Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
WA, 3028 posts
3 Apr 2017 8:05AM
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GPA said..
Went to LBB for the shift change at 9:30am - offshore was whipping up the sand and white-capping the ocean so I went and had a coffee and read the paper until 11:00am... The surf was consistent and there was a decent sized swell, but the wind, rips and drift made it hard work. I got out at 1:00pm and it looked like it might have cleaned up a bit but there was a bit more south coming through in the wind. 99% lefts today. Beach was full of weed 5.5/10.

Im sure we surf a different beach

We were in the water at 7am on Saturday and out by 10. Sunday the weed was bad and much smaller but some good waves still came through.

WA, 2520 posts
3 Apr 2017 1:00PM
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I think I am getting picky in my old age! But seriously, that wind was shocking at 9:30am - may have been better early, but not good when I was there. Would like to have seen it around 2:00pm...

WA, 3028 posts
3 Apr 2017 1:35PM
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GPA said..
I think I am getting picky in my old age! But seriously, that wind was shocking at 9:30am - may have been better early, but not good when I was there. Would like to have seen it around 2:00pm...

It was strong but ok in the water.

WA, 934 posts
3 Apr 2017 4:13PM
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Been on a ripper trip with mates, great waves all week, some making my sphincter twitch. Snapped my V3 had a rashie ripped off me and a leggie stretched to twice its size, a couple of long swims with half a board and to retrieve boards after leggie failures and some bastard stole my Thongs from the parking spot...

Will add more photos soon

WA, 934 posts
3 Apr 2017 6:53PM
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WA, 3028 posts
4 Apr 2017 7:43AM
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The wrecked plane

Nice spot, great waves!

WA, 585 posts
4 Apr 2017 5:24PM
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Looks like the "Bok" excellent pics I blew it not surfing that break in the 1st pic when I was there

WA, 934 posts
9 Apr 2017 4:39PM
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Good fun at "secret" northern beachie so secret that only 30+ punters spread over 5-6 peaks waist to chest pin balling peaks kept us interested for 3-4 hours

WA, 3028 posts
10 Apr 2017 10:19AM
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mocha1 said..
Good fun at "secret" northern beachie so secret that only 30+ punters spread over 5-6 peaks waist to chest pin balling peaks kept us interested for 3-4 hours


WA, 397 posts
11 Apr 2017 2:59PM
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I managed to snag a few nice waves out at the rock this morning before every man and his boat turned up. I can't believe the blatant disregard for etiquette shown out there these days. Every bloke that turned up after me paddled straight to the inside rather than getting in line. Just to top it all off some idiot parked his Caribbean directly over my anchor leaving me with a total pain in the arse exit

WA, 3028 posts
11 Apr 2017 3:17PM
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mitchbat said..
I managed to snag a few nice waves out at the rock this morning before every man and his boat turned up. I can't believe the blatant disregard for etiquette shown out there these days. Every bloke that turned up after me paddled straight to the inside rather than getting in line. Just to top it all off some idiot parked his Caribbean directly over my anchor leaving me with a total pain in the arse exit


752 posts
11 Apr 2017 3:33PM
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mitchbat said..
I managed to snag a few nice waves out at the rock this morning before every man and his boat turned up. I can't believe the blatant disregard for etiquette shown out there these days. Every bloke that turned up after me paddled straight to the inside rather than getting in line. Just to top it all off some idiot parked his Caribbean directly over my anchor leaving me with a total pain in the arse exit

Some peoples fun is just more important than yours.
Or so they think

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
11 Apr 2017 7:43PM
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I point the blame at the surf schools! The knobs running the lessons at one of Perth's beaches have no respect for other water users and ridicule those who take a stand.
Did I mention their kook credentials? Surf coaches?! Puulllease.

