit & Sled Slut of the Year

come on, you must have some pup love for a new shooter.

what the hell is wrong with you lot.

tell us your dreams instant of bagging me

13831 posts
28 Dec 2014 7:17PM
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laceys lane said..

thePup said..
Lacey ......... staking a big early claim on the 2015 Glass Gannit & Sled Slut of the Year

come on, you must have some pup love for a new shooter.

what the hell is wrong with you lot.

tell us your dreams instant of bagging me

bloody spell check can't mate , I need to get rid of stuff to make the move easier

9106 posts
28 Dec 2014 7:19PM
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laceys lane said..
thePup said..
Lacey ......... staking a big early claim on the 2015 Glass Gannit & Sled Slut of the Year

come on, you must have some pup love for a new shooter.

what the hell is wrong with you lot.

tell us your dreams instant of bagging me

I'm going to buy 7 boards next year 1 for everyday of the week,all different colors ,big ones and small ones .there

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Dec 2014 9:21PM
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I was just thinking. for all the amount of time on the breeze ive got no idea what pup surfs and all I know is cobra has a redline.

hmmmm, what are those hiding- 666's is my guess

out with your quivers yous two

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
28 Dec 2014 10:23PM
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vanders1 said..
but with a Vanders rocker, just a thought................

Please talk me through the Vanders rocker !! !! I am super intrigued. I do not even think that Mac has his own rocker yet whilst LL is still using MRs

Board wise things are pretty good for me right now but the quiver needs some final (well for now anyway) adjusting.

2 new boards will be purchased this year - a 7'2" to 7'6" big volumed gun for those windy days when its big and a 6'5" step up with lots of volume and a rounded pin - although this might become a Vader - still trying to decide. I am replacing my 6'6" M Burton Silver Bullet. It has served me well but its time to say good bye - although I might try some AM2s on it first

But its not even 2015 yet so there is clearly lots of time to refine this decision making process

Right now we are in the market for a new second hand surf 666 for the lady - so if you have any to move on LL let me know. Looking for something around 100 - 120 litres 8'6" - 9'2".

13831 posts
28 Dec 2014 7:24PM
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Actually when I get things sorted I might snap up a kneelo for something different

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Dec 2014 9:25PM
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arrrr, ted don't do surf sups anymore

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
28 Dec 2014 10:25PM
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laceys lane said..
I was just thinking. for all the amount of time on the breeze ive got no idea what pup surfs

He has a beautiful Ron Goddard long board - I even had it in my sweet little arms to take it for a surf one day last month - but the surf god Huey failed to deliver and we passed on a session. Instead we just chewed the fat and spun some good yarns. Go the Pup I say !

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Dec 2014 9:26PM
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thePup said..
Actually when I get things sorted I might snap up a kneelo for something different

jolly joker


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"board/boards of the year for next year" started by laceys lane