Have a good trip Mick looking forward to the photos
Buster one of these swells has to hold above 2 meters
Mick please enjoy and share some pics as always, mate has been and he reckons it is underrated and perfect some days,
the weekend swell at current is looking the best in a while, keep an eye on it, the wind will not be what they are saying now..........:
It was lumpy and mildly horrible at my local. A few fun ones and some sneaker sets kept everyone on their toes.
Edit: It was a blast getting pushed for a change.
Late report and deliberate to limit midweek crowds.
my tinny had a hole which was fixed this week.
it was discovered after the coral spawn day so I couldn't surf the reefs for a few days. As stressful as this was it made me surf the beachies which after for me being some time were almost quite enjoyable.
I thought it best to select the most crowded wave in Perth so as to accelerate boat repairs.
Like a psychological hammer of incentive.
Anyway with my new found crowd loving attitude formed i paddled our at the point on Tuesday.
Firstly I'd like to say everyone should get a bloody job, what are you all doing surfing tuesdays, there was a bit off push and a few runners.
Wednesday was actually glassy and a bit smaller but a few odd ones off the reef.
My dingy hole is now fixed so I bid you all adooo on the Perth beachies until after winter,
Couple pics from weds..
I hope tomorrow is what they say it is ..........get out of town..........
Got a few funsies this arvo in the wind.
Was a strange one out, on mini SUP but mostly on his knees or bum. Only saw him stand when he's on a wave. Then over-surfing like he's auditioning for a spot in a reality tv show about goat boaters with one ended paddles and over priced wetties or something... I digress, where was I?,
Anyway, a heads up to you hopefulls: the life saving national titles are on at Scabs/ Triggs for two bloody weeks, so local to ghat will be mayhem. Margs is also on. Good luck and photos, boys!
Yeah........waves in the yesterday arvo.......well ugly but desperados do what desperados do and this morning a couple of nice drops crowd was like hairs on cats back but such is life looking ahead looks like back to crap again
Lbb total poo total utter poo
the drive is soooo long with the caravans and boats and traffic works.
double ups waist height maybe bigger wonky weedy and horrible.
The bakery on the other hand was warming, inviting and perfect flawless pastry.
I sat in the car for 2.5 hours for a pie............
pretty good pie but not that good
Yet, upon reflection, I did a minor drive and, appalled at the numbers in the water compared to the waves on offer, opted to bail on the idea of having any fun at all today.
Which of us was the winner I wonder?
After seeing photos of crowds from Sat, stayed home and played hard in the shallow sand. A few little fun runners, but it was pitching heavy still..
One of the local boys we put in a ambulance after he went head first into the sand resulting in loss of feeling down one half his body
Now for my whinge, i gave the ambulance directions directly even with the street name, She (lady at 000) couldn't find it and after 8 min, we discovered i was calling it Alexandria BLVD, but its actually Alexandria View... WTF is wrong with that system..
I didn't get a wave today but watched some lucky buggers score fun solid waves along Trigg stretch, it was NE with bowly wedgy nuggets popping up.
Not that may out either, good to see some people scored!
I didn't get a wave today but watched some lucky buggers score fun solid waves along Trigg stretch, it was NE with bowly wedgy nuggets popping up.
Not that may out either, good to see some people scored!
Spent weekend up north a little..
it was close to being good on sat, it was one where it's not great but not not great. Couple really good waves but an average surf. Waist/shoulder
sundays lightning made me retreat
Saturday will be major froth town - all the kooks that wait for that one special day every blue moon will descend en masse. Half would not have surfed since the Cyclone Swell...they claim that surf where they didn't even commit to one wave satisfied them til now.
It seems this special breed of surfer has had too long between sessions - forgets how to park between the lines in a car park, will probably leave their Star Surf or Hot Tamale board across the footpath blocking it for everyone, will have to slung wax of someone as they have never bought a block.
It will get worse when they get to the beach...they might even spot a peak down the beach with no one on it but settle for paddling out right in front of the few guys who are enjoying themselves on a less than average set up. He will sit so close to the blokes already out there they can smell his organic shampoo but he won't say hi, will drop in, and then drop in again, paddle up the shoulder and go for every wave - missing most until they are so buggered they wash into shore where they will sit and use the shower for 12 minutes whilst everyone waits for them to get every spec of sand off.
Then they will go and get a coffee and display their uncanny ability to order a coffee, drink it, get in everyones way standing in the middle of cafe all the while whilst talking on their phone about how the surf was 'going off' and the were 'killing it'. They then open their door onto the car next to them (that had to park on the kerb to fit), setting off the alarm and drive off to carry on their merry way saying to them selves - 'I love surfing, can't wait for the next generic offshore 2m+ Perth Saturday morning so I can made an ass out of myself'
Froth town indeed.
Saturday will be major froth town - all the kooks that wait for that one special day every blue moon will descend en masse. Half would not have surfed since the Cyclone Swell...they claim that surf where they didn't even commit to one wave satisfied them til now.
It seems this special breed of surfer has had too long between sessions - forgets how to park between the lines in a car park, will probably leave their Star Surf or Hot Tamale board across the footpath blocking it for everyone, will have to slung wax of someone as they have never bought a block.