2224 posts
11 Apr 2017 8:52PM
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I here ta Mitch,

last year we are out at pretty solid wave near mindarie, generally nowadays and for someone with my temperament it's more of a mid week exercise. However for whatever reason or delusion I was under I thought mid morning sat was a good time, rocked up and there were half a dozen boats looking no one out. I couldn't believe my luck so clearly I became the guinea pig and entered the line up, snavelled a couple and was quite happy with myself..
nek minute full anchors getting thrown I. People entering line up some muppets anchor has dragged and his boat is now up on mine all wrapped up.
a sup paddles out drops in on me than goes over the falls ( within 30 seconds of entering the line up) he gets busted up and is spilling claret and loses his paddle.
its pretty solid I'm trying to not to want to rip his head off and doing some calming exercises and the sets keep rolling in. I'm doing ok and turn around to sup muppet who now has two 8 foot boards instead of one aircraft carrier.
he signals for help and against my better judgement and belief in survival of the fittest I feel a pang of humanity and go see him show him the channel and paddle him into it.
it is only than that he points at his boat smashing against mine and hear someone ripping into his friend out the back (for also dropping in) also on a sup that I realise Saturday/Sunday surfing is not really my thing, well it is but its not really anyone else's.
said muppet still bleeding heavily than gets helped onto my boat to get onto his. ( his shunned friend is also paddling over now)
(it is at this time I wish that piracy was an acceptable practice)
the whole line up looks over to see which boat el ****ito brothers are getting onto ( which is mine great just great)
i send them onto theirs than have to free dive to undo the anchor chain as mine is in good and theirs is macrame all around it.
they sit on their boat and drink the bottle of water I gave them, ( which I thought was extremely considerate of them)
after the rescue the anchor chain and there pollution of my surf time and taint of filth on my boat as an access point to their own.
i have now resurfaced and started my boat and they ask if they can help??

no no need you have done enough I reply.

total stats

my wave count 5 waves
surf time 1 hour 30 ( max)
rescue time 40 minutes
boarding and transfer time (20 minutes)
anchor scenario (30 minutes)

they did suggest that maybe they shouldn't of dropped in.

i started my boat and bid them farewell.

i have never ever surfed out there on a sat or Sunday since, yes I am missing out from it but it's too painful to my soul to do it.

rant over

WA, 3028 posts
12 Apr 2017 8:02AM
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WA, 397 posts
12 Apr 2017 8:32AM
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Razzonater said..
I here ta Mitch,

last year we are out at pretty solid wave near mindarie, generally nowadays and for someone with my temperament it's more of a mid week exercise. However for whatever reason or delusion I was under I thought mid morning sat was a good time, rocked up and there were half a dozen boats looking no one out. I couldn't believe my luck so clearly I became the guinea pig and entered the line up, snavelled a couple and was quite happy with myself..
nek minute full anchors getting thrown I. People entering line up some muppets anchor has dragged and his boat is now up on mine all wrapped up.
a sup paddles out drops in on me than goes over the falls ( within 30 seconds of entering the line up) he gets busted up and is spilling claret and loses his paddle.
its pretty solid I'm trying to not to want to rip his head off and doing some calming exercises and the sets keep rolling in. I'm doing ok and turn around to sup muppet who now has two 8 foot boards instead of one aircraft carrier.
he signals for help and against my better judgement and belief in survival of the fittest I feel a pang of humanity and go see him show him the channel and paddle him into it.
it is only than that he points at his boat smashing against mine and hear someone ripping into his friend out the back (for also dropping in) also on a sup that I realise Saturday/Sunday surfing is not really my thing, well it is but its not really anyone else's.
said muppet still bleeding heavily than gets helped onto my boat to get onto his. ( his shunned friend is also paddling over now)
(it is at this time I wish that piracy was an acceptable practice)
the whole line up looks over to see which boat el ****ito brothers are getting onto ( which is mine great just great)
i send them onto theirs than have to free dive to undo the anchor chain as mine is in good and theirs is macrame all around it.
they sit on their boat and drink the bottle of water I gave them, ( which I thought was extremely considerate of them)
after the rescue the anchor chain and there pollution of my surf time and taint of filth on my boat as an access point to their own.
i have now resurfaced and started my boat and they ask if they can help??

no no need you have done enough I reply.

total stats

my wave count 5 waves
surf time 1 hour 30 ( max)
rescue time 40 minutes
boarding and transfer time (20 minutes)
anchor scenario (30 minutes)

they did suggest that maybe they shouldn't of dropped in.

i started my boat and bid them farewell.

i have never ever surfed out there on a sat or Sunday since, yes I am missing out from it but it's too painful to my soul to do it.

rant over

I hear ya Razz. I gave up surfing these spots on weekends a few years ago myself but it's getting to the stage where mid week is mostly a circus as well

1197 posts
12 Apr 2017 8:35AM
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mitchbat said..

Razzonater said..
I here ta Mitch,

last year we are out at pretty solid wave near mindarie, generally nowadays and for someone with my temperament it's more of a mid week exercise. However for whatever reason or delusion I was under I thought mid morning sat was a good time, rocked up and there were half a dozen boats looking no one out. I couldn't believe my luck so clearly I became the guinea pig and entered the line up, snavelled a couple and was quite happy with myself..
nek minute full anchors getting thrown I. People entering line up some muppets anchor has dragged and his boat is now up on mine all wrapped up.
a sup paddles out drops in on me than goes over the falls ( within 30 seconds of entering the line up) he gets busted up and is spilling claret and loses his paddle.
its pretty solid I'm trying to not to want to rip his head off and doing some calming exercises and the sets keep rolling in. I'm doing ok and turn around to sup muppet who now has two 8 foot boards instead of one aircraft carrier.
he signals for help and against my better judgement and belief in survival of the fittest I feel a pang of humanity and go see him show him the channel and paddle him into it.
it is only than that he points at his boat smashing against mine and hear someone ripping into his friend out the back (for also dropping in) also on a sup that I realise Saturday/Sunday surfing is not really my thing, well it is but its not really anyone else's.
said muppet still bleeding heavily than gets helped onto my boat to get onto his. ( his shunned friend is also paddling over now)
(it is at this time I wish that piracy was an acceptable practice)
the whole line up looks over to see which boat el ****ito brothers are getting onto ( which is mine great just great)
i send them onto theirs than have to free dive to undo the anchor chain as mine is in good and theirs is macrame all around it.
they sit on their boat and drink the bottle of water I gave them, ( which I thought was extremely considerate of them)
after the rescue the anchor chain and there pollution of my surf time and taint of filth on my boat as an access point to their own.
i have now resurfaced and started my boat and they ask if they can help??

no no need you have done enough I reply.

total stats

my wave count 5 waves
surf time 1 hour 30 ( max)
rescue time 40 minutes
boarding and transfer time (20 minutes)
anchor scenario (30 minutes)

they did suggest that maybe they shouldn't of dropped in.

i started my boat and bid them farewell.

i have never ever surfed out there on a sat or Sunday since, yes I am missing out from it but it's too painful to my soul to do it.

rant over

I hear ya Razz. I gave up surfing these spots on weekends a few years ago myself but it's getting to the stage where mid week is mostly a circus as well


heaps of muppets out there now
especially mupps on sups

but every now and then you jag a good day where the forecast is a bit hidden or off - so it keeps us coming back!!

2224 posts
14 Apr 2017 3:20PM
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Somehwere western australia myself and two other dear friends public holiday and only three humans. Hahahaha between darwin and hopetoun somewhere.

Still possible
No further comment my arms are sore

WA, 7608 posts
14 Apr 2017 11:25PM
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Go back to the Valley kooks!