It will get worse when they get to the beach...they might even spot a peak down the beach with no one on it but settle for paddling out right in front of the few guys who are enjoying themselves on a less than average set up. He will sit so close to the blokes already out there they can smell his organic shampoo but he won't say hi, will drop in, and then drop in again, paddle up the shoulder and go for every wave - missing most until they are so buggered they wash into shore where they will sit and use the shower for 12 minutes whilst everyone waits for them to get every spec of sand off.
Then they will go and get a coffee and display their uncanny ability to order a coffee, drink it, get in everyones way standing in the middle of cafe all the while whilst talking on their phone about how the surf was 'going off' and the were 'killing it'. They then open their door onto the car next to them (that had to park on the kerb to fit), setting off the alarm and drive off to carry on their merry way saying to them selves - 'I love surfing, can't wait for the next generic offshore 2m+ Perth Saturday morning so I can made an ass out of myself'
Froth town indeed.
Oh sou'wester it appears you have a similar heart to mine. cold dark and black like a chicken sandwich left in the back off the fridge for two months.
Their just hipsters having fun, it's best to get straight out of town.
My personal game is to count the people vs waves ridden in a ten minute period 50 people and three waves ridden in ten minutes best get out there and really clog up those banks.
Get in car ,point north or south accelerate for an hour to hour and a half open door suit up paddle out
A bit different to my M.O.
Check number of heads in water, shake my head, cry a little, get back in car and drive home, running over anyone and anything that will appease my anger. Wait for wind to crank up and try again.
Saturday will be major froth town - all the kooks that wait for that one special day every blue moon will descend en masse. Half would not have surfed since the Cyclone Swell...they claim that surf where they didn't even commit to one wave satisfied them til now.
It seems this special breed of surfer has had too long between sessions - forgets how to park between the lines in a car park, will probably leave their Star Surf or Hot Tamale board across the footpath blocking it for everyone, will have to slung wax of someone as they have never bought a block.
It will get worse when they get to the beach...they might even spot a peak down the beach with no one on it but settle for paddling out right in front of the few guys who are enjoying themselves on a less than average set up. He will sit so close to the blokes already out there they can smell his organic shampoo but he won't say hi, will drop in, and then drop in again, paddle up the shoulder and go for every wave - missing most until they are so buggered they wash into shore where they will sit and use the shower for 12 minutes whilst everyone waits for them to get every spec of sand off.
Then they will go and get a coffee and display their uncanny ability to order a coffee, drink it, get in everyones way standing in the middle of cafe all the while whilst talking on their phone about how the surf was 'going off' and the were 'killing it'. They then open their door onto the car next to them (that had to park on the kerb to fit), setting off the alarm and drive off to carry on their merry way saying to them selves - 'I love surfing, can't wait for the next generic offshore 2m+ Perth Saturday morning so I can made an ass out of myself'
Froth town indeed.
thankfully there are now a few options along the coast with the storm mixing the sand up a little.
The point is over, i think everyone is sighing with relief as it was getting mental and close to breaking point for many relaxed souls.
Fun banks last couple mornings along the stretch and pretty fun surfing with only a couple instead of crap loads of frothing grommets pushing everyone too deep and then of course there is the genre Souwester speaks of above haha made me giggle.
Few reefs throwing down onto sand also, been a few fun weekends local also if you gamble. dont take fancy boards tho as rocks bite.
Finally a bit of swell busy but mostly locals so good vibe had a couple of nice ones....now the wait for the next pulse.
I got barrelled not once or twice but thrice.
crowd of 10......wind got Better and better crowd of 6..............
Take that internet
I got barrelled not once or twice but thrice.
crowd of 10......wind got Better and better crowd of 6..............
Take that internet
Nice, 1 time more than me this month...might havta call in pics or it didn't happen...wait doubt I have evidence either haha
I got barrelled not once or twice but thrice.
crowd of 10......wind got Better and better crowd of 6..............
Take that internet
Infinitely more than me this month, but fun today none the less.
Fothers on top of frothers with foamies/beaters/minimals/funboards
on top of closeouts after closeouts plus backwash plus the afore mentioned frothers
since when did every man and his dog plus kooks on foamies and their chics surf....Perth has more surfers than people who live here it seems...apart from that the swellnet rating of 7/10 seems a tad over scored by about 5.......close outs with backwash plus kooks on foamies
Got two good ones in 3 hrs 1 of them interrupted by kook on foamie paddling out
apart from that cheers a Huey
Frothers you say! Peeps be surfing mega secret mysto spots daily in the hope of getting some solitude.
Not even sharks can dampen the spirit of a wave-starved West Aussie!!
After yesterday's surf where I had a delightful time out of town I took the missus and Bub for a local surf check and sandwich in the sand.
It was actually not too bad and had a swim with bubs and a bit of a body bash before taking up my real calling as on location photographer.
all photos taken with an I phone.
without further ado I bring you surf check photos.
As a now pronounced expert photographer this is what I expect too see when I look on the forum.
Now I'm guilty as the next man for rarely putting photos up.
No more, I'm setting a new standard.
( man I won't change but now and then sometimes occasionally I'll put some up, try A bit more effort everyone...........hahahaha....
but seriously
Perth metro metro