2224 posts
18 Apr 2017 8:08PM
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Attention this Saturday is showing strong sse winds but there is swell.
the barometric chart shows it as easterly pay attention to it there may be a window.
thats all

2224 posts
22 Apr 2017 3:49PM
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It's ik I'm talking to myself...
lbb not too bad bout chest to head high bit wonky heaps of weed on the beach but a few wedges.
relatively uncrowded early

76 posts
24 Apr 2017 1:35PM
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Razzonater said..
It's ik I'm talking to myself...
lbb not too bad bout chest to head high bit wonky heaps of weed on the beach but a few wedges.
relatively uncrowded early

I find if I have heaps of weed on the beach I can't surf as well.
Can definitely hook into a few wedges tho.......with some thai chilli sauce.........mmmmmm !!

WA, 6913 posts
24 Apr 2017 7:44PM
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Razzonater said..
It's ik I'm talking to myself...
lbb not too bad bout chest to head high bit wonky heaps of weed on the beach but a few wedges.
relatively uncrowded early

Had some fun waves at my local yesterday. Some decent sized wedges pushing through, water was super smelly again

WA, 585 posts
25 Apr 2017 6:11PM
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Went down the beach after lunch for a paddle across the bay and back (training for Indo) and had WTF moment as there were small waves. Traded waves with a mates son (gromit who ripped it like John John) had a ball.

WA, 147 posts
26 Apr 2017 6:06AM
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IFocus said..
Went down the beach after lunch for a paddle across the bay and back (training for Indo) and had WTF moment as there were small waves. Traded waves with a mates son (gromit who ripped it like John John) had a ball.

Haha, not before you had a carpark chat to me I think, Yellow LB? Bummed I couldn't sneak out for a paddle now.

WA, 147 posts
26 Apr 2017 6:28AM
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moohan said..

IFocus said..
Went down the beach after lunch for a paddle across the bay and back (training for Indo) and had WTF moment as there were small waves. Traded waves with a mates son (gromit who ripped it like John John) had a ball.

Haha, not before you had a carpark chat to me I think, Yellow LB? Bummed I couldn't sneak out for a paddle now.

Or alternatively, there was another guy I spoke to who was about to paddle across the bay in Mandurah in training for an indo trip!

WA, 3028 posts
26 Apr 2017 7:48AM
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Razzonater said..
It's ik I'm talking to myself...
lbb not too bad bout chest to head high bit wonky heaps of weed on the beach but a few wedges.
relatively uncrowded early

Yep I was there as well, not bad really

WA, 585 posts
26 Apr 2017 12:23PM
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moohan said..

moohan said..

IFocus said..
Went down the beach after lunch for a paddle across the bay and back (training for Indo) and had WTF moment as there were small waves. Traded waves with a mates son (gromit who ripped it like John John) had a ball.

Haha, not before you had a carpark chat to me I think, Yellow LB? Bummed I couldn't sneak out for a paddle now.

Or alternatively, there was another guy I spoke to who was about to paddle across the bay in Mandurah in training for an indo trip!

It was someone else I guess plenty of guys heading off soon for the season in Indo

Mick has a yellow LB but he doesn't need to go to Indo pretty much surfs every day

8266 posts
26 Apr 2017 5:22PM
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IFocus said..

moohan said..

moohan said..

IFocus said..
Went down the beach after lunch for a paddle across the bay and back (training for Indo) and had WTF moment as there were small waves. Traded waves with a mates son (gromit who ripped it like John John) had a ball.

Haha, not before you had a carpark chat to me I think, Yellow LB? Bummed I couldn't sneak out for a paddle now.

Or alternatively, there was another guy I spoke to who was about to paddle across the bay in Mandurah in training for an indo trip!

It was someone else I guess plenty of guys heading off soon for the season in Indo

Mick has a yellow LB but he doesn't need to go to Indo pretty much surfs every day

Could well have been me...keen as for an Indo trip.That kid was going off Ifocus, missus & I went for a walk down there just before lunch & the tide had improved that place heaps. Always fun to watch the groms, they make the waves look bigger

WA, 2520 posts
29 Apr 2017 1:10PM
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LBB still full of weed and rips. Decent swell but it was all over the place and far from its best. Very frustrating...


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie